September 2012 Permafrost Alert

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12088764 Dogrul Selver, Ayca (University of Manchester, School of Earth Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Manchester, United Kingdom); Talbot, Helen M.; Gustafsson, Orjan; Boult, Stephen and van Dongen, Bart E. Soil organic matter transport along an sub-Arctic river-sea transect: Organic Geochemistry, 51, p. 63-72, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 70 ref., October 2012.

Bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) have potential as soil-tracing biomarkers for the extensive shelves of the Arctic Ocean. In this work these biomarkers were analysed in surface sediments along a well characterised sub-Arctic transect in the northernmost Baltic Sea from the Kalix River to the central Bothnian Bay to assess their environmental behaviour and potential for tracing the contribution of soil in this type of system. There was a high BHP diversity and enhanced total BHP concentration in the estuarine sediments, whereas a much less diverse pattern could be observed in the open bay with lower total BHP concentration. In addition, both soil marker BHPs (adenosylhopanes) and branched GDGTs were substantially more abundant in the estuarine than the open bay sediments. The Rsoil' index, based on the Rsoil index minus the contribution from the methylated soil marker BHPs, is suggested as a new approach for tracing soil derived organic matter (OM) in the (sub)-Arctic region. The index decreased along the transect in an off-river direction, correlating strongly with both the branched and isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index and the stable carbon isotopic composition of the sedimentary organic carbon. These field results indicate that both the Rsoil' and the BIT indices have potential for tracing soil derived OM in sub-Arctic to Arctic waters. Abstract Copyright (2012) Elsevier, B.V.

DOI: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.08.002

12092032 Dubreuil-Boisclair, Camille (Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Varennes, QC, Canada); Gloaguen, Erwan; Bellefleur, Gilles and Marcotte, Denis. Stochastic volume estimation and connectivity analysis at the Mallik gas hydrate field, Northwest Territories, Canada: in Geophysics in reserves estimation (Lorenzen, Robert, editor; et al.), Leading Edge (Tulsa, OK), 31(9), p. 1076-1081, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., September 2012.

Gas hydrates located offshore and onshore beneath thick permafrost areas constitute one of the largest untapped natural gas resources. Yet, gas hydrate in place (GHIP) estimation at the scale of a field is not common in the scientific literature but is required to realistically assess the economical potential of specific accumulations. Progress in the last decade in Alaska and Canada has shown that gas hydrate accumulations beneath thick permafrost can be mapped at depth using conventional seismic attributes (Inks et al., 2009; Riedel et al. 2009). To evaluate the economic potential of gas hydrates in this environment, a test site at Mallik, Northwest Territories, Canada, was extensively surveyed (three-dimensional seismic, full set of logs in two wells, etc.) and a production test was realized in high gas-hydrate horizons. At Mallik, high P- and S-wave velocities, high acoustic impedances, and strong seismic amplitude reflections were all linked to sand-rich sediments with a high saturation of gas hydrates (Bellefleur et al. 2006; Riedel et al.). This relationship provides a strong basis for an integrated data characterization of this gas hydrate deposit.

DOI: 10.1190/tle31091076.1

12092078 McColl, Samuel T. (University of Canterbury, Department of Geological Sciences, Christchurch, New Zealand); Davies, Timothy R. H. and McSaveney, Mauri J. The effect of glaciation on the intensity of seismic ground motion: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37(12), p. 1290-1301, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 42 ref., September 30, 2012.

Seismicity is known to contribute to landscape denudation through its role in earthquake-triggered slope failure; but little is known about how the intensity of seismic ground motions, and therefore triggering of slope failures, may change through time. Topography influences the intensity of seismic shaking - generally steep slopes amplify shaking more than flatter slopes - and because glacial erosion typically steepens and enlarges slopes, glaciation may increase the intensity of seismic shaking of some landforms. However, the effect of this may be limited until after glaciers retreat because valley ice or ice-caps may damp seismic ground motions. Two-dimensional numerical models (FLAC 6.0) were used to explore how edifice shape, rock stiffness and various levels of ice inundation affect edifice shaking intensity. The modelling confirmed that earthquake shaking is enhanced with steeper topography and at ridge crests but it showed for the first time that total inundation by ice may reduce shaking intensity at hill crests to about 20-50% of that experienced when no ice is present. The effect is diminished to about 80-95% if glacier ice level reduces to half of the mountain slope height. In general, ice cover reduced shaking most for the steepest-sided edifices, for wave frequencies higher than 3 Hz, and when ice was thickest and the rock had shear stiffness well in excess of the stiffness of ice. If rock stiffness is low and shear-wave velocity is similar to that of ice, the presence of ice may amplify the shaking of rock protruding above the ice surface. The modelling supports the idea that topographic amplification of earthquake shaking increases as a result of glacial erosion and deglaciation. It is possible that the effect of this is sufficient to have influenced the distribution of post-glacial slope failures in glaciated seismically active areas. Abstract Copyright (2010), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

DOI: 10.1002/esp.3251

12086253 Wadham, J. L. (University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom); Arndt, S.; Tulaczyk, S.; Stibal, M.; Tranter, M.; Telling, J.; Lis, G. P.; Lawson, E.; Ridgwell, A.; Dubnick, A.; Sharp, M. J.; Anesio, A. M. and Butler, C. E. H. Potential methane reservoirs beneath Antarctica: Nature (London), 488(7413), p. 633-637, illus., 32 ref., August 30, 2012. Supplemental information/data is available in the online version of this article.

DOI: 10.1038/nature11374

12091796 Zhao Xingmin (Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Institute of Mineral Resources, Beijing, China); Deng Jian; Li Jinping; Lu Cheng and Song Jian. Gas hydrate formation and its accumulation potential in Mohe permafrost, China: Marine and Petroleum Geology, 35(1), p. 166-175, illus. incl. 4 tables, geol. sketch map, 57 ref., August 2012.

The Mohe region is an area of continuous permafrost in northernmost China with strong similarities to other known gas-hydrate-bearing regions. Permafrost thickness is typically 20-80 m; average surface temperature ranges from -0.5°C to -3.0°C, and the geothermal gradient is roughly 1.6°C/100 m. We estimate that 204.66´1012 m3 of hydrocarbon gases have been generated in the Mohe basin from nearly 1000 m middle Jurassic dark mudstones, providing ample gas source for gas hydrate formation. Numerous folds in the shallow section provide opportunities to trap gas within sandstones and siltstones reservoirs bounded by competent mudstone seals. Gas migration to the shallow section is enabled via fault fracture zones and fracture systems. Based on core description and observations of gas releases from drilled wells, we infer that the Mohe region could hold large quantities of natural gas in the form of gas hydrate. Abstract Copyright (2012) Elsevier, B.V.

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.04.003

12091862 Gibbard, Philip L. (University of Cambridge, Department of Geography, Cambridge, United Kingdom); West, Richard G.; Boreham, Steve and Rolfe, Christopher J. Late middle Pleistocene ice-marginal sedimentation in East Anglia, England: Boreas, 41(3), p. 319-336, illus. incl. sects., strat. cols., 3 tables, geol. sketch maps, 72 ref., July 2012.

Investigation of isolated landforms on the eastern margin of the East Anglian Fenland at Feltwell and Methwold Hythe, Norfolk has demonstrated that they represent glacifluvial delta-fan and related sediments. Section logging, borehole records and previous descriptions together indicate that the deposits were laid down as an ice-marginal delta complex and feeder channel into a proglacial lake. The internal structure and form of the delta and related feeder channel have also been determined using ground-penetrating radar. The sequence indicates deposition at the ice front, together with minor ice-front movements, a substantial discharge event and repeated solutional collapse of the underlying bedrock. Postdepositional solifluction and cryoturbation also occurred. The glaciomarginal landform complexes form part of a line of delta-fan and associated accumulations (the 'Skertchly Line') deposited at the margin of an ice lobe that entered the Fenland. Here the ice dammed westward-aligned rivers to form a lake, here called Lake Paterson. These observations reinforce earlier descriptions of a late Middle Pleistocene glaciation of the Fenland termed the 'Tottenhill glaciation'. Previous research concluded that the glaciation occurred at c. 160 ka, that is, during the late Wolstonian (= late Saalian) Stage (Drenthe Substage, early Marine Isotope Stage 6), a correlation supported by evidence from the North Sea floor. The implications of these conclusions are discussed. Abstract Copyright (2012), The Boreas Collegium.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2011.00236.x

12091866 Theuerkauf, Martin (University of Greifswald, Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, Greifswald, Germany) and Joosten, Hans. Younger Dryas cold stage vegetation patterns of Central Europe; climate, soil and relief controls: Boreas, 41(3), p. 391-407, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 106 ref., July 2012. Supplemental information/data is available in the online version of this article.

In the north Atlantic region the final period of the last ice age saw abrupt shifts between near present-day warm and near ice age cold conditions, ending with the cold Younger Dryas. The effects of the cold periods may have been more severe in the vicinity of the Atlantic Ocean than in continental Europe. We use pollen percentage and influx data combined with data on substrate and relief to reconstruct spatially explicit vegetation composition, patterns and development during the Younger Dryas, with special focus on to the forest/non-forest transition across NE Germany. Opposing trends, such as birch pollen percentages sharply increasing but accumulation rates sharply decreasing northwards, underline pitfalls in the interpretation of pollen percentage data in tree-line situations. The combined approach reveals a sharp ecotone. Pine declined on northern sites, possibly because of permafrost formation, but was hardly affected in the south. Birch also declined in the south, possibly because of the severe winter cold. Cold-adapted trees did not enter forest gaps. The cooling had little impact on herbal vegetation. Steppe elements (grasses, Artemisia) were largely restricted to south-exposed slopes and did not benefit from the cooling - patches of steppe vegetation were even less abundant than during the preceding warm periods. The approach of combining fossil pollen data, including accumulation rates, with data on the contemporary distribution of substrate and relief allowed unprecedented spatial resolution to be reached in the reconstruction of Younger Dryas vegetation patterns. Abstract Copyright (2012), The Boreas Collegium.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2011.00240.x

12091872 Wagner, Bernd (University of Cologne, Institute for Geology and Mineralogy, Cologne, Germany) and Bennike, Ole. Chronology of the last deglaciation and Holocene environmental changes in the Sisimiut area, SW Greenland based on lacustrine records: Boreas, 41(3), p. 481-493, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 32 ref., July 2012.

The Sisimiut area was deglaciated in the early Holocene, c. 11 cal. ka BP. At that time the lowlands were inundated by the sea, but the isostatic rebound surpassed the global sea-level rise, and the lowlands emerged from the sea. The pioneer vegetation in the area consisted of mosses and herbaceous plants. The oldest remains of woody plants (Empetrum nigrum) are dated to c. 10.3 cal. ka BP, and remains of Salix herbacea and Harrimanella hypnoides are found in slightly younger sediments. The maximum occurrence of statoblasts of the bryozoan Plumatella repens from c. 10 to 4.5 cal. ka BP probably reflects the Holocene thermal maximum, which is also indicated in geochemical proxies of the lake sediments. A maximum in organic matter accumulation in one of the three studied lakes c. 3 cal. ka BP can probably be ascribed to a late Holocene short-duration temperature maximum or a period of increased aridity. Cenococcum geophilum sclerotia are common in the late Holocene, implying increased soil erosion during the Neoglaciation. A comparison with sediment and macrofossil records from inland shows similar Holocene trends and a similar immigration history. It also reveals that there has been a significant gradient throughout the Holocene, from an oceanic and stable climate at the outer coast to a more continental and unstable climate with warmer summers and drier conditions close to the margin of the Greenland ice sheet, where the buffer capacity of the sea is lower. Abstract Copyright (2012), The Boreas Collegium.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2011.00245.x

12088454 Wen Zhi (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environment and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Lanzhou, China); Ma Wei; Feng Wenjie; Deng Yousheng; Wang Dayan; Fan, Zhaosheng and Zhou Chenglin. Experimental study on unfrozen water content and soil matric potential of Qinghai-Tibetan silty clay: Environmental Earth Sciences, 66(5), p. 1467-1476, illus. incl. 2 tables, 45 ref., July 2012. Supplemental information/data is available in the online version of this article.

A new soil moisture content sensor coupled with a new matric potential sensor that can operate in the subfreezing environment was used to measure the moisture content and soil matric potential dynamics of Qinghai-Tibetan silty clay. Combined with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique and thermal resistor temperature probe, the characteristics of unfrozen water content and soil matric potential, and their relationships with temperature were analyzed. The results show that initial water content has an impact on the freezing point and unfrozen water content. The decrease in the initial water content results in a depression in the freezing point. The Qinghai-Tibetan silty clay has more similar unfrozen water content characteristic to clay than to silt. There is approximately 3% of unfrozen water content retained when the soil temperature drops to -15°C. The change of soil matric potential with temperature is similar to that of the unfrozen water content. The matric potential value of the saturated silty clay is approximately -200 kPa when the soil temperature drops to -20°C. The measured matric potentials are significantly lower than the calculated theoretical values based on the freezing point depression. Moisture migration experiment indicates that soil matric potential controls the direction of moisture movement and moisture redistribution (including ice and liquid water) during the soil freezing. Copyright 2011 Springer-Verlag

DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1386-0

12091759 Agatova, A. R. (Russian Academy of Science-Siberian Branch, Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation); Nazarov, A. N.; Nepop, R. K. and Rodnight, H. Holocene glacier fluctuations and climate changes in the southeastern part of the Russian Altai (south Siberia) based on a radiocarbon chronology: Quaternary Science Reviews, 43, p. 74-93, illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map, 67 ref., June 8, 2012.

This study investigates glacier dynamic and climatic variations in the southeastern part of the Russian Altai (SE Altai) during the last 7000 years. Recent glacier retreats and ice melting in moraines has led to exhumation of organic material allowing the possibility of radiocarbon dating. We report here 57 new radiocarbon dates from wood remains buried by moraines and from proglacial forefields, from peat layers and lacustrine sediments that cover moraines, from dead trees at the upper tree limit, and from rock glaciers on trough slopes from six glacial valleys in the North Chuya Range, SE Altai. Such a numerous dataset for the vast but unified in neotectonic and climatic conditions area is presented for the first time the history of research in the Altai. Together with 62 previously published radiocarbon ages, mainly of fossil soils and peat layers in the foot of the ranges in SE Altai, they form the basis for understanding the relative magnitudes and timing of the most important glacial and climatic events of SE Altai. New data refute the traditional concept of the Russian Altai Holocene glaciations as a consecutive retreat of the late Wurm glaciers and argue their complete degradation at the head of trough valleys at least 7000 cal. years BP. Moraine complexes of three Holocene glacial stages are morphologically expressed in trough valleys of the North Chuya range. They correlate with three identified periods of glacial advances: from 4900 to 4200 cal. years BP (Akkem stage), from 2300 to 1700 cal. years BP (Historical stage) and in the 13th-19th centuries (Little Ice Age (LIA) or Aktru stage). The coincident extremes of lowering temperature and increasing precipitation during the Akkem stage led to abrupt glacier advances and forming of the most remote moraine complexes downstream in the valleys. Following glacier advances had distinctly smaller magnitudes. In addition to the radiocarbon data, the time limits of the Historical stage were defined more precisely using dendrochronological and archaeological data from Scythian burials of Pazyryk culture in SE Altai. Repeated forest regrowth in the presently glaciatiated area indicates significant retreat or even complete glacier degradation during interstage warming. The decreases of glacier length in the following stages argues for intensification of aridity in the SE Altai during the second half of the Holocene. The thermal minimum in the middle of 19th century, the greatest in the last millennium, did not positively influence the mass balance of glaciers, which also supports this conclusion. Abstract Copyright (2012) Elsevier, B.V.

DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.04.012

12090030 Evans, David J. A. (Durham University, Department of Geography, Durham, United Kingdom); Harrison, Stephan; Vieli, Andreas and Anderson, Ed. The glaciation of Dartmoor; the southernmost independent Pleistocene ice cap in the British Isles: Quaternary Science Reviews, 45, p. 31-53, illus. incl. geol. sketch map, 93 ref., June 29, 2012.

The granite uplands of Dartmoor have traditionally been considered to be relict permafrost and periglacial landscapes that lay beyond the limits of Quaternary glaciations but a variety of landform evidence indicates that a plateau icefield existed on the northern part of the moor, constituting the southernmost independent ice cap in the British Isles. Overdeepened or weakly U-shaped valley segments fringing north Dartmoor document an early, extensive phase of glaciation but the most convincing landform evidence relates to more recent, valley-based glacier occupancy. A moraine ridge on the Slipper Stones represents the most unequivocal palaeo-glacier on north Dartmoor with a palaeo-ELA of c.460 m above sea level (asl), although this relates to the youngest and most restricted phase of glaciation. A longer term ELA is likely to be represented by the Corn Ridge proto-cirque at 370-410 m asl. More extensive valley glaciers are recorded in each of the major drainage basins of north Dartmoor by arcuate and linear bouldery ridges and hummocky valley floor drift, which are interpreted as latero-frontal moraines deposited by outlet lobes of a plateau icefield. Recession of these lobes is marked by inset sequences of such ridges and occasional meltwater channels. Plateau ice was predominantly thin and protective, and snowblow and preferential accumulation in valley heads facilitated the modest glacial erosion and debris transport recorded in the landforms and sediments. It is proposed that the highest plateaux have been occupied by ice for the longest cumulative period of time throughout the Quaternary ("average glacial conditions"), explaining the distribution of different tor types on northern Dartmoor. This also explains the lack of tors on the most expansive of the highest plateau terrain (ice dispersal centres) as the product of: a) average glacial conditions preferentially removing tors or dampening their production rates; b) the survival of high relief (Type 1) tors during glaciation if they occupy summits too narrow to develop significant plateau icefields and/or ridges that are bypassed by faster moving ice in adjacent deep valleys; and c) the survival of subdued (Type 2) tors in areas glaciated less regularly during the Quaternary. Simple ice flow modelling indicates that a plateau icefield type glaciation is required for significant ice flow to occur and confirms thin ice cover, in particular on narrow summits, thereby supporting the explanation of tor class distribution. The modelling allows us to spatially correlate the geomorphological evidence of margin positions into two major stages and further indicates a strong altitude-mass balance feedback leading to an ice cap that is not in balance with its climate and with an extent that is limited by the length of the cold phases rather than their severity.

DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.04.019

12085736 Huggel, C. (University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Switzerland); Allen, S.; Deline, P.; Fischer, L.; Noetzli, J. and Ravanel, L. Ice thawing, mountains falling; are alpine rock slope failures increasing?: Geology Today, 28(3), p. 98-104, illus., 14 ref., June 2012.

Many high-mountain environments of the world have seen dramatic changes in the past years and decades. Glaciers are retreating and downwasting, often at a dramatically fast pace, leaving large amounts of potentially unstable debris, moraines and rock slopes behind. Although in the main invisible to the eye of an observer, permafrost, i.e. rock and debris with permanent zero or subzero temperatures, is thawing. Several slopes have become unstable and landslides potentially related to permafrost degradation have received wide-ranging attention from both scientists and the media. A number of those landslides can be related to the effects of recent changes in the cryosphere, which are ultimately driven by changes in climatic parameters, in particular temperature and precipitation. Abstract Copyright The Geological Society of London.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2451.2012.00836.x

12090242 Rinterknecht, V. (University of St. Andrews, School of Geography and Geosciences, Saint Andrews, United Kingdom); Braucher, R.; Böse, M.; Bourlès, D. and Mercier, J. L. Late Quaternary ice sheet extents in northeastern Germany inferred from surface exposure dating: in Quaternary glaciation history of northern Europe (Lüthgens, Christopher, editor; et al.), Quaternary Science Reviews, 44, p. 89-95, illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map, 42 ref., June 21, 2012.

We determined in situ cosmogenic 10Be ages for 11 boulders on the Hoher Flaming ice marginal belt and five boulders on the Gerswalder moraine, a recessional moraine of the Pomeranian stage. Previous time estimations for the deposition of these moraines along the southern margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) in northeastern Germany are mostly based on geomorphology and stratigraphy, and on few radiocarbon dates and recently published surface exposure ages in the case of the Pomeranian moraine. Our new exposure ages range from 21.7±1.2 10Be ka to 172.6±6.0 10Be ka for the Hoher Flaming ice marginal belt. The wide range of exposure ages may reflect episodic ice marginal belt modification due to intensified erosion by meltwater channeled in the Baruther Urstromtal, (ice marginal valley) accompanied by long-lasting erosional processes like solifluction and aeolian deflation. For the Gerswalder moraine, our new exposure ages range from 12.3±0.6 10Be ka to 16.6±1.0 10Be ka. Excluding the youngest sample (BER-97-03), we calculated error-weighted mean ages ranging from 15.2±0.5 10Be ka to 16.0±0.5 10Be ka (n=4), depending on choice of scaling methods, surface erosion and snow cover. These results firmly establish the position of the southern margin of the SIS in northeastern Germany during the Gerswalder substage a recessional phase of the Pomeranian stage. Abstract Copyright (2012) Elsevier, B.V.

DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.07.026

12083873 Schwenzer, S. P. (Universities Space Research Association, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX); Abramov, O.; Allen, C. C.; Clifford, S. M.; Cockell, C. S.; Filiberto, J.; Kring, D. A.; Lasue, J.; McGovern, P. J.; Newsom, H. E.; Treiman, A. H.; Vaniman, D. T. and Wiens, R. C. Puncturing Mars; how impact craters interact with the Martian cryosphere: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 335-336, p. 9-17, illus. incl. 1 table, 94 ref., June 15, 2012.

Geologic evidence suggests that the Martian surface and atmospheric conditions underwent major changes in the late Noachian, with a decline in observable water-related surface features, suggestive of a transition to a dryer and colder climate. Based on that assumption, we have modeled the consequences of impacts into a ~2-6 km-thick cryosphere. We calculate that medium-sized (few 10 s of km diameter) impact craters can physically and/or thermally penetrate through this cryosphere, creating liquid water through the melting of subsurface ice in an otherwise dry and frozen environment. The interaction of liquid water with the target rock produces alteration phases that thermochemical modeling predicts will include hydrous silicates (e.g., nontronite, chlorite, serpentine). Thus, even small impact craters are environments that combine liquid water and the presence of alteration minerals that make them potential sites for life to proliferate. Expanding on the well-known effects of large impact craters on target sites, we conclude that craters as small as ~5-20 km (depending on latitude) excavate large volumes of material from the subsurface while delivering sufficient heat to create liquid water (through the melting of ground ice) and drive hydrothermal activity. This connection between the surface and subsurface made by the formation of these small, and thus more frequent, impact craters may also represent the most favorable sites to test the hypothesis of life on early Mars. Abstract Copyright (2012) Elsevier, B.V.

DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.04.031

12091746 Blanchet, J. (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland) and Davison, A. C. Statistical modelling of ground temperature in mountain permafrost: Proceedings - Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 468(2141), p. 1472-1495, illus. incl. 5 tables, 40 ref., May 8, 2012. Includes appendices.

Permafrost consists of soil and rocks that remain at 0°C or below for at least two consecutive years. In mountains, permafrost ground ice acts like cement, stabilizing rock walls. Its degradation, following climate warming, may lead to slope instability in high mountains and damage to infrastructure, so knowledge about its evolution is essential for risk analysis. In pure solids, heat is transferred by conduction, but permafrost ground is also subject to non-conductive fluxes, and heat transfers are influenced by factors such as air temperature and snow cover, so a deterministic scheme cannot fully describe heat propagation. Current approaches to modelling use numerical models involving heat conduction schemes and energy balance models, requiring data on quantities such as relative humidity and radiation. We describe a stochastic treatment of the heat equation, which adapts to space-time changes in heat transfers driven by factors such as air temperature and snow cover, without requiring corresponding data, as part of a statistical model. The flexibility and performance of our approach are illustrated using data from two boreholes in the Swiss Alps, which show the strong influence of snow cover on ground temperature and the long-term degradation of permafrost produced by the 2003 heat wave.

DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2011.0615

12092242 Ho, Simon (University of Sydney, School of Biological Sciences, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia). Frozen in time; what caused the extinction of the ice age megafauna: Australasian Science (Hawksburn), 33(4), p. 24-26, illus., May 2012.

A new study of ancient DNA preserved in permafrost has revealed that Ice Age megafauna varied considerably in their ability to survive climate change and the spread of humans.

12091851 Asahara, Yoshihiro (Nagoya University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Nagoya, Japan); Takeuchi, Fumi; Nagashima, Kana; Harada, Naomi; Yamamoto, Koshi; Oguri, Kazumasa and Tadai, Osamu. Provenance of terrigenous detritus of the surface sediments in the Bering and Chukchi Seas as derived from Sr and Nd isotopes; implications for recent climate change in the Arctic regions: in Climate change dynamics of present and past in the North Pacific and its northern marginal seas (Harada, Naomi, editor; et al.), Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 61-64, p. 155-171, illus. incl. 6 tables, sketch map, 66 ref., March 2012.

Strontium and Nd isotope analysis of the detrital fractions extracted from the marginal sea sediments in the Arctic was applied to examine regional and temporal changes in the inflow and transportation of terrigenous material in the Chukchi and Bering Seas over the past 100 years. Regional distributions of the Sr and Nd isotopes of the surface sediments show higher Sr isotope ratios and lower Nd isotope ratios in the Chukchi Sea (87Sr/86Sr=0.7106-0.7150; eNd=-10.1 to -8.3), and lower Sr isotope ratios and higher Nd isotope ratios in the eastern Bering Sea (0.7045-0.7109; -8.6 to +3.0). In addition, the Rb and Sr contents and REE patterns (e.g., Eu/Eu) changed noticeably across the Bering Strait. These variations mean that the sediments in the Bering and Chukchi Seas have clearly distinct sources. The terrigenous detritus in the Chukchi Sea is mainly derived from northeastern Siberia (87Sr/86Sr=0.711; eNd=-9) and Bering Strait inflow (essentially from the Yukon River), and additionally from the Mackenzie River basin including the Canadian Shield (0.732-0.734; -14). The detritus in the eastern Bering Sea mainly consists of two components: the continental material from the Yukon River basin mainly underlain by Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks in the Alaskan mainland (0.708-0.709; -9 to -8), and the Aleutian-arc volcanics (0.703; +6 to +10) transported northward by the Alaska Coastal and Bering Shelf Waters. The eastern Bering sediments over the past 100 years show slight variations of the Sr isotope ratio and relatively wide variations of the Nd isotope ratio, and the variations and trends of the time-series of the northeastern Bering Sea in the Sr-Nd isotope diagram are probably controlled by changes in the grain size of the detritus from the Yukon River basin. Some of the eNd time-series show periodic fluctuations correlating with the annual mean surface air temperature (SAT) for the Arctic: the eNd value is low in the high SAT period, and high in the low SAT period. In the warm period, the Yukon River was likely to supply a higher amount of the fine-grain material with a relatively low eNd value such as surficial overburden, probably because partial melting of continental glaciers and permafrosts in the Alaskan mainland increased. More detailed analysis with high time resolution is needed to clearly understand the effects the SAT have on the Arctic continental and marine environments. Abstract Copyright (2012) Elsevier, B.V.

DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.12.004

12085571 Goto, Hiroshi (Akita Society of Snow, Akita, Japan); Kikuchi, Katsuhiro and Kajikawa, Masahiro. Influence of different surface soils on snow-water content and snow type of the snow cover: Seppyo = Journal of the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice, 74(2), p. 145-158, (Japanese) (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 14 ref., March 2012.

This study deals with the variation in volumetric snow-water content and snow type on four different ground surfaces: sand surface, lawn, Akita cedar woods and open field of grassland. During the melting period, the snow-water content of the granular snow layer adjoining the sand surface did not increase, and the total water equivalent of snow on the sand surface was smaller than that on the neighboring lawn, although the snow depth was same in both cases. These characteristics mainly result from the differences in the wet density depending on the vertical distribution of snow-water content and snow type. Water permeability and water retention of the four different surface soils were examined. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of the sand surface was larger than that of the lawn, while the water retention of the former surface was smaller than that of the latter surface. These results suggest that the physical characteristics of the surface soils have significant influence on the snow-water content and snow type of the snow cover.

12088067 Kellerer-Pirklbauer, Andreas (University of Graz, Department of Geography and Regional Science, Graz, Austria); Lieb, Gerhard Karl; Avian, Michael and Carrivick, Jonathan L. Climate change and rock fall events in high mountain areas; numerous and extensive rock falls in 2007 at Mittlerer Burgstall, central Austria: in Concepts and implications of environmental change and human impact; studies from Austrian geomorphological research (Keiler, Margreth, editor; et al.), Geografiska Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography, 94(1), p. 59-78, illus. incl. 4 tables, geol. sketch map, 50 ref., March 2012.

Landslides in alpine areas are becoming more frequent. In 2007, a number of rock fall events occurred on the sharp SE-ridge of the mountain Mittlerer Burgstall (2933 m a.s.l., 47°06'07"N; 12°42'36" E) completely changing the shape of the mountain. Before the events, the SE-ridge was sharp with steep rock faces on both sides. The mountain was a nunatak surrounded by two glacier tongues of Pasterze Glacier during the Little Ice Age. In this paper we use geomorphological mapping, permafrost distribution modelling, glacier reconstruction, surface and near-surface ground temperature data, air temperature data, and airborne laserscanning data to assess these multiple rock fall events. Results show that the entire area of detachment covers 3100 m2. The areas of transportation and deposition cover 85 000 m2 partly contributing to the supraglacial debris cover of Pasterze Glacier. The volume of all rock fall deposits is about 56 000 m3. Permafrost modelling and ground temperature monitoring indicate that the area of detachment is located near the lower limit of discontinuous permafrost. Permafrost is relatively warm and thin at the summit area of Mittlerer Burgstall with a mean temperature of only -1.0°C at 1.8 m depth in 2007-2010. Substantial surface lowering of the glacier tongues surrounding the mountain on both sides (by -250 and -70 m since the Little Ice Age) changed the stress and strain field in the bedrock. Furthermore, the generally highly fractured bedrock favoured slope instability. The triggering event for the rock falls were most likely the effects of the warm winter of 2006/07 which was 2.2-4.8°C warmer compared to the seven winters before. A monitoring programme regarding future rock falls at Mittlerer Burgstall is ongoing. Abstract Copyright (2012), Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2011.00449.x

12088068 Mergili, Martin (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Institute of Applied Geology, Vienna, Austria); Kopf, Christian; Müllebner, Bernhard and Schneider, Jean F. Changes of the cryosphere and related geohazards in the high-mountain areas of Tajikistan and Austria; a comparison: in Concepts and implications of environmental change and human impact; studies from Austrian geomorphological research (Keiler, Margreth, editor; et al.), Geografiska Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography, 94(1), p. 79-96, illus. incl. 6 tables, geol. sketch maps, 64 ref., March 2012.

This paper quantifies recent glacier changes and possible future permafrost retreat in the Austrian Alps and the Pamir and Alai Mountains of Tajikistan (Central Asia), two mountainous areas with striking differences in climate and hypsometry, but also in economy and research history. The aim of the comparative study is to improve the understanding of regional differences as a baseline for further research and for a differentiated evaluation of possible socio-economic implications. Besides a review of the available literature, multi-temporal remote sensing of glaciers of selected areas as well as additional helicopter and field surveys were conducted. The Tajik glaciers displayed a differentiated behaviour during the investigation period 1968-2009, with a strong trend to retreat - at least since 2002. More than 100 pro- and supraglacial lakes have been forming or growing in the southwestern Pamir. Destructive outburst floods of such lakes have occurred there in the recent past. Almost all Austrian glaciers are in an advanced stage of retreat, a trend which continues at enhanced rates. Comparatively few glacial lakes exist in the direct forefields of the glaciers. Potential permafrost distribution maps for the present and the future were produced for Tajikistan and Austria by adapting an empirical model developed in Switzerland. In absolute terms, the highest loss was predicted for the Pamir. The expected relative loss in the same area is moderate compared to the rest of Tajikistan and particularly to Austria, where the model predicted the disappearance of more than 90% of the potential permafrost until the end of the twenty-first century. Abstract Copyright (2012), Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2011.00450.x

12088066 Otto, Jan-Christoph (University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology, Salzburg, Austria); Keuschnig, Markus; Götz, Joachim; Marbach, Matthias and Schrott, Lothar. Detection of mountain permafrost by combining high resolution surface and subsurface information; an example from the Glatzbach catchment, Austrian Alps: in Concepts and implications of environmental change and human impact; studies from Austrian geomorphological research (Keiler, Margreth, editor; et al.), Geografiska Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography, 94(1), p. 43-57, illus. incl. sketch map, 42 ref., March 2012.

Permafrost distribution in mid-latitude mountains is strongly controlled by solar radiation, snow cover and surface characteristics like debris cover. With decreasing elevation these factors have to counterbalance local positive air temperatures in order to enable permafrost conditions. We combine high resolution surface data derived from terrestrial laser scanning with geophysical information on the underground conditions using ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography and ground surface temperature data in order to understand the effects of surface characteristics on permafrost distribution in an Alpine catchment, Austrian Alps (Glatzbach, 47°2'23.49" N; 12°42'33.24" E, 2700-2900 m a.s.l.). Ground ice and permafrost is found above an elevation of 2780 m a.s.l. on north-east facing slopes in 2009, previous studies detected permafrost at the same site at 2740 m a.s.l. in 1991. Analysis of surface roughness as a proxy for grain size distribution reveals that the lower boundary of discontinuous and sporadic permafrost is lowered on rough surfaces compared to fine-grain zones. At the same location modelled potential summer solar radiation in coarse grain zones is reduced by up to 40% compared to surfaces of fine grain sizes. The mostly patchy permafrost distribution at the Glatzbach can therefore be attributed to local surface cover characteristics, particularly regolith grain size and its influence on solar radiation. We conclude that the analysis of ground surface characteristics using very high resolution terrain data supports the assessment of permafrost in Alpine areas by identifying rough surface conditions favouring permafrost occurrence. Abstract Copyright (2012), Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2012.00455.x

12088064 Sailer, Rudolf (University of Innsbruck, Institute of Geography, Innsbruck, Austria); Bollmann, Erik; Hoinkes, Susanna; Rieg, Lorenzo; Spross, Maximilian and Stötter, Johann. Quantification of geomorphodynamics in glaciated and recently deglaciated terrain based on airborne laser scanning data: in Concepts and implications of environmental change and human impact; studies from Austrian geomorphological research (Keiler, Margreth, editor; et al.), Geografiska Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography, 94(1), p. 17-32, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 31 ref., March 2012.

This article highlights the ability of airborne laser scanning (ALS) to detect, map and quantify geomorphological processes in high alpine environments. Since 2001, ALS measurements have been carried out regularly at Hintereisferner (Otztal Alps, Tyrol, Austria), resulting in a unique data record of 18 ALS flight campaigns. The quantifications of volumetric earth surface changes caused by dead-ice melting, fluvial erosion/deposition, rock-fall activity, gravitational displacements and permafrost degradation in glaciated, recently deglaciated and periglacial terrain is based on the analysis of ALS point clouds (vector data) to preserve the high quality of the data. We present inter-annual, annual and perennial trends of geomorpho-dynamically induced topographic changes. The most significant changes occurred at two dead ice bodies (-0.48 m and -0.24 m respectively per year). At a complex rock fall site, mean annual vertical changes of -0.25 m are observed in the source area, respectively 0.25 m of deposited material in the run-out area. Fluvial erosion processes are connected with subsequent gravitational denudation, reallocation and deposition. Topographic changes caused by fluvial erosion between 2001 and 2009 range from -0.68 m to -1.20 m. Surface elevation increase caused by fluvial accumulation is found to be 0.48 m from 2001 to 2009. Minor annual surface elevation changes (between -0.05 m and -0.10 m a-1) are detected in permafrost areas. Finally, the significance of the process-dependent topographic change rates is assessed, regarding the accuracy of the ALS data, the magnitude of the process, the time lapse between the single ALS-campaigns and disturbing factors (e.g. snow cover). For processes with high magnitudes time lapse rates can be shorter than one year and disturbing factors have only minor influences on the results. In contrast, results of processes with low magnitudes gain relevance with an increasing time lapse between the ALS campaigns, the frequency of flight campaigns and if disturbing factors can be excluded. Abstract Copyright (2012), Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2012.00456.x

12087685 Massa, Charly (Université de Franche-Comté, Laboratoire Chrono-environnement, Besancon, France); Bichet, Vincent; Gauthier, Émilie; Perren, Bianca B.; Mathieu, Olivier; Petit, Christophe; Monna, Fabrice; Giraudeau, Jacques; Losno, Rémi and Richard, Hervé A 2500 year record of natural and anthropogenic soil erosion in South Greenland: Quaternary Science Reviews, 32, p. 119-130, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 93 ref., January 16, 2012.

The environmental impact of the Norse landnam (colonization) in Greenland has been studied extensively. But to date, no study has quantified the soil erosion that Norse agricultural practices are believed to have caused. To resolve this problem, a high resolution sedimentary record from Lake Igaliku in South Greenland is used to quantitatively reconstruct 2500 years of soil erosion driven by climate and historical land use. An accurate chronology, established on 18 AMS 14C, and 210Pb and 137Cs dates, allows for the estimation of detritic fluxes and their uncertainties. Land clearance and the introduction of grazing livestock by the Norse around 1010 AD caused an acceleration of soil erosion up to ~8 mm century-1 in 1180 AD which is two-fold higher than the natural pre-landnam background. From 1335 AD to the end of the Norse Eastern Settlement (in the mid-fifteenth century), the vegetation began to recover from initial disturbance and soil erosion decreased. After an initial phase of modern sheep breeding similar to the medieval one, the mechanization of agriculture in the 1980s caused an unprecedented soil erosion rate of up to ~21 mm century-1, five times the pre-anthropogenic levels. Independently, a suite of biological and geochemical proxies (including Ti and diatom concentrations, C:N ratio, d13C and d15N of organic matter) confirm that the medieval and modern anthropogenic erosion far exceeds any natural erosion over the last 2500 years. Our findings question the veracity of the catastrophic scenario of overgrazing and land degradation considered to have been the major factor responsible for Norse settlement demise. They also shed light on the sustainability of modern practices and their consequences for the future of agriculture in Greenland. Abstract Copyright (2012) Elsevier, B.V.

DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.11.014

12091583 Spasskaya, N. N. (Moscow State University, Zoological Museum, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kuznetsova, T. V. and Sher, A. V. Morphometric study of the skull of a late Pleistocene mummy of the Bilibino horse from the western Chukchi Peninsula: Paleontological Journal, 46(1), p. 92-103, illus. incl. 3 tables, 20 ref., January 2012. Original Russian text published in Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, No. 1, pp. 89-101, 2012.

The skull of a mummy horse from the Late Pleistocene of the western Chukchi Peninsula is described. This is the seventh horse mummy recorded during the past 150 years in the Pleistocene permafrost of Siberia. Because of unique preservation (the skeleton is covered by soft tissues and skin) and young individual age (1-1.5 years of age), it is presently impossible to provide its correct species allocation of this specimen. Morphological features of the skull proportions and dentition of the Bilibino horse apparently reflect both species and individual characteristics of the structure and development. Copyright 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

DOI: 10.1134/S0031030112010133

12087789 Watanabe, Manabu (Tohoku University, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Sendai, Japan); Kadosaki, Gaku; Kim, Yongwon; Ishikawa, Mamoru; Kushida, Keiji; Sawada, Yuki; Tadono, Takeo; Fukuda, Masami and Sato, Motoyuki. Analysis of the sources of variation in L-band backscatter from terrains with permafrost: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(1), p. 44-54, illus. incl. 3 tables, 25 ref., January 2012.

DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2159843

12085348 Boeckli, L. (University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Zurich, Switzerland); Brenning, A.; Gruber, S. and Noetzli, J. A statistical approach to modelling permafrost distribution in the European Alps or similar mountain ranges: The Cryosphere (Online), 6(1), p. 125-140, illus. incl. 6 tables, 76 ref., 2012.

Estimates of permafrost distribution in mountain regions are important for the assessment of climate change effects on natural and human systems. In order to make permafrost analyses and the establishment of guidelines for e.g. construction or hazard assessment comparable and compatible between regions, one consistent and traceable model for the entire Alpine domain is required. For the calibration of statistical models, the scarcity of suitable and reliable information about the presence or absence of permafrost makes the use of large areas attractive due to the larger data base available. We present a strategy and method for modelling permafrost distribution of entire mountain regions and provide the results of statistical analyses and model calibration for the European Alps. Starting from an integrated model framework, two statistical sub-models are developed, one for debris-covered areas (debris model) and one for steep bedrock (rock model). They are calibrated using rock glacier inventories and rock surface temperatures. To support the later generalization to surface characteristics other than those available for calibration, so-called offset terms have been introduced into the model that allow doing this in a transparent and traceable manner. For the debris model a generalized linear mixed-effect model (GLMM) is used to predict the probability of a rock glacier being intact as opposed to relict. It is based on the explanatory variables mean annual air temperature (MAAT), potential incoming solar radiation (PISR) and the mean annual sum of precipitation (PRECIP), and achieves an excellent discrimination (area under the receiver-operating characteristic, AUROC = 0.91). Surprisingly, the probability of a rock glacier being intact is positively associated with increasing PRECIP for given MAAT and PISR conditions. The rock model is based on a linear regression and was calibrated with mean annual rock surface temperatures (MARST). The explanatory variables are MAAT and PISR. The linear regression achieves a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.6 °C. The final model combines the two sub-models and accounts for the different scales used for model calibration. The modelling approach provides a theoretical basis for estimating mountain permafrost distribution over larger mountain ranges and can be expanded to more surface types and sub-models than considered, here. The analyses performed with the Alpine data set further provide quantitative insight into larger-area patterns as well as the model coefficients for a later spatial application. The transfer into a map-based product, however, requires further steps such as the definition of offset terms that usually contain a degree of subjectivity.


12085350 Gruber, S. (University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Zurich, Switzerland). Derivation and analysis of a high-resolution estimate of global permafrost zonation: The Cryosphere (Online), 6(1), p. 221-233, illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch maps, 66 ref., 2012.

Permafrost underlies much of Earth's surface and interacts with climate, eco-systems and human systems. It is a complex phenomenon controlled by climate and (sub-) surface properties and reacts to change with variable delay. Heterogeneity and sparse data challenge the modeling of its spatial distribution. Currently, there is no data set to adequately inform global studies of permafrost. The available data set for the Northern Hemisphere is frequently used for model evaluation, but its quality and consistency are difficult to assess. Here, a global model of permafrost extent and dataset of permafrost zonation are presented and discussed, extending earlier studies by including the Southern Hemisphere, by consistent data and methods, by attention to uncertainty and scaling. Established relationships between air temperature and the occurrence of permafrost are re-formulated into a model that is parametrized using published estimates. It is run with a high-resolution (<1 km) global elevation data and air temperatures based on the NCAR-NCEP reanalysis and CRU TS 2.0. The resulting data provide more spatial detail and a consistent extrapolation to remote regions, while aggregated values resemble previous studies. The estimated uncertainties affect regional patterns and aggregate number, and provide interesting insight. The permafrost area, i.e. the actual surface area underlain by permafrost, north of 60° S is estimated to be 13-18 ´ 106 km2 or 9-14% of the exposed land surface. The global permafrost area including Antarctic and sub-sea permafrost is estimated to be 16-21 ´ 106km2. The global permafrost region, i.e. the exposed land surface below which some permafrost can be expected, is estimated to be 22 ± 3 ´ 106km2. A large proportion of this exhibits considerable topography and spatially-discontinuous permafrost, underscoring the importance of attention to scaling issues and heterogeneity in large-area models.


12085345 Hachem, S. (University of Waterloo, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Waterloo, ON, Canada); Duguay, C. R. and Allard, M. Comparison of MODIS-derived land surface temperatures with ground surface and air temperature measurements in continuous permafrost terrain: The Cryosphere (Online), 6(1), p. 51-69, illus. incl. 8 tables, sketch maps, 55 ref., 2012.

Obtaining high resolution records of surface temperature from satellite sensors is important in the Arctic because meteorological stations are scarce and widely scattered in those vast and remote regions. Surface temperature is the primary climatic factor that governs the existence, spatial distribution and thermal regime of permafrost which is a major component of the terrestrial cryosphere. Land Surface (skin) Temperatures (LST) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor aboard the Terra and Aqua satellite platforms provide spatial estimates of near-surface temperature values. In this study, LST values from MODIS are compared to ground-based near-surface air (Tair) and ground surface temperature (GST) measurements obtained from 2000 to 2008 at herbaceous and shrub tundra sites located in the continuous permafrost zone of Northern Québec, Nunavik, Canada, and of the North Slope of Alaska, USA. LSTs (temperatures at the surface materials-atmosphere interface) are found to be better correlated with Tair (1-3 m above the ground) than with available GST (3-5 cm below the ground surface). As Tair is most often used by the permafrost community, this study focused on this parameter. LSTs are in stronger agreement with Tair during the snow cover season than in the snow free season. Combining Aqua and Terra LST-Day and LST-Nigh acquisitions into a mean daily value provides a large number of LST observations and a better overall agreement with Tair. Comparison between mean daily LSTs and mean daily Tair, for all sites and all seasons pooled together yields a very high correlation (R = 0.97; mean difference (MD) = 1.8 °C; and standard deviation of MD (SD) = 4.0 °C). The large SD can be explained by the influence of surface heterogeneity within the MODIS 1 km2 grid cells, the presence of undetected clouds and the inherent difference between LST and Tair. Retrieved over several years, MODIS LSTs offer a great potential for monitoring surface temperature changes in high-latitude tundra regions and are a promising source of input data for integration into spatially-distributed permafrost models.


12085998 Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang (Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforsching, Forschungsstelle Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany) and Schirrmeister, Lutz, editors. Permafrost: Polarforschung, 81(1), 75 p., illus. incl. tables, sketch maps, 2012. Individual papers are cited separately.

12086004 Krautblatter, Michael (Universität Bonn, Geographisches Institut, Bonn, Germany) and Hauck, Christian. Neue Forschungsansätze zur räumlichen und zeitlichen Dynamik des Gebirgspermafrost und dessen Naturgefahrenpotentials [New approaches to research on the spatial and temporal dynamics of mountain permafrost and its potential as a natural hazard]: in Permafrost (Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang, editor; et al.), Polarforschung, 81(1), p. 57-68 (English sum.), illus. incl. sketch map, 117 ref., 2012.

Permafrost changes the thermal, hydraulic, and mechanic behaviour of permanently frozen debris and bedrock in high mountains. This results in a suite of typical geomorphological processes including enhanced ice segregation and ice creep, which act to generate landforms such as rock glaciers and (ice-supported) sagging rock slopes in permafrost areas. Correspondingly, there is a certain potential of natural hazards due to rapid fall processes detaching from rock walls and rock glaciers, due to continuous creep deformation and due to indirect effects e.g. on debris flow activity, glacial lake outburst floods and the flow regime of rivers. The warm permafrost in the Alps reacts sensitive to small alterations of climatic parameters such as air temperature, radiation balance, duration and timing of snow cover. First indications of the reaction of permafrost systems to the warm summer 2003 and the warm winter 2006/2007 are provided by surface and subsurface temperature measurements in the Alps, many of which are now systematically organized in monitoring networks. Besides, we identify four upcoming research approaches: (i) spatial characterization of permafrost and ice content in different landforms, (ii) (long-term) temporal monitoring and quantification of permafrost dynamics, ice content and thermal behaviour, (iii) kinematic assessment of unstable permafrost slopes and rocks as well as geomechanical process analysis and (iv) modelling of permafrost evolution applying different scenarios of climate change. These research schemes aim at developing an enhanced understanding of the trajectories of permafrost degradation and the related destabilization processes, in order to better anticipate the effects of climate change and the connected changes in the hazard potential. Research approaches of polar and alpine permafrost research could be better coupled in future to combine complementary concepts in different process, time and space scales.

12086005 Lantuit, Hugues (Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Forschungsstelle Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany) and Schirrmeister, Lutz. Permafrost und Mensch [Permafrost and man]: in Permafrost (Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang, editor; et al.), Polarforschung, 81(1), p. 69-75 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 40 ref., 2012.

Permafrost, a thermal condition of the ground, has long been an understated phenomenon because it is not necessarily detectable by the human eye and because it is found in areas that had little economic relevance for mankind. Permafrost-man interactions are however many and manifold. Rising air temperatures in the Arctic, Antarctic and the high mountain regions and consequently rising permafrost temperatures have has resulted in great threats on infrastructure of the higher latitudes northern and mountain, even though man had learnt to build on permafrost since thousands of years in some cases. Accelerating rock glaciers, greater risk of natural hazard in mountain regions, stronger coastal erosion and the danger of gas hydrates thawing are all anthropogenic impacts to a certain extent. Mankind has however also learnt to use the permafrost regions and sought to exploit it early on for its freezing properties in summer to store goods, or recently on a larger scale to protect seeds, to store carbon dioxide or even to extract information from permafrost bacteria in genetic research. The growing aa number of economic activities in the Arctic, the Antarctic and mountain regions will create considerable challenges for the permafrost environment and prompts the need for comprehensive monitoring strategies of permafrost.

12091708 Niemann, Helge (University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Basel, Switzerland); Stadnitskaia, Alina; Wirth, Stefanie B.; Gilli, Adrian; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Sinninghe Damsté, Jaap S.; Schouten, Stefan; Hopmans, Ellen C. and Lehmann, Moritz F. Bacterial GDGTs in Holocene sediments and catchment soils of a high alpine lake; application of the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer: Climate of the Past, 8(3), p. 889-906, illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch map, 87 ref., 2012. Includes appendices; published in Climate of the Past Discussion: 19 October 2011, URL:; accessed in Aug., 2012.

A novel proxy for continental mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and soil pH, the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer, is based on the temperature (T) and pH-dependent distribution of specific bacterial membrane lipids (branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers-GDGTs) in soil organic matter. Here, we tested the applicability of the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer to sediments from Lake Cadagno, a high Alpine lake in southern Switzerland with a small catchment of 2.4 km2. We analysed the distribution of bacterial GDGTs in catchment soils and in a radiocarbon-dated sediment core from the centre of the lake, covering the past 11 000 yr. The distribution of bacterial GDGTs in the catchment soils is very similar to that in the lake's surface sediments, indicating a common origin of the lipids. Consequently, their transfer from the soils into the sediment record seems undisturbed, probably without any significant alteration of their distribution through in situ production in the lake itself or early diagenesis of branched GDGTs. The MBT/CBT-inferred MAAT estimates from soils and surface sediments are in good agreement with instrumental values for the Lake Cadagno region (~0.5°C). Moreover, downcore MBT/CBT-derived MAAT estimates match in timing and magnitude other proxy-based T reconstructions from nearby locations for the last two millennia. Major climate anomalies recorded by the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer are, for instance, the Little Ice Age (~14th to 19th century) and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP, ~9th to 14th century). Together, our observations indicate the quantitative applicability of the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer to Lake Cadagno sediments. In addition to the MWP, our lacustrine paleo T record indicates Holocene warm phases at about 3, 5, 7 and 11 kyr before present, which agrees in timing with other records from both the Alps and the sub-polar North-East Atlantic Ocean. The good temporal match of the warm periods determined for the central Alpine region with north-west European winter precipitation strength implies a strong and far-reaching influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on continental European T variations during the Holocene.


12086001 Sachs, Torsten (Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam, Germany); Langer, Moritz; Schirrmeister, Lutz and Thannheiser, Dietbert. Permafrost in den arktischen und subarktischen Tiefländern [Permafrost in the arctic and subarctic lowlands]: in Permafrost (Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang, editor; et al.), Polarforschung, 81(1), p. 23-32 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 76 ref., 2012.

In recent decades permafrost landscapes in the arctic and subarctic lowlands have experienced warming resulting in a clear rising trend of permafrost temperatures despite some inter-annual variability and occasional cooling or stabilization. A widespread general deepening of the active layer, on the other hand, has not been observed. Changes in the carbon cycle of permafrost ecosystems also remain inconclusive due to a limited number of studies and their usually much localized focus. During the Quaternary environmental history of the Arctic, the non-glaciated Siberian lowlands have repeatedly experienced times of permafrost formation and permafrost degradation. Thus, the climate-change related long-term processes of permafrost dynamics can be reconstructed using environmental indicators from permafrost archives. Additionally, the amount of fossil organic material stored in the permafrost documents the permafrost's relevance for the global carbon cycle. In order to determine the current state and extent of permafrost ecosystems with regard to their thermal, hydrological, geomorphological, and carbon gas emission characteristics, a comprehensive standardized monitoring network combining remote sensing, modelling, long-term observations, and detailed process studies is urgently needed. Only if the current state of permafrost is well known, changes can be detected and future trends and developments can be predicted. That prediction in turn requires a thorough understanding of the paleoenvironmental history of permafrost landscapes.

12085999 Schirrmeister, Lutz (Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Poalr- und Meeresforschung, Forschungstelle, Potsdam, Germany); Siegert, Christine and Strauss, Jens. Permafrost ein sensibles Klimaphänomen; Begriffe, Klassifikationen und Zusammenhänge [Permafrost, a sensible climate phenomenon; concepts, classification, and relationships]: in Permafrost (Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang, editor; et al.), Polarforschung, 81(1), p. 3-10 (English sum.), illus. incl. 2 tables, geol. sketch map, 41 ref., 2012.

Important terms and relationships of permafrost research are introduced in a short review. Fundamental classifications as well as regional distributions and typical phenomena of permafrost are described and explained. The role of permafrost in the modern environment, especially its climate sensibility and the relevance for the global carbon cycle are highlighted. Finally, important science organisations and institutions of the international permafrost research are presented.

12086003 Schwamborn, Georg (Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Forschungstelle, Potsdam, Germany); Hauck, Christian and Zubrzycki, Sebastian. Eigenschaften des antarktischen Permafrosts [Properties of Antarctic permafrost]: in Permafrost (Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang, editor; et al.), Polarforschung, 81(1), p. 47-55 (English sum.), illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 66 ref., 2012.

Antarctic permafrost is generally dry and cold and is placed--if not in hardrock--in coarse-grained debris. In continental Antarctica the minimum temperatures in permafrost boreholes reach down to -23°C. In contrast, permafrost in the maritime Antarctica (Antarctic Peninsula and offshore islands) is relatively warm and extends to the 0°C mark. The landforms in this area include dead ice bodies at the edge of glaciers, rock glaciers and patterned ground. Permafrost temperatures and active layer depths are increasingly monitored as climate indicators in the Antarctic. Most monitoring sites are set up around Antarctic research bases. While the permafrost temperatures and active layer depths in the maritime Antarctic increase slightly, this is not true for the continental Antarctic with its much lower temperatures. However, the permafrost observation period is relatively short. Individual measurements reach back 40 years at maximum and continuous measurements at individual sites have been operating only for the last ten years. In the valley bottoms of the Transantarctic Mountains polygonal surfaces are found, which are similar to Martian surfaces and which are used for analogue studies based on satellite image interpretation. This overview paper reflects on the current state of knowledge about Antarctic permafrost and suggests some future research.

12086000 Wetterich, Sebastian (Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Forschungstelle, Potsdam, Germany); Overduin, Paul and Lantuit, Hugues. Arktische Permafrostküsten und submariner Permafrost im Wandel [Arctic permafrost coasts and changing submarine permafrost]: in Permafrost (Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang, editor; et al.), Polarforschung, 81(1), p. 11-22 (English sum.), illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 51 ref., 2012.

As the boundary between marine, terrestrial and atmospheric systems, the arctic coastal zone reacts sensitively to environmental changes, and is subject to a complex interplay of different, system-specific controlling variables. Dominated by permafrost, most of the arctic coastal zone is under-going significant changes, which are the focus of national, bilateral, and international research programs and projects. A more recent object of research examines the submarine permafrost of the arctic shelf seas and the interaction between flooded terrestrial permafrost and the sea-water. In this article, the key concepts and contexts for understanding the dynamics of arctic permafrost coasts and submarine permafrost are discussed in the context of specific research studies. Current changes in this climate-sensitive system are described and emerging issues and fields of research are identified.

12086002 Zubrzycki, Sebastian (Universität Hamburg, Institut für Bodenkunde, Hamburg, Germany); Kutzbach, Lars and Pfeiffer, Eva-Maria. Böden in Permafrostgebieten der Arktis als Kohlenstoffsenke und Kohlenstoffquelle [Soils in permafrost areas of the Arctic as carbon sink and source]: in Permafrost (Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang, editor; et al.), Polarforschung, 81(1), p. 33-46 (English sum.), illus. incl. 2 tables, geol. sketch map, 105 ref., 2012.

Permafrost-affected soils have accumulated enormous pools of organic matter during the Quaternary Period. The area occupied by permafrost-affected soils amounts to more than 8.6 million km2, which is about 27% of all land areas north 50°N. These facts enable permafrost-affected soil to be considered as one of the most important cryosphere elements within the climate system. Due to the cryopedogenic processes that form these particular soils and the overlying vegetation that is adapted to the arctic climate, organic matter has accumulated to the extent that today there might be up to 1024 Pg (1 PG=1015 g=1 Gt) of soil organic carbon stored within the uppermost three meters of ground. Progressive climate change has already been observed, and with projected polar amplification, permafrost-affected soils will undergo fundamental property changes. As an essential effect of these changes, higher turnover and mineralization rates of the organic matter are expected to result in increased climate-relevant trace gas release to the atmosphere. Therefore, permafrost regions with their particular soils are likely to trigger an important tipping point of the global climate system, with additional political and social implications. The question of whether permafrost regions are already a carbon source or even still accumulate carbon could not be satisfactorily answered until today. An increased focus on this subject, especially in underrepresented Siberian regions, could contribute to a more robust estimation of the soil organic carbon pool of permafrost regions as well as to a better understanding of the carbon sink and source functions of permafrost-affected soils.

12087644 Chen Lingkang (China University of Geosciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Wuhan, China); Lai Xulong; Zhao Yinbing; Chen Haixia and Ni Zhongyun. Organic carbon isotope records of paleoclimatic evolution since the last glacial period in the Tangjia region, Tibet: Journal of Earth Science, 22(6), p. 704-717, illus. incl. 2 tables, sects., geol. sketch map, 69 ref., December 2011.

We firstly present the description of the river terrace at Tangjia Village in Lhasa, Tibet, collect soil samples, and select the climate indicators including d 13C, total organic carbon (TOC), and the Rb/Sr ratios to study its paleoclimate in this area. Ancient climate changes have been reconstructed since the last glacier period. The results show that the d 13C, TOC, and the Rb/Sr ratio are good indicators of ancient climate fluctuations. Paleoclimatic evolution in the Lhasa Tangjia region could be divided into seven stages. In stages II (11.7-10.2 kaB.P.) and IV (8.1-6.1 kaB.P.), d 13C was positive and TOC was high, indicating that the climates in these two stages were relatively warm and humid. In stages III (10.2-8.1 kaB.P.) and V (6.1-4.9 kaB.P.), d 13C showed cyclical fluctuations, but TOC exhibited less change, suggesting that the climates displayed variation on the millennial scale. Moreover, the climatic variations were on a century-long scale during the later middle Holocene. Compared with d 13C from Sumxi Co and d 18O from the Guliya ice core, the study confirmed that four cold events occurred during the Holocene (9.4, 8.2, 5.4, and 4.2 kaB.P.). The climate indicators were limited to the river terrace based on the geological characteristics of the Lhasa region. Unexpectedly, d 13C was a sensitive indicator of climate change. Copyright 2011 China University of Geosciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

DOI: 10.1007/s12583-011-0221-6

12089732 Sokolov, S. Yu. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Geological Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation). Tectonic evolution of the Knipovich Ridge based on the anomalous magnetic field: Doklady Earth Sciences, 437(1), p. 343-348, sketch maps, 13 ref., March 2011.

Calculation of the downward continuation for the anomalous magnetic field at the Knipovich Ridge showed more complicate segmentation of the spreading oceanic basement than was earlier considered. The structural pattern of the field is evidence that the area consists of no less than four segments separated by transform fracture zones with the azimuth of oceanic crust accretion about 310° and the normal position relative to the rift segments with the azimuth of 40°. The modern location of the axis of the Knipovich Ridge straightens the complicate divergent boundary between the plates in the strike-slip conditions between the spreading centers of the Mohns and Gakkel ridges. The axis is a detachment zone intersecting the oceanic basement having formed from the Late Oligocene. A new magnetoactive layer composed of magmatic products has not yet been formed in this structure. Copyright 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X11030275

12091248 Alewell, Christine (University of Basel, Institute of Environmental Geosciences, Basel, Switzerland); Giesler, Reiner; Klaminder, Jonatan; Leifeld, Jens and Rollog, Mark. Stable carbon isotopes as indicators for environmental change in palsa peats: Biogeosciences, 8(7), p. 1769-1778, illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch maps, 43 ref., 2011. Published in Biogeosciences Discussion: 19 January 2011, URL:; accessed in May, 2012.

Palsa peats are unique northern ecosystems formed under an arctic climate and characterized by a high biodiversity and sensitive ecology. The stability of the palsas are seriously threatened by climate warming which will change the permafrost dynamic and induce a degradation of the mires. We used stable carbon isotope depth profiles in two palsa mires of Northern Sweden to track environmental change during the formation of the mires. Soils dominated by aerobic degradation can be expected to have a clear increase of carbon isotopes (d13C) with depth, due to preferential release of 12C during aerobic mineralization. In soils with suppressed degradation due to anoxic conditions, stable carbon isotope depth profiles are either more or less uniform indicating no or very low degradation or depth profiles turn to lighter values due to an enrichment of recalcitrant organic substances during anaerobic mineralisation which are depleted in 13C. The isotope depth profile of the peat in the water saturated depressions (hollows) at the yet undisturbed mire Storflaket indicated very low to no degradation but increased rates of anaerobic degradation at the Stordalen site. The latter might be induced by degradation of the permafrost cores in the uplifted areas (hummocks) and subsequent breaking and submerging of the hummock peat into the hollows due to climate warming. Carbon isotope depth profiles of hummocks indicated a turn from aerobic mineralisation to anaerobic degradation at a peat depth between 4 and 25 cm. The age of these turning points was 14C dated between 150 and 670 yr and could thus not be caused by anthropogenically induced climate change. We found the uplifting of the hummocks due to permafrost heave the most likely explanation for our findings. We thus concluded that differences in carbon isotope profiles of the hollows might point to the disturbance of the mires due to climate warming or due to differences in hydrology. The characteristic profiles of the hummocks are indicators for micro-geomorphic change during permafrost up heaving.


12091190 Becker, M. (Université Paul Sabatier-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiale, Toulouse, France); Meyssignac, B.; Xavier, L.; Cazenave, A.; Alkama, R. and Decharme, B. Past terrestrial water storage (1980-2008) in the Amazon Basin reconstructed from GRACE and in situ river gauging data: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 15(2), p. 533-546, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch maps, 57 ref., 2011. Published in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion: 15 October 2010, URL: 10.html; accessed in Aug., 2012.

Terrestrial water storage (TWS) composed of surface waters, soil moisture, groundwater and snow where appropriate, is a key element of global and continental water cycle. Since 2002, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) space gravimetry mission provides a new tool to measure large-scale TWS variations. However, for the past few decades, direct estimate of TWS variability is accessible from hydrological modeling only. Here we propose a novel approach that combines GRACE-based TWS spatial patterns with multi-decadal-long in situ river level records, to reconstruct past 2-D TWS over a river basin. Results are presented for the Amazon Basin for the period 1980-2008, focusing on the interannual time scale. Results are compared with past TWS estimated by the global hydrological model ISBA-TRIP. Correlations between reconstructed past interannual TWS variability and known climate forcing modes over the region (e.g., El Nino-Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation) are also estimated. This method offers new perspective for improving our knowledge of past interannual TWS in world river basins where natural climate variability (as opposed to direct anthropogenic forcing) drives TWS variations.


12085154 Cremonese, E. (Environmental Protection Agency of Aosta Valley, Saint Christophe, Italy); Gruber, S.; Phillips, M.; Pogliotti, P.; Boeckli, L.; Noetzli, J.; Suter, C.; Bodin, X.; Crepaz, A.; Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A.; Lang, K.; Letey, S.; Mair, V.; Morra di Cella, U.; Ravanel, L.; Scapozza, C.; Seppi, R. and Zischg, A. An inventory of permafrost evidence for the European Alps: The Cryosphere (Online), 5(3), p. 651-657, illus. incl. geol. sketch map, 10 ref., 2011. Includes 2 appendices.

The investigation and modelling of permafrost distribution, particularly in areas of discontinuous permafrost, is challenging due to spatial heterogeneity, remoteness of measurement sites and data scarcity. We have designed a strategy for standardizing different local data sets containing evidence of the presence or absence of permafrost into an inventory for the entire European Alps. With this brief communication, we present the structure and contents of this inventory. This collection of permafrost evidence not only highlights existing data and allows new analyses based on larger data sets, but also provides complementary information for an improved interpretation of monitoring results.


12085191 Daanen, R. P. (University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Northern Engineering, Fairbanks, AK); Ingeman-Nielsen, T.; Marchenko, S. S.; Romanovsky, V. E.; Foged, N.; Stendel, M.; Christensen, J. H. and Svendsen, K. Hornbech. Permafrost degradation risk zone assessment using simulation models: The Cryosphere (Online), 5(4), p. 1043-1056, illus. incl. 2 tables, geol. sketch map, 53 ref., 2011.

In this proof-of-concept study we focus on linking large scale climate and permafrost simulations to small scale engineering projects by bridging the gap between climate and permafrost sciences on the one hand and on the other technical recommendation for adaptation of planned infrastructures to climate change in a region generally underlain by permafrost. We present the current and future state of permafrost in Greenland as modelled numerically with the GIPL model driven by HIRHAM climate projections up to 2080. We develop a concept called Permafrost Thaw Potential (PTP), defined as the potential active layer increase due to climate warming and surface alterations. PTP is then used in a simple risk assessment procedure useful for engineering applications. The modelling shows that climate warming will result in continuing wide-spread permafrost warming and degradation in Greenland, in agreement with present observations. We provide examples of application of the risk zone assessment approach for the two towns of Sisimiut and Ilulissat, both classified with high PTP.


12085158 Dankers, R. (Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, United Kingdom); Burke, E. J. and Price, J. Simulation of permafrost and seasonal thaw depth in the JULES land surface scheme: The Cryosphere (Online), 5(3), p. 773-790, illus. incl. 5 tables, sketch maps, 64 ref., 2011.

Land surface models (LSMs) need to be able to simulate realistically the dynamics of permafrost and frozen ground. In this paper we evaluate the performance of the LSM JULES (Joint UK Land Environment Simulator), the stand-alone version of the land surface scheme used in Hadley Centre climate models, in simulating the large-scale distribution of surface permafrost. In particular we look at how well the model is able to simulate the seasonal thaw depth or active layer thickness (ALT). We performed a number of experiments driven by observation-based climate datasets. Visually there is a very good agreement between areas with permafrost in JULES and known permafrost distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, and the model captures 97% of the area where the spatial coverage of the permafrost is at least 50%. However, the model overestimates the total extent as it also simulates permafrost where it occurs sporadically or only in isolated patches. Consistent with this we find a cold bias in the simulated soil temperatures, especially in winter. However, when compared with observations on end-of-season thaw depth from around the Arctic, the ALT in JULES is generally too deep. Additional runs at three sites in Alaska demonstrate how uncertainties in the precipitation input affect the simulation of soil temperatures by affecting the thickness of the snowpack and therefore the thermal insulation in winter. In addition, changes in soil moisture content influence the thermodynamics of soil layers close to freezing. We also present results from three experiments in which the standard model setup was modified to improve physical realism of the simulations in permafrost regions. Extending the soil column to a depth of 60 m and adjusting the soil parameters for organic content had relatively little effect on the simulation of permafrost and ALT. A higher vertical resolution improves the simulation of ALT, although a considerable bias still remains. Future model development in JULES should focus on a dynamic coupling of soil organic carbon content and soil thermal and hydraulic properties, as well as allowing for sub-grid variability in soil types.


12083205 Griffin, Claire G. (Clark University, Graduate School of Geography, Worcester, MA); Frey, Karen E.; Rogan, John and Holmes, Robert M. Spatial and interannual variability of dissolved organic matter in the Kolyma River, East Siberia, observed using satellite imagery: Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(G3), Citation G03018, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 30 ref., 2011.

The Kolyma River basin in northeastern Siberia, the sixth largest river basin draining to the Arctic Ocean, contains vast reserves of carbon in Pleistocene-aged permafrost soils. Permafrost degradation, as a result of climate change, may cause shifts in riverine biogeochemistry as this old source of organic matter is exposed. Satellite remote sensing offers an opportunity to complement and extrapolate field sampling of dissolved organic matter in this expansive and remote region. We develop empirically based algorithms that estimate chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the Kolyma River and its major tributaries in the vicinity of Cherskiy, Russia. Field samples from July 2008 and 2009 were regressed against spectral data from the Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper-Plus. A combination of Landsat band 3 and bands 2:1 resulted in an R2 of 0.78 between measured CDOM and satellite-derived predictions. Owing to the strong correlation between CDOM and DOC, the resulting maps of the region show strong interannual variability of both CDOM and DOC, and important spatial patterns such as mixing zones at river confluences and downstream loading of DOC. Such variability was previously unobserved through field-based point observations and suggests that current calculations of DOC flux from the Kolyma River to the Arctic Ocean may be underestimates. In this era of rapid climate change, permafrost degradation, and shifts in river discharge, remote sensing of CDOM and DOC offers a powerful, reliable tool to enhance our understanding of carbon cycling in major arctic river systems.

DOI: 10.1029/2010JG001634

12085189 Hasler, A. (University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Zurich, Switzerland); Gruber, S. and Haeberli, W. Temperature variability and offset in steep alpine rock and ice faces: The Cryosphere (Online), 5(4), p. 977-988, illus. incl. 2 tables, geol. sketch map, 27 ref., 2011.

The thermal condition of high-alpine mountain flanks can be an important determinant of climate change impact on slope stability and correspondingly down-slope hazard regimes. In this study we analyze time-series from 17 shallow temperature-depth profiles at two field sites in steep bedrock and ice. Extending earlier studies that revealed the topographic variations in temperatures, we demonstrate considerable differences of annual mean temperatures for variable surface characteristics and depths within the measured profiles. This implies that measurements and model related to compact and near-vertical bedrock temperatures may deviate considerably from conditions in the majority of bedrock slopes in mountain ranges that are usually non-vertical and fractured. For radiation-exposed faces mean annual temperatures at depth are up to 3°C lower and permafrost is likely to exist at lower elevations than reflected by estimates based on near-vertical homogeneous cases. Retention of a thin snow cover and ventilation effects in open clefts are most likely responsible for this cooling. The measurements presented or similar data could be used in the future to support the development and testing of models related to the thermal effect of snow-cover and fractures in steep bedrock.


12083207 Hugelius, Gustaf (Stockholm University, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm, Sweden); Virtanen, Tarmo; Kaverin, Dmitry; Pastukhov, Alexander; Rivkin, Felix; Marchenko, Sergey; Romanovsky, Vladimir and Kuhry, Peter. High-resolution mapping of ecosystem carbon storage and potential effects of permafrost thaw in periglacial terrain, European Russian Arctic: Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(G3), Citation G03024, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 45 ref., 2011. Supplemental information/data is available in the online version of this article.

This study describes detailed partitioning of phytomass carbon (C) and soil organic carbon (SOC) for four study areas in discontinuous permafrost terrain, Northeast European Russia. The mean aboveground phytomass C storage is 0.7 kg C m-2. Estimated landscape SOC storage in the four areas varies between 34.5 and 47.0 kg C m-2 with LCC (land cover classification) upscaling and 32.5-49.0 kg C m-2 with soil map upscaling. A nested upscaling approach using a Landsat thematic mapper land cover classification for the surrounding region provides estimates within 5 ± 5% of the local high-resolution estimates. Permafrost peat plateaus hold the majority of total and frozen SOC, especially in the more southern study areas. Burying of SOC through cryoturbation of O- or A-horizons contributes between 1% and 16% (mean 5%) of total landscape SOC. The effect of active layer deepening and thermokarst expansion on SOC remobilization is modeled for one of the four areas. The active layer thickness dynamics from 1980 to 2099 is modeled using a transient spatially distributed permafrost model and lateral expansion of peat plateau thermokarst lakes is simulated using geographic information system analyses. Active layer deepening is expected to increase the proportion of SOC affected by seasonal thawing from 29% to 58%. A lateral expansion of 30 m would increase the amount of SOC stored in thermokarst lakes/fens from 2% to 22% of all SOC. By the end of this century, active layer deepening will likely affect more SOC than thermokarst expansion, but the SOC stores vulnerable to thermokarst are less decomposed.

DOI: 10.1029/2010JG001606

12091251 Karlsson, Emma S. (Stockholm University, Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm, Sweden); Charkin, A.; Dudarev, O.; Semiletov, Igor P.; Vonk, J. E.; Sánchez-García, Laura; Andersson, A. and Gustafsson, Orjan. Carbon isotopes and lipid biomarker investigation of sources, transport and degradation of terrestrial organic matter in the Buor-Khaya Bay, SE Laptev Sea: Biogeosciences, 8(7), p. 1865-1879, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch maps, 64 ref., 2011. Part of special issue no. 76, Land-shelf-basin interactions of the Siberian Arctic, edited by Gustafsson, O., et al., URL:; includes supplement: URL:; published in Biogeosciences Discussion: 31 March 2011, URL:; accessed in May, 2012.

The world's largest continental shelf, the East Siberian Shelf Sea, receives substantial input of terrestrial organic carbon (terr-OC) from both large rivers and erosion of its coastline. Degradation of organic matter from thawing permafrost in the Arctic is likely to increase, potentially creating a positive feedback mechanism to climate warming. This study focuses on the Buor-Khaya Bay (SE Laptev Sea), an area with strong terr-OC input from both coastal erosion and the Lena river. To better understand the fate of this terr-OC, molecular (acyl lipid biomarkers) and isotopic tools (stable carbon and radiocarbon isotopes) have been applied to both particulate organic carbon (POC) in surface water and sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) collected from the underlying surface sediments. Clear gradients in both extent of degradation and differences in source contributions were observed both between surface water POC and surface sediment SOC as well as over the 100 s km investigation scale (about 20 stations). Depleted d13C-OC and high HMW/LMW n-alkane ratios signaled that terr-OC was dominating over marine/planktonic sources. Despite a shallow water column (10-40 m), the isotopic shift between SOC and POC varied systematically from +2 to +5 per mil for d13C and from +300 to +450 for D14C from the Lena prodelta to the Buor-Khaya Cape. At the same time, the ratio of HMW n-alkanoic acids to HMW n-alkanes as well as HMW n-alkane CPI, both indicative of degradation, were 5-6 times greater in SOC than in POC. This suggests that terr-OC was substantially older yet less degraded in the surface sediment than in the surface waters. This unusual vertical degradation trend was only recently found also for the central East Siberian Sea. Numerical modeling (Monte Carlo simulations) with d13C and D14C in both POC and SOC was applied to deduce the relative contribution of plankton OC, surface soil layer OC and yedoma/mineral soil OC. This three end-member dual-carbon-isotopic mixing model suggests quite different scenarios for the POC vs SOC. Surface soil is dominating (63±10%) the suspended organic matter in the surface water of SE Laptev Sea. In contrast, the yedoma/mineral soil OC is accounting for 60±9% of the SOC. We hypothesize that yedoma-OC, associated with mineral-rich matter from coastal erosion is ballasted and thus quickly settles to the bottom. The mineral association may also explain the greater resistance to degradation of this terr-OC component. In contrast, more amorphous humic-like and low-density terr-OC from surface soil and recent vegetation represents a younger but more bioavailable and thus degraded terr-OC component held buoyant in surface water. Hence, these two terr-OC components may represent different propensities to contribute to a positive feedback to climate warming by converting OC from coastal and inland permafrost into CO2.


12085085 Michaelson, G. J. (University of Alaska Fairbanks, Palmer Research Center, Palmer, AK); Ping, C. L. and Jorgenson, M. T. Methane and carbon dioxide content in eroding permafrost soils along the Beaufort Sea coast, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(G1), Citation G01022, illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch maps, 45 ref., 2011.

Soil CH4 and CO2 gas contents were determined at 39 sites located along the 1957 km coastline of the Beaufort Sea of northern Alaska. Average soil CH4 concentrations increased with depth into the upper frozen layers, while the CO2 decreased with depth. Over 80% of the CH4 and 46% of the total CO2 were contained in the permafrost portion of the profiles. Overall, average concentrations of CH4 within the soil profiles were correlated to water content (R2 = 0.66, p ≤&eq; 0.01). Concentrations of CO2 were correlated to total organic carbon (R2 = 0.76, p ≤&eq; 0.001) and negatively correlated to water content (R2 = 0.61, p ≤&eq; 0.01). The highest total bank gas concentrations for both gases were found in ice-rich permafrost (average volumetric H2O >&eq; 70%). Soils eroded across the coast annually were estimated to contain 3.61 ± 1.35 t CH4 (average 1.86 ± 0.70 g m-2) and 469 ± 128 t CO2 (average 240 ± 65 g m-2). Gas amounts present in annually eroding banks were on the same order of magnitude as amounts emitted per year on an area basis from undisturbed tundra and lakes reported by others for the Arctic and smaller than previous estimates for local coastal anthropogenic sources. Soil stocks of gases, water and total organic carbon indicate that with coastal permafrost degradation gas release is minor in magnitude and importance to C-dynamics when compared to the TOC stocks of the coastline.

DOI: 10.1029/2010JG001387

12085185 Morgenstern, A. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany); Grosse, G.; Günther, F.; Fedorova, I. and Schirrmeister, L. Spatial analyses of thermokarst lakes and basins in yedoma landscapes of the Lena Delta: The Cryosphere (Online), 5(4), p. 849-867, illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 64 ref., 2011. NSF Grant OPP-0732735.

Distinctive periglacial landscapes have formed in late-Pleistocene ice-rich permafrost deposits (Ice Complex) of northern Yakutia, Siberia. Thermokarst lakes and thermokarst basins alternate with ice-rich Yedoma uplands. We investigate different thermokarst stages in Ice Complex deposits of the Lena River Delta using remote sensing and geoinformation techniques. The morphometry and spatial distribution of thermokarst lakes on Yedoma uplands, thermokarst lakes in basins, and thermokarst basins are analyzed, and possible dependence upon relief position and cryolithological context is considered. Of these thermokarst stages, developing thermokarst lakes on Yedoma uplands alter ice-rich permafrost the most, but occupy only 2.2% of the study area compared to 20.0% occupied by thermokarst basins. The future potential for developing large areas of thermokarst on Yedoma uplands is limited due to shrinking distances to degradational features and delta channels that foster lake drainage. Further thermokarst development in existing basins is restricted to underlying deposits that have already undergone thaw, compaction, and old carbon mobilization, and to deposits formed after initial lake drainage. Future thermokarst lake expansion is similarly limited in most of Siberia's Yedoma regions covering about 106 km2, which has to be considered for water, energy, and carbon balances under warming climate scenarios.


12091254 Pipko, Irina I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch, Pacific Oceanological Institute, Vladivostok, Russian Federation); Semiletov, Igor P.; Pugach, S. P.; Wahlstrom, I. and Anderson, L. G. Interannual variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes and carbon system in the East Siberian Sea: Biogeosciences, 8(7), p. 1987-2007, illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch maps, 101 ref., 2011. Part of special issue no. 76, Land-shelf-basin interactions of the Siberian Arctic, edited by Gustafsson, O, et al., URL:; published in Biogeosciences Discussion: 10 February 2011, URL:; accessed in May, 2012.

Over the past couple of decades it has become apparent that air-land-sea interactions in the Arctic have a substantial impact on the composition of the overlying atmosphere (ACIA, 2004). The Arctic Ocean is small (only ~4% of the total World Ocean), but it is surrounded by offshore and onshore permafrost which is thawing at increasing rates under warming conditions, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) into the water and atmosphere. The Arctic Ocean shelf where the most intensive biogeochemical processes have occurred occupies 1/3 of the ocean. The East Siberian Sea (ESS) shelf is the shallowest and widest shelf among the Arctic seas, and the least studied. The objective of this study was to highlight the importance of different factors that impact the carbon system (CS) as well as the CO2 flux dynamics in the ESS. CS variables were measured in the ESS in September 2003 and, 2004 and in late August-September 2008. It was shown that the western part of the ESS represents a river- and coastal-erosion-dominated heterotrophic ocean margin that is a source for atmospheric CO2. The eastern part of the ESS is a Pacific-water-dominated autotrophic area, which acts as a sink for atmospheric CO2. Our results indicate that the year-to-year dynamics of the partial pressure of CO2 in the surface water as well as the air-sea flux of CO2 varies substantially. In one year the ESS shelf was mainly heterotrophic and served as a moderate summertime source of CO2 (year 2004). In another year gross primary production exceeded community respiration in a relatively large part of the ESS and the ESS shelf was only a weak source of CO2 into the atmosphere (year 2008). It was shown that many factors impact the CS and CO2 flux dynamics (such as river runoff, coastal erosion, primary production/respiration, etc.), but they were mainly determined by the interplay and distribution of water masses that are basically influenced by the atmospheric circulation. In this contribution the air-sea CO2 fluxes were evaluated in the ESS based on measured CS characteristics, and summertime fluxes were estimated. It was shown that the total ESS shelf is a net source of CO2 for the atmosphere in a range of 0.4´1012 to 2.3´1012 g C.


12085077 Schelker, J. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Umea, Sweden); Burns, D. A.; Weiler, M. and Laudon, Hjalmar. Hydrological mobilization of mercury and dissolved organic carbon in a snow-dominated, forested watershed; conceptualization and modeling: Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(G1), Citation G01002, illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch maps, 35 ref., 2011. Supplemental information/data is available in the online version of this article.

The mobilization of mercury and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) during snowmelt often accounts for a major fraction of the annual loads. We studied the role of hydrological connectivity of riparian wetlands and upland/wetland transition zones to surface waters on the mobilization of Hg and DOC in Fishing Brook, a headwater of the Adirondack Mountains, New York. Stream water total mercury (THg) concentrations varied strongly (mean=2.25±0.5 ng L-1), and the two snowmelt seasons contributed 40% (2007) and 48% (2008) of the annual load. Methyl mercury (MeHg) concentrations ranged up to 0.26 ng L-1, and showed an inverse log relationship with discharge. TOPMODEL-simulated saturated area corresponded well with wetland areas, and the application of a flow algorithm based elevation-above-creek approach suggests that most wetlands become well connected during high flow. The dynamics of simulated saturated area and soil storage deficit were able to explain a large part of the variation of THg concentrations (r2=0.53 to 0.72). In contrast, the simulations were not able to explain DOC variations and DOC and THg concentrations were not correlated. These results indicate that all three constituents, THg, MeHg, and DOC, follow different patterns at the outlet: (1) the mobilization of THg is primarily controlled by the saturation state of the catchment, (2) the dilution of MeHg suggests flushing from a supply limited pool, and (3) DOC dynamics follow a pattern different from THg dynamics, which likely results from differing gain and/or loss processes for THg and/or DOC within the Fishing Brook catchment.

DOI: 10.1029/2010JG001330

12091189 Viviroli, Daniel (University of Bern, Institute of Geography, Bern, Switzerland); Archer, David R.; Buytaert, W.; Fowler, Hayley J.; Greenwood, Gregory B.; Hamlet, A. F.; Huang, Y.; Koboltschnig, G.; Litaor, M. I.; López-Moreno, J. I.; Lorentz, S.; Schädler, Bruno; Schreier, H.; Schwaiger, K.; Vuille, M. and Woods, R. Climate change and mountain water resources; overview and recommendations for research, management and policy: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 15(2), p. 471-504, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 276 ref., 2011. Part of special issue no. 122, Climate change and water resources management in mountains ; includes supplement, edited by Greenwood, G., et al., URL: ment.pdf; accessed in Aug., 2012.

Mountains are essential sources of freshwater for our world, but their role in global water resources could well be significantly altered by climate change. How well do we understand these potential changes today, and what are implications for water resources management, climate change adaptation, and evolving water policy? To answer above questions, we have examined 11 case study regions with the goal of providing a global overview, identifying research gaps and formulating recommendations for research, management and policy. After setting the scene regarding water stress, water management capacity and scientific capacity in our case study regions, we examine the state of knowledge in water resources from a highland-lowland viewpoint, focusing on mountain areas on the one hand and the adjacent lowland areas on the other hand. Based on this review, research priorities are identified, including precipitation, snow water equivalent, soil parameters, evapotranspiration and sublimation, groundwater as well as enhanced warming and feedback mechanisms. In addition, the importance of environmental monitoring at high altitudes is highlighted. We then make recommendations how advancements in the management of mountain water resources under climate change could be achieved in the fields of research, water resources management and policy as well as through better interaction between these fields. We conclude that effective management of mountain water resources urgently requires more detailed regional studies and more reliable scenario projections, and that research on mountain water resources must become more integrative by linking relevant disciplines. In addition, the knowledge exchange between managers and researchers must be improved and oriented towards long-term continuous interaction.


12085157 Weismüller, J. (Heidelberg University, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg, Germany); Wollschläger, U.; Boike, J.; Pan, X.; Yu, Q. and Roth, K. Modeling the thermal dynamics of the active layer at two contrasting permafrost sites on Svalbard and on the Tibetan Plateau: The Cryosphere (Online), 5(3), p. 741-757, illus. incl. 3 tables, geol. sketch maps, 33 ref., 2011.

Employing a one-dimensional, coupled thermal and hydraulic numerical model, we quantitatively analyze high-resolution, multi-year data from the active layers at two contrasting permafrost sites. The model implements heat conduction with the de Vries parameterization, heat convection with water and vapor flow, freeze-thaw transition parameterized with a heuristic soil-freezing characteristic, and liquid water flow with the Mualem-van Genuchten parameterization. The model is driven by measured temperatures and water contents at the upper and lower boundary with all required material properties deduced from the measured data. The aims are (i) to ascertain the applicability of such a rather simple model, (ii) to quantify the dominating processes, and (iii) to discuss possible causes of remaining deviations. Soil temperatures and water contents as well as characteristic quantities like thaw depth and duration of the isothermal plateau could be reproduced. Heat conduction is found to be the dominant process by far at both sites, with non-conductive transport contributing a maximum of some 3% to the mean heat flux at the Spitsbergen site, most of the time very much less, and practically negligible at the Tibetan site. Hypotheses discussed to explain the remaining deviations between measured and simulated state variables include, besides some technical issues, infiltration of snow melt, dry cracking with associated vapor condensation, and mechanical soil expansion in detail.


12085187 Westermann, S. (University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences, Oslo, Norway); Boike, J.; Langer, M.; Schuler, T. V. and Etzelmüller, B. Modeling the impact of wintertime rain events on the thermal regime of permafrost: The Cryosphere (Online), 5(4), p. 945-959, 76 ref., 2011.

In this study, we present field measurements and numerical process modeling from western Svalbard showing that the ground surface temperature below the snow is impacted by strong wintertime rain events. During such events, rain water percolates to the bottom of the snow pack, where it freezes and releases latent heat. In the winter season 2005/2006, on the order of 20 to 50% of the wintertime precipitation fell as rain, thus confining the surface temperature to close to 0 °C for several weeks. The measured average ground surface temperature during the snow-covered period is -0.6 °C, despite of a snow surface temperature of on average -8.5 °C. For the considered period, the temperature threshold below which permafrost is sustainable on long timescales is exceeded. We present a simplified model of rain water infiltration in the snow coupled to a transient permafrost model. While small amounts of rain have only minor impact on the ground surface temperature, strong rain events have a long-lasting impact. We show that consecutively applying the conditions encountered in the winter season 2005/2006 results in the formation of an unfrozen zone in the soil after three to five years, depending on the prescribed soil properties. If water infiltration in the snow is disabled in the model, more time is required for the permafrost to reach a similar state of degradation.


12083212 Wik, Martin (Stockholm University, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden); Crill, Patrick M.; Bastviken, David; Danielsson, Asa and Norback, Elin. Bubbles trapped in Arctic lake ice; potential implications for methane emissions: Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(G3), Citation G03044, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 48 ref., 2011.

The amount of methane (CH4) emitted from northern lakes to the atmosphere is uncertain but is expected to increase as a result of arctic warming. A majority of CH4 is thought to be released through ebullition (bubbling), a pathway with extreme spatial variability that limits the accuracy of measurements. We assessed ebullition during early and late winter by quantifying bubbles trapped in the ice cover of two lakes in a landscape with degrading permafrost in arctic Sweden using random transect sampling and a digital image processing technique. Bubbles covered up to ~8% of the lake area and were largely dominated by point source emissions with spatial variabilities of up to 1056%. Bubble occurrence differed significantly between early and late season ice, between the two lakes and among different zones within each lake (p < 0.001). Using a common method, we calculated winter fluxes of up to 129 ± 486 mg CH4 m-2 d-1. These calculations are, on average, two times higher than estimates from North Siberian and Alaskan lakes and four times higher than emissions measured from the same lakes during summer. Therefore, the calculations are likely overestimates and point to the likelihood that estimating CH4 fluxes from ice bubble distributions may be more difficult than believed. This study also shows that bubbles quantified using few transects will most likely be unsuitable in making large-scale flux estimates. At least 19 transects covering ~1% of the lake area were required to examine ebullition with high precision in our studied lakes.

DOI: 10.1029/2011JG001761

12091161 Frappart, Frédéric (Université de Toulouse, Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse, France); Papa, F.; Güntner, A.; Werth, S.; Ramillien, G.; Prigent, C.; Rossow, W. B. and Bonnet, M. P. Interannual variations of the terrestrial water storage in the lower Ob' Basin from a multisatellite approach: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 14(12), p. 2443-2453, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 56 ref., 2010. Part of special issue no. 120, Earth observation and water cycle science edited by Fernandez Prieto, D., et al., URL:; published in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion: 1 September 2010, URL: 10.html; accessed in Sept., 2012.

Temporal variations of surface water volume over inundated areas of the Lower Ob' Basin in Siberia, one of the largest contributor of freshwater to the Arctic Ocean, are estimated using combined observations from a multisatellite inundation dataset and water levels over rivers and floodplains derived from the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) radar altimetry. We computed time-series of monthly maps of surface water volume over the common period of available T/P and multisatellite data (1993-2004). The results exhibit interannual variabilities similar to precipitation estimates and river discharge observations. This study also presents monthly estimates of groundwater and permafrost mass anomalies during 2003-2004 based on a synergistic analysis of multisatellite observations and hydrological models. Water stored in the soil is isolated from the total water storage measured by GRACE when removing the contributions of both the surface reservoir, derived from satellite imagery and radar altimetry, and the snow estimated by inversion of GRACE measurements. The time variations of groundwater and permafrost are then obtained when removing the water content of the root zone reservoir simulated by hydrological models.


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12090427 Seneviratne, Sonia I., leader; Nicholls, Neville, leader; Easterling, David, leader; Goodess, Clare M., leader; Kanae, Shinjiro, leader; Kossi, James, leader; Luo Yali, leader; Marengo, Jose, leader; McInnes, Kathleen, leader; Rahimi, Mohammad, leader; Reichstein, Markus, leader; Sorteberg, Asgeir, leader; Vera, Carolina, leader; Zhang, Xuebin, leader; Rusticucci, Matilde, reviewer; Semenov, Vladimir, reviewer; Alexander, Lisa V.; Allen, Simon; Benito, Gerardo; Cavazos, Tereza; Clague, John; Conway, Declan; Della-Marta, Paul M.; Gerber, Markus; Gong, Sunling; Goswami, B. N.; Hemer, Mark; Huggel, Christian; van den Hurk, Bart; Kharin, Viatcheslav V.; Kitoh, Akio; Klein Tank, Albert M. G.; Li, Guilong; Mason, Simon; McGuire, William; van Oldenborgh, Geert Jan; Orlowsky, Boris; Smith, Sharon; Thiaw, Wassila; Velegrakis, Adonis; Yiou, Pascal; Zhang, Tingjun; Zhou Tianjun and Swiers, Francis W. Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the natural physical environment: in Managing the risk of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation; special report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Field, Christopher B., editor; et al.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, p. 109-230, illus. incl. 3 tables, 1133 ref., 2012.

12091220 Ehlers, Jürgen. Das Eiszeitalter [The Ice Age]: Springer Spektrum, Heidelberg, Germany, 372 p., illus., 770 ref., 2011. ISBN: 978-3-8274-2326-9.

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12088663 Kim, Koui. Multi-dimensional frost heave modeling with SP porosity growth function: 254 p., Doctoral, 2011, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK. ISBN: 978-1-124-77294-3 Available from: Univ. Microfilms.

12087785 Liljedahl, Anna K. The hydrologic regime at sub-Arctic and Arctic watersheds; present and projected: 244 p., Doctoral, 2011, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK. ISBN: 978-1-124-77086-4 Available from: Univ. Microfilms.

12088647 Wainstein, Pablo Andres. The development and preservation of an Arctic proglacial icing: 203 p., Doctoral, 2011, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada. ISBN: 978-0-494-75322-4 Available from: Univ. Microfilms.

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12090260 Deline, Philip (Université de Savoie, EDYTEM Laboratory, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France); Gardent, Marie; Magnin, Florence and Ravanel, Ludovic. The morphodynamics of the Mont Blanc Massif in a changing cryosphere; a comprehensive review: in The mountain cryosphere; a holistic view on processes and their interactions (Gruber, Stephan, editor; et al.), Geografiska Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography, 94(2), p. 265-283, illus. incl. sketch map, 71 ref., June 2012. Meeting: Symposium on The mountain cryosphere; a holistic view on processes and their interactions, Jan. 20, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.

One of the most glacierized areas in the European Alps, the Mont Blanc massif, illustrates how fast changes affect the cryosphere and the related morphodynamics in high mountain environments, especially since the termination of the Little Ice Age. Contrasts between the north-west side, gentle and heavily glaciated, and the south-east side, steep and rocky, and between local faces with varying slope angle and aspect highlight the suitability of the study site for scientific investigations. Glacier shrinkage is pronounced at low elevation but weaker than in other Alpine massifs, and supraglacial debris covers have developed over most of the glaciers, often starting in the nineteenth century. Lowering of glacier surface also affects areas of the accumulation zone. While modern glaciology has been carried out in the massif for several decades, study of the permafrost has been under development for only a few years, especially in the rock walls. Many hazards are related to glacier dynamics. Outburst flood from englacial pockets, ice avalanche from warm-based and cold-based glaciers, and rock slope failure due to debuttressing are generally increasing with the current decrease or even the vanishing of glaciers. Permafrost degradation is likely involved in rockfall and rock avalanche, contributing to the chains of processes resulting from the high relief of the massif. The resulting hazards could increasingly endanger population and activities of the valleys surrounding the Mont Blanc massif. Abstract Copyright (2012), Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2012.00467.x

12090255 Gruber, Stephan (University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Zurich, Switzerland); Egli, Markus; Gärtner-Roer, Isabelle and Hoezle, Martin, editors. The mountain cryosphere; a holistic view on processes and their interactions: Geografiska Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography, 94(2), p. 177-283, illus. incl. tables, sketch maps, June 2012. Meeting: Symposium on The mountain cryosphere; a holistic view on processes and their interactions, Jan. 20, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland. Individual papers are cited separately.

12090257 Lewkowicz, Antoni G. (University of Ottawa, Department of Geography, Ottawa, ON, Canada); Bonnaventure, Philip P.; Smith, Sharon L. and Kuntz, Zoe. Spatial and thermal characteristics of mountain permafrost, northwest Canada: in The mountain cryosphere; a holistic view on processes and their interactions (Gruber, Stephan, editor; et al.), Geografiska Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography, 94(2), p. 195-213, illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map, 48 ref., June 2012. Meeting: Symposium on The mountain cryosphere; a holistic view on processes and their interactions, Jan. 20, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.

An extensive network of monitoring stations was used to develop a mean annual air temperature map for the complex mountainous terrain in the southern Yukon and northern British Columbia, Canada (latitude 59° to 65°N). Air temperature lapse rates measured at screen height from valley bottoms up to treeline are normal in the maritime extreme southwest, normal but weak in much of the region, and inverted in the highly continental northernmost sites. Relationships between air and ground surface temperatures, expressed as freezing and thawing n-factors, vary significantly with vegetation type and hence elevational band, with the lowest values for the forested zone and the highest for non-maritime alpine tundra. Equilibrium modelling carried out for one site in the southern part of the region and one in the northern part illustrates the impacts of the differing n-factors on trends in mean ground surface temperature with elevation. Ground thermal regimes determined at borehole locations vary greatly due to these climatic controls but are also affected by substrate. Valley-bottom permafrost in the south is scattered, at temperatures just below 0°C, has a depth of zero annual amplitude of 2-3 m (due to latent heat effects) and may be only a few metres in thickness. Permafrost on bedrock summits is cold, has active layers >5 m thick, is >50 m thick and may be locally continuous. Given the range of air temperatures and n-factors, permafrost is possible throughout the Yukon but higher temperatures southward and stronger lapse rates mean that a lower elevational limit exists in northern British Columbia. Abstract Copyright (2012), Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2012.00462.x

12090258 Springman, Sarah M. (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute for Geotechnical Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland); Arenson, Lukas U.; Yamamoto, Yuko; Maurer, Hansruedi; Kos, Andrew; Buchli, Thomas and Derungs, Guido. Multidisciplinary investigations on three rock glaciers in the Swiss Alps; legacies and future perspectives: in The mountain cryosphere; a holistic view on processes and their interactions (Gruber, Stephan, editor; et al.), Geografiska Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography, 94(2), p. 215-243, illus. incl. 2 tables, 84 ref., June 2012. Meeting: Symposium on The mountain cryosphere; a holistic view on processes and their interactions, Jan. 20, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.

This paper recognizes the contribution of Professor Wilfried Haeberli for his inspiration and leadership in the field of permafrost science and his generous encouragement, both direct and indirect, to the ETH Researchers who have, through him, endeavoured to contribute to this fascinating research area. The multidisciplinary investigations described in this paper have focused on three rock glaciers, Muragl, Murtel-Corvatsch and Furggwanghorn, all of which have been subject to a varying degree of prior study, and which are continuing to attract new generations of researchers to understand and explain the processes and predict future behaviour. This paper marks a stage at which it is possible to summarize some advances in the state of the art and associated innovations that can be attributed to early motivation by Wilfried Haeberli and offers a tribute as well as gratitude for his ongoing feedback and advice. Some thoughts on the development of thermokarst due to water ponding and flow, and a conceptual model of geotechnical mechanisms that aim to explain some aspects of rock glacier kinematics, are also introduced. Abstract Copyright (2012), Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2012.00464.x

12085865 Smith, Jessica L. (Trinity College, Department of Physics, Hartford, CT) and Geiss, Christoph. Mapping of Arctic peatlands using ground penetrating radar and borehole data [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 47th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 44(2), p. 53, March 2012. Meeting: Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 47th annual meeting, March 18-20, 2012, Hartford, CT.

Our study area in northern Manitoba is located in discontinuous permafrost at the present-day taiga-tundra ecotone, which makes the region sensitive to past and future climate change. In addition, its proximity to Hudson Bay may amplify regional climate variability through changes in sea ice cover. The area contains numerous small lakes and extensive peatlands which have developed over the past 8000 years and act as a reservoir of organic carbon. To estimate the volume of existing peat deposits, nine wetlands in northern Manitoba (59.3°N, -97.5°W) were surveyed using ground penetrating radar (GPR). Previously acquired borehole data was used to ground-truth more than 2 km of GPR profiles. Data were taken using a SIR-3000 radar unit (Geophysical Survey Systems Incorporated) and were analyzed using ReflexW v 5.6 (Sandmeier Scientific Software). The majority of the studied wetlands is less than 1.5 m in depth and shows a regular basin shape. Therefore information from peat cores can be generalized across the watershed.


12089877 Matsuoka, Norikazu (University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan). Monitoring frost creep dynamics in the southern Japanese Alps [abstr.]: in Abstracts of the papers presented at the 2011 fall meeting of the Japanese Geomorphological Union, Chikei = Transactions - Japanese Geomorphological Union, 33(1), p. 87-88, (Japanese), January 2012. Meeting: 2011 fall meeting of the Japanese Geomorphological Union, Sept. 1, 2011, Kanazawa, Japan.

12084072 Chang Xiaoli (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soils Engineering, Lanzhou, China); Jin Huijun; He Ruixia and Yu Shaopeng. Thermal impacts of forest vegetation on frozen ground in the Da Xiang'anling Mountains in northeast China [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 650-651, illus. incl. 2 tables, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084066 Feng Wenjie (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Lanzhou, China); Ma Wei; Zhang Ze; Wen Zhi; Sun Zhizhong and Yu Wenbing. A review of the sunshading (awning) method in embankment engineering on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 639-640, illus., 6 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084076 Fey, Yuan (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geocryology, Moscow, Russian Federation). Comparison of long-term equivalent clayey silt cohesion by two forecasting equations [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 658, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084040 Liaudat, D. Trombotto (Instituto Argentino de Nivologia, Glaciologia y Ciencias Ambientales, Unidad de Geocriologia, Mendoza, Argentina) and Alonso, V. Permafrost and related forms in the Diamente Caldera (Central Andes, Argentina) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 594-595, sketch map, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084082 Lin Zhao; Wu Tonghua; Yu Sheng; Qiao Yongping and Xie Changwei. Monitoring network and thermal dynamics of permafrost in western China [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 669-670, illus. incl. sketch map, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084088 Ma Yingzhao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Beijing, China); Zhang Yinsheng; Farhan, S. B. and Guo Yanhong. Permafrost soil water content evaluation using high-frequency ground penetrating radar in Amdo Catchment, the middle of Tibetan Plateau [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 657, sketch map, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083923 Martin-Moreno, R. (University of Saint Louis, Department of Science, Madrid, Spain); Serrano, E.; González-Trueba, J. J. and González-Garcia, M. Development and location of patterned ground in the southern Pyrenees (Spain) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 363-366, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 7 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083924 Matskepladze, I. G. (Yamaltransstroy OJSC, Russian Federation); Nak, G. I.; Shepitko, T. V. and Cherkasov, A. M. The trends of the change in the state of railway subgrade based on the results of monitoring of the Obskaya-Bovanenkovo railway line [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 367, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083925 Matusevich, V. M. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Semenova, T. V. The impact of anthropogenic factors on the hydrogeological field of the north of western Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 368-369, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083926 McCardle, A. (3vGeomatics, Vancouver, BC, Canada); Arenson, L. U. and Leighton, J. M. Use of RADARSAT-2 data for permafrost terrain analysis in Nunavut, Canada [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 370-371, illus. incl. sketch map, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083927 Melnik, P. E. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department for Cryolithology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Maslakov, A. A. Field studies of cryogenic processes in Norilsk region [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 372-373, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083928 Melnikov, A. E. (North-Eastern Federal University, Technical Institute of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Neryungri, Russian Federation) and Pavlov, S. S. On the need to develop criteria for consideration of the intensity of grounds weathering in time during the construction of linear structures (the case of the Amur-Yakutsk mainline) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 374-375, illus. incl. sketch map, 6 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083929 Menshikov, S. N. (Gazprom Dobycha Nadym, Nadym, Russian Federation); Osokin, A. B. and Morozov, I. S. Provision of the reliability of bases and foundations under gas production and gas transport facilities in the north of western Siberia in the conditions of climate warming and permafrost degradation [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 376-377, illus., 9 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083930 Mertes, Jordan R. (University of Copenhagen, Department of Geography and Geology, Copenhagen, Denmark) and Christiansen, Hanne H. Svalbard active layer freeze thaw dynamics 2007-2010 [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 378-379, illus. incl. 1 table, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083931 Merz, K. (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institute of Geophysics, Zurich, Switzerland); Rabenstein, L.; Maurer, H.; Buchli, T. and Springman, S. M. Geophysical charcterization of unstable permafrost in the Turtmann Valley, Switzerland [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 380-381, illus., 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083932 Mesyats, S. P. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Mining Institute of the Kola Science Center, Russian Federation) and Melnikov, N. N. Thermal erosion problem solution while developing Yamal gas-condensate deposits [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 382-385, illus., 7 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083933 Meyer, H. (Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany); Hoffmann, K.; Kloss, A.; Opel, T.; Dereviagin, A. Yu. and Gukov, A. Assessing (paleo) climatic information from ground ice; a detailed stable isotope study of recent precipitation and ice wedges in north Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 386-387, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083934 Mikhailova, M. M. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Production, Tyumen, Russian Federation). Dynamics of coastal permafrost [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 388-389, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083935 Mikhaylovskiy, P. V. (Tyument State Oil and Gas University, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Production, Tyumen, Russian Federation). Hydrometeorological conditions during the periods of mass mudslide formation on Sakhalin Island [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 390-391, illus., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083936 Mironova, T. E. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Parmuzin, S. Yu. Prediction of changes in geocryological conditions at the area of the designed dam (western Yamal) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 392-393, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083937 Misaylov, I. E. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Zheleznyak, M. N.; Kazanskiy, O. A. and Zepalvo, F. N. Geocryological conditions of the north-eastern part of the West Siberian Plate [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 394-395, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083938 Mixon, D. C. (Texas A&M University, College Station, TX); Paetzold, R. F.; Lilly, M. R.; Romanovsky, V. E.; Daanen, R. P. and Jackson, B. E. Characteristics of active-layer temperature profiles related to Arctic transportation management on the North Slope, Alaska [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 396-397, illus., 6 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083939 Moiseenko, T. I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, V.I. Vernadsky Institue of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Soromotin, A. V. Water quality and key anthropogenically-induced processes in lakes of Russian Arctic [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 398-399, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083940 Molchanova, Yu. V. (Lomonosov State University, Department of Geocryology, Moscow, Russian Federation). The study of strength properties of thawing grounds [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 400-401, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083941 Monastyrev, B. V. (Siberian Scientific and Analytical Center, Russian Federation); Shishkanova, L. V.; Koscheyev, A. G.; Monastyrev, S. B.; Baranov, Y. B. and Perlova, Y. V. Development of 3D permafrost models based on the complex of seismic and well data with the purpose of forecasting geocryological hazards during development of the deposits of the Yamal Peninsula [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 402, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083942 Mora, C. (University of Lisbon, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Lisbon, Portugal); Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Lousada, M. and Christiansen, Hanne. Detailed geoecological mapping using multisource remote sensing imagery (Adventdalen, Svalbard) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 403, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083943 Morard, S. (University of Fribourg, Department of Geosciences, Fribourg, Switzerland) and Delaloye, R. Overcooling and ice mass changes in ventilated terrains; comparison between a dynamic ice cave and a low elevation talus slope [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 404-405, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083944 Morgenstern, A. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Department of Periglacial Research, Potsdam, Germany); Ulrich, M.; Günther, F.; Boike, J.; Schirrmeister, L.; Fedorova, I. V. and Rudaya, N. A. Evolution of a thermokarst basin in ice-rich permafrost, Siberian Lena Delta [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 406-407, illus., 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083945 Morozov, S. S. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Institute of Geology, Oil and Gas Industry, Tyumen, Russian Federation). Ensuring the stability of bases as a condition for sustainable development of the urban environment in permafrost of the north-east of Russia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 408-409, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083946 Morozova, L. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen, Russian Federation). Gas hydrates in permafrost [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 410, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083947 Morozova, P. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation). Modeling of the permafrost state in contrasting climatic conditions [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 411, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084073 Mu Yanhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Lanzhou, China); Ma Wei; Wu Qingbai and Sun Zhizhong. Variations of active layer thickness beneath embankment along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 652-653, illus., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083948 Mullanurov, D. R. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Samsonova, V. V. Geotechnical problems of the buried oil pipeline operation in the cryolithozone of the north of western Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 412-413, illus., 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083949 Nesterov, I. I. (Siberian Scientific Analytical Centre, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Kulikov, T. D. Geology and gas-bearing of upper Turonian deposits in the north of the western Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 416, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083950 Neves, M. (University of Lisbon, Centre for Geographical Studies, Lisbon, Portugal); Oliva, Marc; Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Cardoso, M. and Freitas, C. Sedimentological characteristics of ice-wedge polygon terrain in Adventalen Valley (Svalbard) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 417-418, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083951 Nicolsky, D. J. (University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, Fairbanks, AK); Romanovsky, V. E.; Kholodov, A. L.; Romanovskii, N. N.; Shakhova, N. E. and Semiletov, I. P. Modeling sub-sea permafrost in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf; the Laptev Sea region [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 419-420, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083952 Novoselov, V. V. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen, Russian Federation). The results of development of cryological research innovative infrastructure in Tyumen State Oil and Gas University [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 421-422, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083953 Oliva, Marc (University of Lisbon, Centre for Geographical Studies, Lisbon, Portugal); Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Trindade, A.; Agrela, J.; Batista, V.; Correia, A.; Schaefer, C.; Simas, F.; Ramos, M.; de Pablo, M.; Toro, M.; Antoniades, D.; Galán, L.; Giralt, S.; Granados, I. and Pla, S. The HOLOANTAR project; Holocene environmental change in the maritime Antarctic interactions between permafrost and the lacustrine environment [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 424-425, illus., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083954 Opel, T. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Department of Periglacial Research, Potsdam, Germany); Meyer, H.; Wetterich, S. and Dereviagin, A. Yu. Mid to late Holocene winter warming in the Laptev Sea region (Russian Arctic); evidence from ice wedges [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 426-427, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083955 Orlov, T. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Viktorov, A. S. Statistical analysis of simultaneous start of thermokarst caused by permafrost degradation [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 428-429, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083956 Ostanin, O. V. (Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation). Rock glaciers in the Altai and their present state [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 430, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083957 Ostroumova, E. A. (Lomonosov Moscow University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation). Effects of landscape conditions on active layer dynamics; field data from the Igarka region [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 431-432, illus. incl. 2 tables, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083958 Ovchinnikov, A. Yu. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Moscow, Russian Federation); Gugalinskaya, L. A. and Vagapov, I. M. The late Pleistocene cryolithopedogenesis and grounds of the central East European Plain [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 433-434, illus., 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083959 Overduin, P. P. (Alfred Wegener Institute, Periglacial Research Department, Potsdam, Germany); Grigoriev, M. N.; Günther, F.; Wetterich, S. and Makarov, A. The rate of subsea permafrost degradation in the 25 years following coastal erosion at Muostakh Island, Laptev Sea [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 435-436, illus., 6 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083960 Panda, S. K. (University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, Fairbanks, AK); Romanovsky, V. E.; Prakash, A.; Marchenko, S. S. and Solie, D. N. Application of electromagnetic (EM) resistivity data for near-surface permafrost mapping in a pilot study area, interior Alaska [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 437-438, illus. incl. sketch map, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083961 Pankov, O. O. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Yakushkin, S. V. Determining the density of frozen grounds in laboratory environment [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 439-440, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083962 Panyukov, D. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Crosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Sheinkman, V. s. and Pisarev, A. D. Physical essense of the new approach to the thermoluminiscence dating technology for absolute age identification of permafrost [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 441-442, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083963 Pastukhov, A. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biology Komi, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation); Kaverin, D. A.; Sharaya, L. S. and Shary, P. A. The spatial distribution of SOC in the forest tundra of the European north-east [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 443, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083964 Pavlova, N. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Danzanova, M. V.; Efremov, V. S. and Popenko, F. E. Assessment of the effectiveness of drainage systems for the solution of hydrogeoecological problems of the City of Yakutsk [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 444-445, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083965 Permyakov, V. N. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Parfenov, V. G.; Petrov, G. L. and Aleksandrov, S. V. The use of mineral sorbents for sludge pit reclamation in the Far North [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 446, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083966 Pisarev, A. D. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Sheinkman, V. S. and Panyukov, D. A. Thermoluminescence dating of permafrost; new approaches, methods, and instruments [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 448-449, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083967 Pochikalov, A. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Problems of Ecology and Productivity of Forests, Moscow, Russian Federation); Karelin, D. V.; Kraev, G. N. and Zamolodchikov, D. G. Plant matter decomposition and net primary production rates in Russian tundra under contemporary climate; regional patterns and key controls [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 450-451, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083968 Popescu, R. (Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania); Vespremeanu-Stroe, A.; Vasile, M.; Urdea, P. and Onaca, A. Permafrost occurrence in cold seep slopes at low altitudes (Detunatele, Apuseni Mountains, Romania) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 452, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083969 Protodiyakonov, V. V. (YakutPNIIS Corporation, Russian Federation); Dmitreeva, S. P. and Ceeva, A. N. Physical and mechanic properties of perennially frozen ground in the Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 455, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083970 Pulnikov, E. A. (Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, Novy Urengoy, Russian Federation). Formation of the temperature regime of foundation grounds and the assessment of engineering facilities' stability at the Zapolyarnoye Field during current climate fluctuations [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 456-457, illus., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083971 Qian Jin (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Lanzhou, China); Yu Qihao; You Yanhui; Hu Jun and Guo Lei. The experimental study on the convection process of crushed-rock layer [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 458-459, illus., 9 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084075 Qin Yinghong (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China) and Hiller, Jacob E. Sensitivity of thermal parameters affecting a cold-region ground temperature prediction model [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 656, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083974 Radosteva, A. V. (Lomonosov Moscow University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Velikin, S. A. Influence of heat balance components on permafrost dynamics in the Sytykan Waterwork [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 464-465, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083975 Rakova, A. I. (Fundamentproekt OJSC, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kutvitskaya, N. B. and Magomedgadzhieva, M. A. Thermal interaction of the "vertical flare permafrost foundation ground" system with regard to radiation and vaporization [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 466-467, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083976 Rechapov, D. A. (Tyumen NIIGiprogaz, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Korostelev, A. S. and Kuznetsov, V. G. Application efficiency of Arctic backfill systems in the intervals of occurrence of frozen grounds [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 468, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083977 Regmi, Prajna (University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, Fairbanks, AK); Grosse, Guido and Walter Anthony, Katey. Development of an Alaska thermokarst lake survey (ATLAS) using object-oriented classification of high resolution satellite images [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 469-470, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083978 Rivkin, Felix (Fundamentproekt OJSC, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kuznetsova, I.; Ivanova, N.; Chehina, I. and Parmuzin, I. Geotechnical maps in the structure of information support of engineering research [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 471-472, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083979 Rogach, A. N. (M. V. Lomonosov Northern Federal University, Department of Oil and Gas Transporation and Storage, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation). The study of the thermal regime of the upper part of permafrost in order to ensure geo-environmental stability of oil-producing facilities; the case of the Ardalin oil field [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 473, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083980 Romanovsky, V. E. (University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, Fairbanks, AK); Marchenko, S. S.; Kholodov, A. L. and Cable, W. L. Three decades of changes in permafrost temperature along the Alaskan permafrost/ecological transect [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 474-475, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083981 Rowland, J. C. (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos, NM) and Travis, B. J. Seasonal dynamics of water drainage in a lake underlain by through-going talik [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 476-477, illus. incl. 1 table, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083982 Ruiter, A. S. (Utrecht University, Physical Geography, Utrecht, Netherlands); de Brujin, R. and Hoek, W. Z. Relict pingos and permafrost in the Netherlands and northwest Germany [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 478-479, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083983 Rusanova, G. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Soil Science Department, Sykryvkar, Russian Federation) and Shakhtarova, O. V. Cryogenic processes in the soils of southern tundra [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 482-483, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083984 Ruzova, O. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Samsonova, V. V.; Domanskiy, V. O. and Druchina, O. E. Cryosphere as microorganisms' habitat and as preservation environment for their biodiversity [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 484-485, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083985 Ryazanov, A. V. (Fundamentproekt OJSC, Moscow, Russian Federation); Shigapov, A. I. and Kaurkin, V. D. Principles of mapping of bases of oil and gas complex facilities in difficult geocryological conditions [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 486-487, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083986 Sadurtdinov, M. R. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Skvortsov, A. G.; Tsarev, A. M. and Malkova, G. V. Permafrost conditions in Kashin Island (Pechora Delta), from seismic profiling data [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 488-489, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083987 Saito, K. (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama, Japan); Bigelow, N.; Marchenko, S. S.; Romanovsky, V. E.; Walsh, J.; Yoshikawa, K. and Torombotto, D. Paleo-permafrost distribution downscaled in South America and northeastern Asia; comparison of the GCM-based maps with the observations [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 490-491, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083988 Samsonova, V. V. (OJSC VNIPIgazdobycha, Saratov, Russian Federation) and Pankov, O. O. Experience in construction and operation of buildings and engineering structures in cryolithozone; case of Mirny, Yakutia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 492-493, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083989 Sandakov, A. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Grigoriev, M. N.; Günther, F. and Overduin, P. P. The wash-out of organic carbon from degrading shores and its distribution at the under-water coastal slope (the Buor-Khaya Peninsula, the Laptev Sea) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 494-495, illus. incl. sketch maps, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083990 Saruulzaya, A. (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan) and Ishikawa, M. Modern lake dynamics in the southern fringe of the Siberian permafrost region in Mongolia based on high resolution CORONA and ALOS data [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 496-497, illus. incl. sketch map, 7 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083991 Saveleva, S. D. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Korneeva, E. E. The basic permafrost and environmental problems in the process of development of gas fields in the north western Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 498-499, illus., 1 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083992 Schädel, C. (University of Florida, Gainesville, FL); McGuire, A. D.; Canadell, J. G.; Harden, J. W.; Kuhry, P.; Romanovsky, V. E.; Turetsky, M. R. and Schuur, E. A. G. Research coordination network on the vulnerability of permafrost carbon [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 500, illus., 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083993 Scheidegger, J. M. (University of East Anglia, School of Environmental Sciences, Norwich, United Kingdom) and Bense, V. F. Controls on through-talik development after ice sheet retreat under lakes in West Greenland [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 501-502, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083994 Schirrmeister, L. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Deparmtent of Periglacial Research, Potsdam, Germany); Wetterich, S.; Strauss, J.; Overduin, P. P.; Hubberten, H. W.; Grosse, Guido and Schuur, T. Organic matter properties in late Quaternary permafrost of NE Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 503-504, 1 table, sketch map, 1 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083995 Schneider, A. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Department of Periglacial Research, Potsdam, Germany); Wetterich, S.; Schirrmeister, L. and Kienast, F. Characteristics of an last interglacial thermokarst landscape based on fossil bioindicators from permafrost deposits at the Dmitrii Laptev Strait, north-east Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 505-506, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083996 Schoeneich, Philippe (Université Joseph Fourier, Institut de Géographie Alpine, Grenoble, France); Echelard, Thomas; Krysiecki, Jean-Michel; Kergomard, Flore; Lorier, Lionel; Maingrat, Ludovic; Darricau, Christian; Jugnet, Patrick; Cotoni, Thomas; Mellan, Lionel; Huwald, Hendrik and Berton, Fabien. The borehole 2Alpes-3065; a pilot installation for fiber optic DTS measurements in permafrost [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 507-508, illus., 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083997 Schwamborn, G. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany); Schirrmeister, L.; Diekmann, B. and Frütsch, F. Quartz weathering in freeze-thaw cycles; experiment and application to the El'gygytgyn crater lake record for tracing Siberian permafrost history [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 509, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083998 Semenov, V. P. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation) and Zheleznyak, M. N. The temperature field and permafrost of the Vilyui Basin [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 510-511, illus. incl. sketch map, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083999 Semernya, A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Intrapermafrost taliks in central Yakutia and thermal state of overlying permafrost [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 512-513, 1 table, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084000 Sergievskaya, Ya. E. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Poznarkova, S. V. and Tananaev, N. I. Monitoring of the depth of seasonal thawing in the lower reaches of the Yenisey River at site CALM R-40 of Igarka Town [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 514-515, illus. incl. 1 table, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084001 Serikov, S. I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Zheleznyak, M. N.; Guly, S. A.; Skachkov, Yu. B.; Ruzanov, V. T.; Romanovsky, V. E. and Kholodov, A. A. Monitoring of the dynamics of rocks' thermal regime in eastern Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 516-517, illus. incl. sketch map, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084002 Serrano, Enrique (Universidad de Valladolid, Departamento de Geografia, Valladolid, Spain) and López-Martinez, Jerónimo. Geomorphological mapping in Antarctic periglacial environment; the geomorphological map of Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetlands Archipelago) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 518-521, illus. incl. 2 tables, geol. sketch map, 18 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084003 Severskiy, E. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Sakha, Russian Federation). The response of permafrost in the northern Tien Shan to climate change [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 522, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084004 Shalina, E. V. (Saint Petersburg State University, Department of Geography and Geoecology, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation); Lebedeva, L. S.; Bobylev, L. P. and Zemeszirks, K. E. Changes in permafrost parameters at the turn of the 21st century [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 523, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084005 Shamanova, I. I. (Production and Scientific Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction, Moscow, Russian Federation); Titkov, S. N. and Masimov, A. v. The anthropogenic changes in the geocryological conditions of the Obskaya-bovanenkovo railway line (the Yamal Peninsula) based on the results of the engineering and geocryological monitoring [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 524-525, illus., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084006 Shestakova, A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Mapping of dynamics of permafrost landscapes and assessment of their resistance (the case of the Prilenskoe Plateau) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 526-527, sketch map, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084007 Shesternev, D. M. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Cryolithozone, climate and emergency risks [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 528-529, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084008 Sheveleva, D. V. (TyumenNIIGiprogaz, Tyumen, Russian Federation). The calculation of the dynamics of the thawing halo from the horizontal flare [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 530-531, illus., 1 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084009 Shirokov, R. S. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Vasiliev, A. A. Secular variations of bottom temperatures in the Barents and Kara Seas [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 532-533, illus. incl. sketch map, 1 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084010 Shmakin, A. B. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Sosnovsky, A. V.; Borzenkova, A. V.; Osokin, N. I. and Zazovskaya, E. P. Influence of snow cover on freezing and thawing of permafrost in Nordenskiold Land, Spitsbergen, Svalbard [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 535, illus., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084011 Shmakova, L. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical-Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Sciences, Pushchino, Russian Federation). Amoeboid protists in permafrost soils of the Kolyma Lowland [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 536-537, illus. incl. 1 table, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084012 Shmelev, D. G. (Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Vagina, I. M.; Kraev, G. N.; Rivkina, E. M. and Gilichinsky, D. A. Application of permafrost CH4 concentration in cryolithology [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 538-539, illus. incl. 1 table, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084013 Shorkunov, I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Mergelov, S. and Goryachkin, S. Rock varnish on granitoids in East Antarctica; product of endolithic pedogenesis? [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 540-541, illus., 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084014 Shpuntov, S. M. (Vankorneft CJSC, Rosneft OJSC, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation); Grebenets, V. I. and Shmelev, D. G. Monitoring of the active layer in the north of middle Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 542-543, illus. incl. 2 tables, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084015 Shpuntova, A. M. (Lomonosov Moscow University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Korneeva, E. E.; Bykova, A. V. and Pavlunin, V. B. Thermal erosion and gullying in the Taz Peninsula [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 544-545, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084016 Shumskaya, N. K. (St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) and Potapova, T. M. The ecological problems of the territory of oil and gas industry in the cryolithozone of the middle Ob area [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 546, 1 table, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084018 Siegert, C. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Deparmtent of Periglacial Research, Potsdam, Germany); Hubberten, H. W.; Schirrmeister, L.; Wetterich, S.; Overduin, P. P.; Boike, J.; Grigoriev, M. N.; Kunitsky, V. V.; Romanovskii, N. N.; Tumskoy, V. E.; Bolshiyanov, D. Yu. and Fedorov, G. Joint Russian-German research on terrestrial and subsea permafrost in Siberia; results potentials and perspectives [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 549-550, illus. incl. 1 table, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084020 Sjoberg, Y. J. K. (Stockholm University, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm, Sweden); Lyon, S. W. and Frampton, A. Using streamflow characteristics to explore permafrost thawing in northern Swedish catchments [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 553-554, 1 table, sketch map, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084021 Skapintsev, A. E. (Fundamentproekt OJSC, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kutvitskaya, N. B.; Ryazanov, A. V. and Ikan, A. V. Engineering protection of pipelines from hazardous engineering-geological processes in Northern regions [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 555-556, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084022 Skrypnikova, M. G. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Department of Oil and Gas Fields Geology, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Bespalova, Yu. V. Monitoring of underground waters in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 557-558, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084023 Skvortsov, A. G. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Dubrovin, V. A.; Sadurtdinov, M. R. and Tsarev, A. M. Seismic surveys at the Marre-sale permafrost monitoring station (Yamal) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 559-560, illus., 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084024 Slater, Andrew G. (University of Boulder, National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, CO) and Lawrence, David M. Diagnosing future projections of permafrost [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 561-562, illus. incl. sketch map, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084025 Smirnov, A. M. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Vasileva, T. V. and Grebenets, V. I. The study of segregated and massive ice outcrops on the Valkovskaya Terrace [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 563-564, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084026 Spektor, V. B. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Torgovkin, Ya. I.; Spektor, V. V. and Shestakova, A. A. Preliminary assessment of frozen ground stability and associated exploration hazards in the Russian northeast [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 565, illus. incl. 1 table, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084027 Stanilovskaya, Yu. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Geoecology Institute, Geocryology Laboratory, Moscow, Russian Federation); Baranskaya, A. V.; Belova, N. G.; Gorbachev, P. A.; Kraev, G. N.; Urban, A. A.; Khomutov, A. V. and Shmelev, D. G. The network of young permafrost researchers of Russia (tasks and prospects) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 566-567, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084028 Stephani, Eva (Golder Associates, Montreal, QC, Canada); Kanevskiy, Mikhail; Dillon, Matthew; Bray, Matthew and Shur, Yuri. Cryostratigraphy of a yedoma (ice complex) in Seward Peninsula, Alaska [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 569-570, illus., 8 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084029 Strauss, J. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Department of Periglacial Research, Potsdam, Germany); Schirrmeister, L. and Wetterich, S. Old organic matter in Siberian permafrost deposits and its degradation features [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 571-572, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084030 Streever, B. (BP Exploration, Anchorage, AK). Ice-rich permafrost and the rehabilitation of tundra on Alaska's North Slope; lessons learned from case studies [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 573-574, illus., 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084031 Subin, Z. M. (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division, Berkeley, CA); Riley, W. J.; Koven, C. D.; Torn, M. S.; Lawrence, D. M. and Swenson, S. C. Permafrost soil warming induced by elevated CO2 and increased summer rainfall [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 575-576, illus., 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084032 Sudakov, I. A. (Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation). Modelling peatland land surface processes, vegetation dynamics and methane emissions for Lena River delta region [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 577-578, 1 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084033 Swales, T. (George Washington University, Department of Geography, Washington, DC) and Hatleberg, E. Changing permafrost and Arctic population; a quantitative assessment for the Russian Arctic [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 579-580, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084034 Tarasenko, A. A. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Silnitskiy, P. F. and Tarasenko, D. A. The problems of designing the heat insulation for bases of vertical steel cylindrical tanks constructed in the cryolithozone [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 583, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084036 Tomaskovicova, S. (Arctic Technology Centre, Department of Civil Engineering, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark); Paamand, E.; Ingeman-Nielsen, T. and Bauer-Gottwein, P. Coupled thermo-geophysical inversion for permafrost monitoring [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 587-588, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084038 Trindade, A. (University of Lisbon, Centre of Geographical Studies, Lisbon, Portugal); Vieira, G. and Shaefer, C. Sedimentological analysis of relict slope deposits of Serra da Estrela, Portugal [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 591, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084039 Trochim, E. D. (University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK); Cristobal, J.; Mumm, J. P.; Farnham, N. E.; Prakash, A. and Kane, D. L. Understanding hydrological characteristics of surficial drainage networks; from plots to satellite data [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 592-593, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084041 Tsarapov, M. N. (Lomonosov Moscow University, Deparmtent of Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation). Strength properties of thawing soils [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 596-597, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084042 Tumskoy, V. E. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Zhukova, E. A. Quaternary deposits at the Dzhelon-Sise Upland (the Yano-Indigirskaya Lowland) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 598-599, sketch map, 1 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084043 Ukhova, Yu. A. (Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Center for Gas Resources, Moscow, Russian Federation). The gas hazard of the cryolithozone in Yamalskiy region (the Yamal Peninsula and the Kara Sea Shelf) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 600-601, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084044 Ulrich, M. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Department of Periglacial Research, Potsdam, Germany); Siegert, C.; Schirrmeister, L.; Fedorov, A. N. and Zielhofer, C. Permafrost degradation and climate-related thermokarst dynamics in populated central Yakutia, eastern Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 602-603, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084045 Unanyan, K. L. Assessment of hazard of water erosion processes during the development of hydrocarbon deposits in the Yamal Peninsula [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 604, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084046 Urdea, P. (West University of Timisoara, Department of Geography, Timisoara, Romania); Onaca, A.; Ardelean, F.; Ardelean, M. and Torok-Oance, M. Aspects of the thermal regime on the periglacial belt of Southern Carpathians (Romania) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 605-606, illus. incl. 4 tables, 7 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084047 Usacheva, A. A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Gorbunova, I. A. and Golubeva, E. I. The impact of permafrost on particularities of the soil cover of the North Siberian Lowland [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 607-608, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084048 Vagapov, I. M. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino State Institute of Natural Sciences, Pushchino, Russian Federation); Ovchinnikov, A. Yu. and Alifanov, V. M. Paleocryomorphic soils of the center of the East European Plain as archives of paleoecological natural events [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 609-610, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084049 Vaks, Anton (University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford, United Kingdom); Gutareva, O. S.; Breitenbach, S. F. M.; Osinzev, A. V.; Kononov, A. M. and Henderson, G. M. A history of permafrost in Siberia during the last 450 ky, a tool for climate change prediction [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 611, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084050 van Huissteden, J. (Vrije Universiteit, Department of Earth Sciences, Earth and Climate Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands); Gallagher, A.; Budishchev, A.; Petrov, R. and Maximov, T. C. Permafrost degradation and carbon; the importance of ecosystem recovery [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 612-613, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084051 Vandenberghe, J. (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands); Cui, Z.; French, H.; Gorbunov, A.; Jin, H.; Marchenko, S.; Velichko, A. and Zhang, T. Permafrost extension during the last permafrost maximum (LPM) in the Northern Hemisphere [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 614, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084052 Vanhala, H. (Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, Finland); Lintinen, P. and Oberman, N. Geophysical study of lowland permafrost in Komi-Nenets area, north-west Russia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 615-616, illus. incl. sketch map, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084053 Velichko, A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Nechaev, V. P. and Lavrentev, N. V. The problems of reconstruction of the cryolithozone of northern Eurasia during the Pleistocene cold maximum; methods and results [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 617, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084054 Veniaminova, A. M. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Institute of Geology, Oil and Gas Industry, Tyumen, Russian Federation). Construction and exploitation of transportation systems in cold regions [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 618-619, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084055 Veremeeva, A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Pushchino, Russian Federation). Morphometrical analysis of thermokarst-lake basins, Kolyma Lowland, NE Siberia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 620-621, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084056 Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania); Popescu, R.; Vasile, M.; Cruceru, N.; Cheval, S. and Constantin, S. Assessing the permafrost presence and rock glacier activity in mountain environments; an example from Southern Carpathians, Romania [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 622, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084057 Vey, S. (University of Hannover, Institute of Geodesy, Hanover, Germany); Crétaux, J. F.; Müller, J.; Boike, J. and Papa, F. Inter-annual water storage variations in the Lena Watershed, Siberia, derived from GRACE and complementary satellite data [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 623-624, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084058 Vieria, G. (University of Lisbon, Centre of Geographical Studies, Lisbon, Portugal); Mora, C.; Oliva, Marc; Jorge, M.; Pina, P.; Saraiva, J. and Christiansen, H. Detailed geomorphological survey of the UNIS ice-wedge monitoring site area (Adventdalen, Svalbard) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 625, illus., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084059 Vlasov, V. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Zavodovskiy, A. G. and Madygulov, M. Sh. Dissociation of gas hydrates into supercooled water and gas, from nuclear magnetic resonance data [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 626-627, illus., 7 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084060 Wainstien, P. (BGC Engineering, Canada); Arenson, L. U. and Jakob, M. Challenges in evaluating mining impacts in the periglacial environment of the South American Andes [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 628-629, 9 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084061 Wainwright, H. M. (Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA); Hubbard, S. S.; Dafflon, B.; Ulrich, C.; Wu, Y.; Gangodagamage, C.; Rowland, J.; Wilson, C.; Tweedie, C. and Wullschleger, S. D. Multiscale Bayesian fusion approach using geophysical and remote sensing data for characterizing Arctic tundra hydrogeochemical properties [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 630-631, illus. incl. 1 table, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084062 Waldrop, M. P. (U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA); Wickland, K. P.; Mackelprang, R.; Jansson, J. K. and Hultman, J. Soil microbiota of contrasting Alaskan permafrost environments [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 632-633, illus. incl. 1 table, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084063 Walker, D. A. (University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK); Frost, S.; Timling, I.; Raynolds, M. K.; Matyshak, G. V.; Frost, G. V.; Epstein, H. E.; Zhurbenko, M. and Afonina, O. Biological soil crusts of Hayes Island, Franz Josef Land, Russia; high cover, biomass and NDVI [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 634-635, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084064 Walters, J. C. (University of Northern Iowa, Department of Earth Science, Cedar Falls, IA). Long-term observations of sorted circle dynamics at sites in central Alaska [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 636-637, sketch map, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084065 Wang Jiliang (Cold Region Acadmey of Construction in Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang, China) and Zhang Chenxi. Causes and treatment measures of the construction quality problems in the permafrost region of Mohe [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 638, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083973 Wang Quan (Jilin University, College of Construction Engineering, Changchun, China); Chen Huie; Ma Wei; Li Shixi; Fang Jingtao; Zhang Hongjing and Hu Zhenzhen. Pore structure change of seasonal frozen soil caused by moisture migration [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 462-463, 4 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084067 Westermann, S. (University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences, Oslo, Norway); Gisnas, K.; Schuler, T. V. and Etzelmuller, B. Towards operational permafrost monitoring in Norway [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 641-642, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084068 Wetterich, S. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany); Herzschuh, U.; Schirrmeister, L.; Schneider, A.; Pestyakova, L.; Pfeiffer, E. M.; Kutzbach, L.; Beermann, F.; Tumskoy, V.; Bobrov, A.; Kokhanova, L.; Zhukova, E.; Joosten, H.; Teltewskaja, A.; Subetto, D. and Sitalo, V. The joint German-Russian POLYGON Project; environmental studies in east Siberian tundra wetlands [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 643-644, illus., 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084069 White, Anna (Voznesenka School, Homer, AK); Iwahana, Go; Sparrow, Elena; Kopplin, Martha and Yoshikawa, Kenji. Frost tubes in Alaskan schools [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 645-646, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084070 Wilson, C.; Travis, B. and Rowland, J. Predicting CO2 and CH4 emissions from the active layer in response to climate warming [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 647, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084071 Wolf, C. (Eberhard Karls University, Physical Geography and Soil Science, Tubingen, Germany); Förth, J.; Scholten, T. and Kühn, P. Ice-wedge polygons on hillslopes in the Umimmalissuaq Valley (Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland) [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 648-649, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084037 Wu Tonghua (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, Lanzhou, China); Lin Zhao; Li Ren; Xie Changwei; Pang Qiangqiang; Wang, Qinxue; Batkhishig, Ochirbat and Battogtokh, Dorjgotov. Permafrost degradation under abrupt warming in the central Mongolia Plateau [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 589-590, sketch map, 9 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084019 Yang Sizhong (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soils Engineering, Lanzhou, China) and Jin Huijun. Isotopic composition of the inactive ice wedges at Yitulihe in the Da Xing'anling Mountains, northeastern China [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 551-552, illus., 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084074 Yastreba, N. V. (All Russia Scientific and Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kritsuk, L. N. and Dubrovin, V. A. Maps of geocryological zoning; Arctic regions of the cryolithozone [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 654-655, geol. sketch map, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084077 Zakirov, A. V. The time factor in the assessment of risks connected with the infrastructure modeling in permafrost zones [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 659-660, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084078 Zamolodchikov, D. G. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre of Ecology Problems and Productivity of Forests, Laboratory of Biospheric Functions and Productivity of Forests, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kraev, G. N.; Karelin, D. V.; Pochikalov, A. V.; Chestnykh, O. V. and Malitskii, S. V. New CALM plots at the limits of permafrost zone in Russia [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 661-662, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084079 Zavodovskiy, A. G. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Madygulov, M. Sh. The life time of the supercooled water in the water-saturated montmorillonite [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 663-664, illus., 7 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084080 Zemlyanoy, A. A. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Department of Oil and Gas Wells Drilling, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Zozulya, G. P.; Dolgushin, V. A.; Dmitruk, V. V. and Zhuravlev, V. V. On the prospects of improvement of coiled tubing equipment and technology for the Far North conditions [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 665-666, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084035 Zhang, Tingjun (University of Colorado at Boulder, National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, CO); Wang Qingfeng; Wu Jichun; Zhong Xinyue; Mu Cuicui; Peng Xiaoqing; Wang Kang; Cao Bin; Wan Xudong; Liu Jia; Wu Qingbai and Cheng Guodong. Preliminary investigation on permafrost distribution in the upper reaches of Heihe River basin in western China [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 585-586, illus. incl. sketch map, 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12083972 Zhang Qinglong (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Lanzhou, China); Li Ning and Mu Yanhu. Analyses of thaw settlement of conventional embankments in warm permafrost regions [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 460-461, illus. incl. 1 table, 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084081 Zhang Ze (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environment and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Lanzhou, China); Pendin, V. V. and Roman, L. T. Freeze-thaw effect and variability of morianic clayey loam [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 667-668, illus., 1 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084017 Zhao Shuing (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environment and Engineering Research Institute, Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Lanzhou, China); Ma Wei and Zheng Jianfeng. The damage evolution equation of frozen Lanzhou loess [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 547-548, illus. incl. 1 table, 7 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084083 Zheleznyak, M. N. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). On the need to create a geo-information geocryological system [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 671-672, geol. sketch map, 3 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084084 Zhikhareva, I. G. (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Rakashov, A. A. and Shmidt, V. V. Improvement of protective corrosion resistance of oilfield equipment in the northern environment using Zn-Ni electrolytic coatings [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 673, 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084085 Zhizhin, V. I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Serikov, S. I. and Misaylov, I. E. Glaciation stages in the formation of geomorphological relief forms in the southern Verkhoyansk region [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 674-675, illus., 2 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12084086 Zhou, X. (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institute for Geotechnical Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland); Stauffer, F.; Kinzelbach, W.; Buchli, T. and Springman, S. M. Comparison of thermal regimes at two boreholes in rock glacier Furggwanghorn, Valais, Switzerland [abstr.]: in Extended abstracts of the Tenth international conference on Permafrost, International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) Proceedings, 10, Volume 4, p. 676-677, illus., 5 ref., 2012. Meeting: Tenth international conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, 2012, Salekhard, Russian Federation.

12085408 Barnhart, T. B. (Idaho State University, Department of Geosciences, Pocatello, ID) and Crosby, B. T. Using high frequency terrestrial LiDAR to correlate meteorological and hydrological drivers to the expansion of a retrogressive thaw slump along the Selawik River, Alaska [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C52A-05, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

The Selawik River retrogressive thaw slump was first identified in 2004 approximately 110 km upstream of Selawik Village in northwest Alaska. It is the largest active thaw slump known in the United Sates. Annual measurements of slump topography began in 2007 and in the summer of 2011 the feature was roughly circular in plan form with a ~250 m diameter and 25 m tall headwall. The vertical headwall is comprised of a diamict with pore ice and rare ice lenses. The feature is active June-September with headwall retreat rates typically ~20 m/year equating to ~20 cm/day. Hourly time lapse photography from 2009 and 2010 revealed that headwall retreat was both temporally and spatially variable, driven by two processes: thaw and subsequent gravitational failure or mechanical and thermal erosion by flows of thawed material. In order to assess when, where and how retreat occurs, we developed a field campaign based on contemporaneous, high temporal resolution measurement of meteorological and hydrological drivers and corresponding topographic responses. Measured meteorological drivers included air and soil temperatures, relative humidity, as well as long and short wavelength radiation. Measured hydrological drivers included precipitation, soil moisture, water level above frost table and total slump discharge. Topographic measurements were made using a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) at 3 different spatial and temporal scales: (1) 22 whole-feature scans were collected at 9:00 and 21:00 over 13 consecutive days, weather permitting, (2) 12 whole-feature scans were collected every 2 hours over a 24 hour period and (3) 40 and 20 local headwall scans were collected on 10 minute intervals at two locations. We use these three temporal frequencies to explore both the physical erosion processes and to elucidate whether topographic change is well correlated with certain drivers. Analysis of TLS data reveals volumetric changes in both the headwall and the earthflow-dominated slump floor. Better understanding of slump dynamics increases the predictability of feature evolution and sediment and nutrient delivery to the river, aquatic ecosystems and communities downstream.

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12085393 Bonnaventure, P. P. (Queen's University, Department of Geography, Kingston, ON, Canada) and Lewkowicz, A. G. Per mil 1°C scenario-based climate change modelling for a regional permafrost probability model of the southern Yukon and northern British Columbia, Canada [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C51B-05, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

A recently created high-resolution (30 ´ 30 m) permafrost probability model for the southern Yukon and northern British Columbia covers an area of about 490 000 km2 between 59 - 65°N (Bonnaventure et al. In Review). The model was developed by utilizing seven individual empirical-statistical models created within the region using a combination of Basal Temperature of Snow (BTS) and ground truthing inputs (Bonnaventure and Lewkowicz Submitted) and expanded using a blended distance decay technique. The Regional Model shows that 52% of the region is underlain by permafrost, existing at high elevations but often also within valley bottoms in forest terrain especially in the north of the study region where mountain and latitudinal permafrost begin to interfinger. A unique distinction of this region is the presence of inversions in Surface Lapse Rate (SLR). These inversions can produce gentle or inverted SLRs through the forest on an annual scale, whereas areas above treeline generally follow a normal SLR (-6.5°C/km). As a result, this greatly affects the distribution of permafrost, which does not follow a linear trend with elevation as seen in the European Alps. Due to this, one of the models main variables is equivalent elevation, which incorporates non-uniform temperature change with elevation (Lewkowicz and Bonnaventure 2011). By altering this variable within the Regional Model different Mean Annual Air Temperature (MAAT) scenarios can be run to see how permafrost distribution is affected. Because the equivalent elevation variable takes into account an area's specific SLR below treeline, this perturbed model represents a significant improvement over others, which have used normal SLRs to examine potential climate change (e.g. Bonnaventure and Lewkowicz 2010). Climate change scenarios for per mil 1°C have been performed on the Regional Model to examine the effects under equilibrium conditions. Under a -1°C colder than present scenario, similar to what temperatures would have been during the little ice age, the area underlain by permafrost expands to 78%. Under a MAAT scenario of +1°C the amount of permafrost area is reduced to 31%. In areas where SLRs are normal, permafrost zones from isolated patches to continuous can be present in mountain areas over small horizontal distances. Warming of these areas results in the individual permafrost zones progressively moving upward in elevation, while continuous terrain is reduced. In areas however, that have close to zero or inverted SLRs, permafrost is much more sensitive to changes in MAAT. These areas show more uniform lowering of permafrost probabilities with much larger areas being affected and independent of elevation. Bonnaventure P.P and Lewkowicz A.G. 2010. Climatic Change. 105 (1-2, 293-312). Bonnaventure P.P. and Lewkowicz A.G. In Review. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. Submitted November, 2010. Bonnaventure P.P., Lewkowicz A.G. and Kremer M. In Review. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. Submitted January 2011. Lewkowicz A.G. and Bonnaventure P.P. 2011. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 22: 153-162.

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12085469 Burns, P. J. (Oregon State University, Department of Geosciences, Corvallis, OR); Nolin, A. W.; Lettenmaier, D. P.; Clarke, G. K.; Naz, B. S. and Gleason, K. E. Calibration and assessment of a distributed hydrologic model applied to a glacierized basin in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C53D-0711, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Glacier retreat has been well documented in the Cordillera Blanca of the Peruvian Andes. It is becoming clearer that changes in glacier area and volume will negatively affect water resources in this region, particularly during the dry season (May to September). Previous studies focusing on this issue in the Cordillera Blanca have had success modeling runoff but did so using somewhat over-simplified hydrologic models. The question driving this study is: How well does the Distributed Hydrology Soil and Vegetation Model (DHSVM) coupled with a new dynamic glacier sub-model replicate runoff in a test basin of the Cordillera Blanca, namely Llanganuco. During the 2011 dry season we collected data on stream discharge, meteorological conditions, soil, and vegetation in the basin. We installed two stage height recorders in the middle reaches of the watershed to complement a third which delineates the basin outlet. Flow data collected at these points will be used for model calibration and/or validation. For geochemical validation we collected spring and meltwater samples for use in a two component isotopic mixing model. We also mapped dominant soil and vegetation types for model input. We use satellite imagery (ASTER and Landsat) to map the change in glacier extent over approximately the last 30 years as this will be another model input. Coupled together, all of these data will be used to run, validate, and refine a model which will also be implemented in other regions of the world where glacier melt is crucial at certain times of the year.

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12085472 Chu, H. (Central Geological Survey, New Taipei City, Taiwan). Periglacial landforms in the high mountains of Taiwan [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C53D-0714, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Glacial relicts and glacial landforms in the north-central Taiwan have been pointed out as early as 30s of the 20th century. Recent findings of the striated boulders and bedrocks, glacial trough valley, and cirque in the Hsueshan, the Hohuanshan, the Nanhutashan, the Yushan, and the Chiaming Lake area have confirmed the existence of glacial relicts and landforms in the in the central and south-central high mountains of Taiwan. Variation of periglacial landforms and features such as irregular depressions, patterned ground, angular frost-shattered bedrock protuberances, and smoothing of slopes through processes of creeping and solifluction are highly dependent on differences of lithology. Since the retreat of the last glaciations, the periglacial processes have been acting and modifying already-existing glacial landforms in the high ground of Taiwan.

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12085409 Ewing, S. A. (Montana State University, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Bozeman, MT); Harden, J. W.; Johnston, C.; Varner, R. K.; Koch, J. C.; Stoy, P. C.; Wickland, K. P. and Jorgenson, T. T. Short-term biogeochemical consequences of long-term permafrost degradation in a northern peatland [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C52A-06, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Carbon loss in the form of methane emissions is an important consequence of permafrost degradation in sub-arctic lowland basin settings that host ice-rich peat deposits. Under these circumstances, thaw leads to accumulation of water and anaerobic conditions, with trace gas production as a dominant mechanism of carbon loss. We use a chronosequence of collapse scar bog features in a young peat deposit (3700 y) to explore pathways of decadal to millennial scale decreases in total carbon stocks. We show that the highest methane fluxes over a growing season occur in intermediate age landscape thaw features that have experienced rapid carbon loss over hundreds of years. These features are isolated from the regional flow system and defined by actively advancing thaw fronts with high nutrient availability that facilitates trace gas emission.

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12085394 Gibéryen, T. (Laval University, Center for Northern Studies, Quebec, QC, Canada) and Allard, M. Permafrost knowledge to serve as foundation for Inuit community planning [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C51B-06, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

With the recent announcement of Québec's provincial government's Plan Nord, Nunavik will see a 500 new houses sweep onto it's territory over the next 5 years. The local Inuit communities are confronted with the pressuring need to find suitable land to safely accommodate the new infrastructures in the long term. Additional to human and environmental constraints are those related to warming permafrost. Intensive studies on four Nunavik communities (Inukjuak, Puvirnituq, Akulivik, Kangirsuk) have allowed us to extensively consult local and regional authorities on their planning and management considerations. Recent and archived drilling data have been used to corroborate air photo interpretation, surficial geology and permafrost mapping. All collected information are integrated into aggregated maps that will eventually serve as community master plans. General recommendations on how to best manage and plan for community expansions on warming permafrost are made. Appropriate engineering techniques assuring long-term stable foundations are outlined and additionally mapped, taking into consideration the variable terrain conditions and simulated changes in permafrost temperature and active layer thickness according to climate change scenarios. The final purpose of our results is for them to support local and regional governments in their community planning process towards the best possible climate change adaptation strategies.

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12085411 Gosselin, P. (Université Laval, Centre d'Études Nordiques, Quebec, QC, Canada); Allard, M. and Falardeau-Marcoux, C. Alluvial fan susceptibility to thermoerosion in a small Arctic basin, Pangnirtung, NU [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C52A-08, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

An exceptional rainstorm, high air temperature, thick snow cover and low soil permeability due to high permafrost table in early summer are some of the main causes that led to an extreme peak discharge of the Duval River, in Pangnirtung, Nunavut, on June 8, 2008. The 95 km2 catchment is located on mountainous terrain and the river flows in a steep channel down to a large Holocene alluvial fan on which the community is partially built. In a matter of several hours, an estimated volume of 91 000 m3 of sediments were eroded by the combined mechanical and thermal action of flowing water (thermoerosion). The bouldery main channel of the river was overdeepened by nearly 10 m while the permafrost river banks were undercut up to ~80 m laterally. The weight of the undercut bank eventually exceeded the strength of the permafrost and they collapsed, permanently damaging two bridges. As the Duval River flows through the community, the damage to the bridges resulted in limited access to some vital services such as distribution of drinking water and sewage transport. This event shows how climate change and, more specifically, the potential increase in the recurrence of extreme climatic events can trigger landscape hazards, raising safety concerns and infrastructure issues in northern communities. In order to help develop a more resilient community, this study focuses on understanding the process of thermal erosion and on assessing the potential risk of reoccurrence of a high magnitude fluvial event in Pangnirtung. The susceptibility to thermoerosion of the alluvial fan on which the river flows was determined by measuring the main characteristics of the permafrost (grain size, temperature profile, water and ice content) and of the Duval River (water temperature, discharge, channel slope). The unconsolidated sediments (silty-sand matrix till), the low ice-content and the relatively high permafrost temperature at the 12 m depth (-2.8 °C) are all factors promoting thermal erosion. However, the bouldery pavement of the river bed and at the foot of the river banks limits contact between water and permafrost and therefore inhibits heat transfer. The size of the boulders (over a meter in diameter) indicates that a particularly strong discharge is necessary to move them in order to expose permafrost to water. As the river is not gauged and precipitation data are sparse, estimates of the flow regime at the time of the thermal erosion event were derived from the assessment of the convective heat transport coefficient based on the size and rate of cutting of the thermal erosion notch as observed and photographed by community members.

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12085396 Jorgenson, T. T. (Alaska Ecoscience, Fairbanks, AK). Ecological framework for assessing changes in soil water and carbon in response to degrading permafrost [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C51B-08, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

The response of soil water and carbon to permafrost degradation differs greatly across the varied terrain of boreal Alaska. Responses can be broadly partitioned among rocky uplands on ice poor bedrock and colluvial deposits, loamy uplands on extremely ice rich Pleistocene loess, sandy lowlands on sand sheets, and peaty lowlands on abandoned floodplains, retransported deposits on lower slopes, and lowland loess. On rocky uplands, soil carbon and water stocks are low and most carbon and water is lost after fire and subsequent thawing of permafrost. On loamy uplands, much of the soil carbon is lost after fire, but soils remain saturated after thawing of the ice rich intermediate layer. Deeper permafrost is resilient. On sandy lowlands, forest soils have low carbon stocks and water contents, in contrast to the high carbon stocks in perched lakes maintained by permafrost. Thawing of permafrost leads to drying of forest soils and draining of lakes, exposing soil carbon to aerobic conditions for decomposition. Peaty lowlands have thick peat deposits associated with black spruce permafrost plateaus and unfrozen collapse-scar bogs and fens. Thawing leads to 2 to 4 m of collapse and large loss of ice.Formation of bogs impounds water in depressions and leads to rapid accumulation of bog peat. Thawing of forest peat also leads to substantial decomposition of old forest peat.

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12085404 Kokelj, S. V. (Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Yellowknife, NT, Canada); Lacelle, D.; Lantz, T. C.; Tunnicliffe, J. F.; Chin, K.; Malone, L. and Clark, I. D. Thawing of massive ground ice in mega slumps drives emergence of a new fluvial regime [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C52A-01, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

The recent acceleration of thaw slump activity has caused crater like scars and debris flows up to 40 ha in area to develop throughout watersheds in ice-rich terrain of northwestern Canada. Ablation of ground ice in headwalls of these mega thaw slumps has caused the emergence of a new fluvial regime which we term the "degrading massive-ice regime". It is characterized by suspended sediment and solute concentrations in impacted streams that are several of orders of magnitude greater than in unaffected streams. The intensity of thaw slump activity is significant enough that diurnal variations are now being clearly expressed in turbidity, specific conductivity and water levels of streams draining small to medium sized watersheds (100 km2). Impacted stream turbidity varied diurnally by up to one order of magnitude and showed the strongest relationship with net radiation during warm clear weather when slump headwall ablation was greatest. The cumulative impacts of mega slumps are the most plausible drivers of the water quality changes detected in the lower Peel River (70 000 km2). Evidence of impacts and change across a range of scales suggests that geomorphic thresholds are being crossed and the processes we describe can be expected to accelerate as ice-rich Quaternary landscapes adjust to rapid climate warming. Freshwater stream ecosystems that have evolved under geomorphically stable, cold climate conditions will be under tremendous stress as thermokarst activity intensifies and effects of the degrading massive-ice regime become more widespread.

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12085410 Lafreniere, M. J. (Queens University, Department of Geography, Kingston, ON, Canada) and Lamoureux, S. F. The impact of enhanced summer thaw, hillslope disturbances, and late season rainfall on solute fluxes from High Arctic headwater catchments [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C52A-07, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

This study examines variations in the composition and total seasonal fluxes of dissolved solutes in several small High Arctic headwater catchments at the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory (CBAWO), Melville Island, Nunavut (74°54'N, 109°35'W) over multiple snowmelt seasons (2007, 2008, 2009) with contrasting climate and permafrost active layer conditions. Climate warming in the High Arctic will affect a number processes that will alter the hydrological and biogeochemical exports from the landscape. Climate change is projected to alter precipitation regimes, resulting in increases in both winter and summer precipitation in the High Arctic, thereby altering hydrological regimes. Warming will result in thickening of the seasonal active layer, which will alter hydrological flow paths and water and solute sources. Additionally, active layer thickening and permafrost warming is also project to enhance the development of thermokarst features, including hillslope disturbances, such as active layer detachment slides and retrogressive thaw slumps. This research compares the flux of inorganic and organic solutes emanating from a group of catchments that were subject to a range hillslope disturbances, or active layer detachment slides (ALDs), at the end of summer 2007. One of the catchments, Goose, was not subject to any disturbance, while active layer slides covered between 6% and 46% of the catchment area in the disturbed catchments. It was hypothesised that solute fluxes would increase primarily with increasing extent and degree of disturbance. This however, was not observed. Rather, comparing five sites with varying degrees of disturbance in 2009 illustrates that on a specific area and specific volume of runoff basis, solute fluxes were unrelated to disturbance extent. Comparing two catchments that were monitored from 2007 (pre-disturbance) through to 2009 (2 yrs post disturbance), shows that both catchments were subject to solute flux increases, however the solute fluxes in the undisturbed catchment increased more than in the catchment subject to disturbance in 11% of the catchment area. The data suggest that seasonal solute fluxes are most sensitive to late season precipitation volumes and active layer thickening, rather than disturbance. This study also suggests that the impact of active layer thickening on solute fluxes may be sustained for several years afterwards. This implies that solute release from the upper permafrost may be effectively pumped upwards in the soil profile and more readily mobilized by shallow soil water flow.

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12085406 Lantuit, H. (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany); Overduin, P. P.; Couture, N. J.; Wetterich, S.; Aré, F.; Atkinson, D. E.; Brown, J.; Cherkashov, G. A.; Drozdov, D.; Forbes, D. L.; Graves Gaylord, A.; Grigoriev, M. N.; Hubberten, H. W.; Jordan, J. W.; Jorgenson, T. T.; Odegard, R.; Ogorodov, S.; Pollard, W. H.; Rachold, V.; Sedenko, S.; Solomon, S. M.; Steenhuisen, F.; Streletskaya, I. and Vasiliev, A. The erosion of Arctic coasts and the subsequent release of organic carbon to the Arctic seas [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C52A-03, illus. incl. sketch map, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Arctic permafrost coasts are sensitive to changing climate. The lengthening open-water season and the increasing open-water area are likely to induce greater erosion and threaten community and industry infrastructure as well as dramatically change organic carbon and nutrient pathways in the nearshore zone. The shallow, mediterranean Arctic Ocean is likely to be strongly affected by changes in currently poorly observed arctic coastal dynamics. In this presentation, we present the first circumarctic database for the arctic coast, covering 101447 km of coastline in 1315 segments, characterized according to their geomorphology, their geocryology, and their geochemistry. The average rate of erosion for the arctic coast is 0.5 m/ year with high local and regional variability. Highest rates are observed in the Laptev, East Siberian, and Beaufort Seas. Strong spatial variability in associated database bluff height, ground carbon and ice content, and coastline movement highlights the need to estimate the relative importance of shifting coastal fluxes to the Arctic Ocean at multiple spatial scales. We also present fluxes of organic carbon from the coasts to the Arctic Seas calculated using data from the same database, and show the relevance of these new numbers for the Arctic carbon cycle.

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12085470 Naz, B. S. (University of Washington, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seattle, WA); Frans, C. D.; Clarke, G. K.; Nolin, A. W.; Lettenmaier, D. P.; Istanbulluoglu, E. and Burns, P. J. Application of spatially distributed coupled glacio-hydrological model to predict the effect of glacier recession on the flow of the upper Bow River, Alberta, Canada [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C53D-0712, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Several recent studies have suggested that observed decreases in summer flows in Canada's South Saskatchewan River are partly due to retreat of glaciers in the river's headwaters. Despite the risk posed by declining glaciers to water supply in the high mountain river systems, our ability to accurately predict runoff contribution from partially glacierized basins is limited. Modeling the effect of glacier changes on streamflow response in such basins is complicated due to limited availability of high resolution gridded meteorological data, lack of long term measurements of glaciological parameters and most importantly glacier dynamics are not linked to hydrological processes in many existing physically-based distributed hydrologic models. We investigate the effect of glacier recession on streamflow variations for the Upper Bow River basin, a tributary of the South Saskatchewan, near Lake Louise, Alberta, using the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM) coupled with the spatially distributed glacier dynamics model. The coupled model is forced with the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) climate data for the period of 1979 - 2010 at a 3-hourly time step. The NARR data are adjusted for spatial variability in precipitation and temperature using the Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) monthly data at 2.5 arcmin resolution made available through the Climate Western North America (ClimateWNA) database (Wang et al. 2006). Using known subglacial bed topography information, a multidecade spin-up run of the stand alone glacier model is first conducted until the beginning of the simulation period for the coupled model to accurately predict ice thickness confirmed through comparison of modeled ice margins with observed glacier extent. The integrated model initialized with already estimated glacier thickness and ice extent is then run to predict glacier evolution, including spatial extent in combination with other hydrologic processes such as glacier/snow melt, surface runoff, baseflow and evapotranspiration. We test the coupled glacio-hydrologic model performance through comparison of predicted variations in glacier extent, snow water equivalent and streamflow discharge with satellite estimates of glacier area and terminus position combined with stream discharge and observed snow data. Our initial results show the effects on the hydrology of the Bow River as related to retreat of the glacier and its replacement with seasonal snow cover, and the differences in melt and runoff generation associated with this transition.

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12085407 Parsekian, A. (Rutgers University, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Newark, NJ); Jones, B.; Grosse, G.; Jones, M. C.; Walter Anthony, K. and Slater, L. D. Floating vegetation mats on thermokarst lake margins, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C52A-04, illus., December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Thermokarst lake research on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska has identified zones of permafrost collapse over the past 50 years that resulted in the formation of floating vegetation mats along the lake edges. These floating vegetation mat features suggest rapid degradation of permafrost along lake margins and simultaneous expansion of the lakes. Here we present data on the recent growth of these thermokarst collapse features and report on their subsurface geometry using non-invasive geophysical and remote sensing measurements. Vegetation mats in two lakes near Cape Espenburg had an average thickness of 0.57 m and petrophysical modeling revealed entrapped gas content of 1.5 - 5% that enabled floatation and allowed the living plants to remain partially above the water surface. The ground-penetrating radar geophysical investigation provided indications that the mats form by thaw and subsidence of the adjacent permafrost. The sediment temperature below a vegetation mat was observed to be above freezing late in the winter revealing the presence of talik below these lakeside features. Satellite and aerial imagery analysis indicates that floating vegetation mats expanded at maximum rates of 1 - 2 m yr-1 over a 56-year period ending in 2007. Lake expansion rates along the shorelines with vegetation mats are three to seven times faster than the average net expansion rate of these lakes. Including the spatial coverage of floating "thermokarst mats" increases estimates of total thermokarst lake area by as much as 4% in some lakes. Preliminary methane flux data suggests that greenhouse gas emissions from these landforms is higher than from surrounding permafrost.

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12085405 Sannel, B. A. (Stockholm University, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm, Sweden) and Kuhry, P. Destabilization of subarctic peat plateau-thermokarst lake complexes under warmer conditions [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C52A-02, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Introduction Large quantities of soil organic carbon are stored in northern peatlands located in the southern continuous and discontinuous permafrost zones, where permafrost degradation can be expected to occur as a result of changes in climatic conditions (e.g. Tarnocai, 2006). In this region, peat plateaus dotted with thermokarst lakes and fens are common landscape features. Permafrost thawing caused by warming or increased precipitation can result in increased thermokarst lake formation, lateral expansion and/or drainage. A better understanding, and quantification, of spatio-temporal variations in these landforms in relation to climate change is important for predicting the future thawing permafrost carbon feedback. Aim, study area and methods The objective of this study has been to quantify dynamics in thermokarst lake extent in subarctic peat plateaus located along a climate/permafrost gradient during the last ~35-50 years (Sannel and Kuhry, in press). At three study sites; Hudson Bay Lowlands in west-central Canada, Rogovaya in east-European Russia and Tavvavuoma in northern Sweden, remote sensing time-series analysis of historical panchromatic aerial photographs and QuickBird/IKONOS scenes has been performed. For the land-water separation manual delineation in combination with binary encoding of transects perpendicular to the shoreline was used, as this method was identified to be most accurate for high spatial resolution mapping of thermokarst lakes (Sannel and Brown, 2010). Results and conclusions From the mid 1970s until the mid 2000s there has been an increase in mean annual air temperature (MAAT), winter precipitation and ground temperature in all three study areas. The two peat plateaus located in the southern continuous and the discontinuous permafrost zones, where MAATs are below -5°C and ground temperatures are -2°C or colder, have experienced small changes in thermokarst lake extent (<0.4% per decade). In the peat plateau located in the sporadic permafrost zone where the MAAT is around -3°C, and the ground temperature is close to 0°C, extensive lake drainage (~8% per decade) and infilling with fen vegetation has taken place and at the same time many new thermokarst lakes have formed. Our results suggest that warmer MAAT, and subsequent warmer ground temperatures, can cause rapid destabilization of peat plateau-thermokarst lake complexes, and that the critical threshold in MAAT is between -3°C and -5°C. In a future warmer climate, permafrost degradation can cause significant impacts on landscape patterns, hydrology and carbon exchange also in areas with extensive peat plateaus which at present experience stable permafrost conditions. References Sannel, A.B.K. and Brown, I.A. 2010. High resolution remote sensing identification of thermokarst lake dynamics in a subarctic peat plateau complex. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 36, S26-S40. Sannel, A.B.K. and Kuhry, P. in press. Warming-induced destabilization of peat plateau/thermokarst lake complexes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. Tarnocai, C. 2006. The effect of climate change on carbon in Canadian peatlands. Global and Planetary Change 53, 222-232.

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12085395 Stothoff, S. (Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX); Dinwiddie, C. L.; Walter, G. R. and Necsoiu, M. Ranking slope stability in frozen terrain [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C51B-07, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Motivated by the need to assess the risk of permafrost thaw to infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and pipelines, a landscape-scale approach was developed to rank the risk of slope failures and thermokarst development in areas of seasonally frozen soils underlain by permafrost. The approach has two parts: (i) identifying locations where permafrost thaw is likely to occur under future climates, and (ii) identifying areas where thaw would have consequences with respect to a disturbance. The developed screening tool uses (i) land classification maps developed from remotely sensed data and (ii) a thermohydrologic hazard risk assessment to identify areas susceptible to slope instability under current and future climate states. The screening tool combines a numerical ground thawing and freezing dynamics model for calculating the thickness of the active layer and depth of permafrost with a simple slope stability model that is based upon the Level I Stability Analysis (LISA) approach of Harrell et al. (1992). Instead of using the numerical models directly within probabilistic sampling, a response function for the factor of safety in slope stability is developed from numerical simulations that systematically vary input parameters across their range of applicability. The response function is used within Monte Carlo sampling for each grid cell in a landscape model, with a probability distribution for each input parameter assigned to each grid cell based on (i) classes defined for each grid cell; (ii) a digital elevation model; (iii) empirical, mathematical, and numerical interpretive models; and (iv) probabilistic descriptions of the parameters in the interpretive models. For example, the root cohesion distribution is defined by vegetation class, with vegetation spread across the landscape using Landsat-derived vegetation classification maps. The probability of slope failure is the fraction of parameter realizations that result in a factor of safety less than 1. Ranking may be performed based on the expected factor of safety, the probability of slope failure, or the maximum soil thickness compatible with slope stability. Harrell, C., D. Hall, S. Miller, and P. Swetick. Level I Stability Analysis (LISA) Documentation for Version 2.0. General Technical Report INT-285, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Moscow, ID. 1992.

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12085416 Zhang, Y. (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Beijing, China); Gao, J. G.; Liu, L.; Nie, Y.; Wang, Z. and Yang, X. Land cover and climate change in Koshi River basin, the Third Pole [abstr.]: in AGU 2011 fall meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, Abstract C53A-0649, December 2011. Meeting: American Geophysical Union 2011 fall meeting, Dec. 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Koshi River Basin (KRB) is an important part of trans-boundary river basins in the Himalaya region, shared between China and Nepal. The Koshi River, originating from the snowy mountains, glaciers and permafrost melt in the Tibetan Plateau and the northern areas of Nepal, with heavily glaciated and snow covered catchments, has three sub-tributaries. Total area is 53955.57 km2. It is being under the risk of glacier lakes outburst and extreme climate events in many place in the KRB. The basin contains many important ecosystems and protected areas which provide a wide range of biodiversity and related ecosystem services, so it sustains different kinds of livelihood styles. Air temperature data from 1901 to 2009 with spatial resolution of 0.5° were obtained by the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, named as CRU-TS 3.1. The change significant was inspected by Mann-Kendall method. Vegetation coverage is calculated by Spot vegetation dataset provided by ten day global syntheses data, which produced by VITO. The land cover data was provided by ICIMOD and IGSNRR. Results show that:1. The main land-cover types are alpine meadow in northern slope of Mt. Himalaya, while main types in southern slope of the mountain are forest and cultivated land. Snow and ice are broadly distributed on the boundary between two countries. 2. From the data, we found that there happened a little change for vegetation coverage in most part of the KRB. But the regions with change is striped in a north-south orientation, more interesting phenomenon is that, the areas vegetation increasing is distributed along the river, that decreasing is mountain ridge. 3. The mean temperature in the KRB is increasing in recent more than 100 years at a rate of 0.87 Celsius Degree per hundred of years, while annual precipitation is decreasing at a rate of 120.9 mm pre hundred years at the same period and fluctuation range is gradually widened. The change rate of temperature ranges from 0.4 to 0.9 Celsius Degree pre hundred years in the whole KRB, while the change rate of precipitation range from less than 90 mm to 305 mm per hundred years. The most significantly temperature increasing area is located at southern part of the KRB, while precipitation decreasing most significantly in the northwestern part of the KRB. 4. The trends of climate change and land cover change in KRB showed that increasing of temperature might lead to the melting of glaciers in middle part of the KRB having been picked up speed. It helps vegetation coverage in the valley tend to increase with desertification being aggravated on the mountain ridge. The melting might has already threatened native species. Temperature and precipitation are important factors to the distribution of land cover types, slight change might result in large change of the ecosystem in KRB, especially in the northern part of the KRB. (This work was financially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(No.2010CB951704,2005CB422006) and External Cooperation Program of the CAS(No. GJHZ0954)).

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12083426 Earman, Sam (Millersville University, Department of Earth Sciences, Millersville, PA); Manning, Andrew H. and Gleeson, Tom. Stable isotope applications in a study of potential climate-change impacts on hydrologic systems; Sagehen Basin, California [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, 2011 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 43(5), p. 30, October 2011. Meeting: Geological Society of America, 2011 annual meeting, Oct. 9-12, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.

As part of a multiple-method study (including dissolved gases, 35S, and gravity measurements) of groundwater recharge processes in Sagehen Basin, California, stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen were measured in soil water, groundwater, stream water, fresh precipitation, and bulk snowmelt to help understand groundwater systematics in the basin. Of special interest were 1) quantifying the importance of cool-season precipitation to groundwater recharge, and 2) estimating groundwater contributions to streamflow. Cool-season precipitation contribution to groundwater was examined by collecting fresh precipitation, bulk snowmelt (plus any rain that fell during the snow accumulation and melt period), soil water from different depths, and groundwater. Data from the first year of monitoring show that cool-season precipitation penetrates at least 1.5 m into the soil column (based our deepest soil-water samples) with little to no mixing, dominating the soil-water profile in the spring/early summer. In contrast, while unmixed warm-season precipitation dominates the near-surface (up to at least 0.3 m below surface) soil water in the late summer/early fall, it appears to be responsible for at most 6 to 25% of the soil water present at 1.5 m below surface, depending on the measurement site. Groundwater contribution to streamflow was estimated by collecting stable isotope, CFC-12, and radon samples (along with EC measurements) at 1 km intervals along a reach of Sagehen Creek during a low-flow period. A model of groundwater inflow into the stream was run, constrained first by CFC-12 concentration, then by d18O. These two tracers were valuable to apply to this problem in tandem, because their values in groundwater and stream water at the study site are appreciably different, and their values are the result of independent processes and thus the two parameters are not directly correlated. The two tracers suggest nearly identical groundwater inflow to the stream; inflow appears to be highly dependent on location (ranging from nearly zero to ~2 m3/d per meter of channel), but overall, groundwater inflows appear to be extremely important during the low-flow period, contributing about 75% of the total flow at the bottom of the study reach. These estimates are consistent with inflows interpreted from the radon and EC data.

12085298 Grundl, Tim (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Geosciences Department, Milwaukee, WI); Magnusson, Nathan; Brennwald, Matthias S. and Kipfer, Rolf. Dynamics of paleorecharge in a deep confined aquifer system using noble gas, 14C and stable isotope tracers [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, 2011 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 43(5), p. 57-58, October 2011. Meeting: Geological Society of America, 2011 annual meeting, Oct. 9-12, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.

Noble gas, stable isotope and 14C age data were collected along the flow path from municipal wells located in northeastern Wisconsin at a latitude ~200 km from the terminus of the last glacial maximum. 14C ages that increase to a maximum of 19,700 , along with stable isotope and geochemical trends indicate a clear demarcation between subglacially recharged and postglacially recharged portions of the aquifer. d18O derived temperatures fall to levels as low as -5.6 °C in waters recharged during the last glacial period. In contrast, noble gas temperatures remain constant near +2 °C. This, in conjunction with large amounts of excess Ne (DNe = 60%-107%), and a noble gas fractionation pattern that does not match glacial ice itself is interpreted to be the result of surface meltwater recharging the aquifer through actively deforming moulins. This is in contrast to earlier work performed near the ice terminus in which the subglacially recharged water was found to contain very little glacial meltwater. Noble gases are a useful tool in the study of recharge in glacial terranes that is controlled by highly variable factors involving ice advance and retreat as well as permafrost formation and ice-induced pressure heads. Implications important to glacial movement in general and the occurrence of periodic glacial surges will be discussed.

12083424 Schuh, William M. (North Dakota State Water Commission, Water Appropriations, Bismarck, ND) and Bottrell, Simon H. Effects of soil recharge and discharge regimes on the modern distribution of sulfate, oxidized during the Hypsithermal Interval, in an unconfined glaciofluvial aquifer [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, 2011 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 43(5), p. 29, October 2011. Meeting: Geological Society of America, 2011 annual meeting, Oct. 9-12, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.

A shallow unconfined glaciofluvial aquifer with stratified sulfate concentrations was observed to have largest sulfate concentration in the lower aquifer. A silt layer underlying the aquifer was identified as the modern sulfate source for the lower aquifer. The original source of sulfate was pyrite in shale comprising part of the aquifer grain matrix. It was determined that an oxidizing event occurred in which sulfide was oxidized to sulfate and placed within the silt layer. A semi-generic process model using soil mapping units to define recharge and discharge regimes indicated that the oxidizing event occurred in the lower aquifer and underlying silt, several thousand years ago, likely during the Hypsithermal Interval. Isotopic diffusion models, residual water chemistry, and times for soil development support these conclusions. Thereafter the silt served as a "conserving" layer, slowly feeding sulfate into the lower aquifer and the underlying till aquitard. Rates of sulfate depletion in the silt layer and lower aquifer were affected by the thickness of the silt layer, and the local recharge-discharge characteristics of the aquifer. Soil Great Group taxa were found to be indicators of local flow system properties, and thereby served as general indicators of modern sulfate concentrations and retention in the silt and underlying till as deep 35 m below the water table. Sulfate in the EVA was shown to be of historical origin and the long-term trend is of declining sulfate.

12091255 Goldhaber, Martin (U. S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO); Mills, Christopher; Morrison, Jean and Stricker, Craig. Scaling of critical zone processes in the Prairie Pothole region, USA [abstr.]: in Goldschmidt 2011 abstract volume, Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 928, 2011. WWW. Meeting: Goldschmidt2011, Aug. 8-14, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

The Prairie Pothole Region, which occupies 750,000 km2 of the north central U.S. and south central Canada is one of the most important ecosystems in North America. It contains millions of small wetlands underlain by glacial till that are internally drained within discrete, km-scale basins. We studied the geochemistry of soils, sediments, wetland water, and groundwater in the 92 hectare Cottonwood Lakes (CWL) area of North Dakota. The CWL area includes upland groundwater recharge wetlands with compositions similar to rainwater (TDS 150 mg/l), and a discharge wetland at a local topographic low only 200 m from the recharge wetlands. Oxygenated water interacting with pyrite in surficial glacial till has oxidized the till to depths >10 m. Coupled fluid flow and chemical reaction modeling shows that this oxidation process has taken >103 years. The resulting SO42--enriched fluids have migrated from upland recharge areas and accumulated in the discharge wetland which has >2500 mg/l SO42-. The drastic variability in recharge and discharge wetland chemistry is reflected by fauna and flora. Sulfur isotope data support the conclusion that isotopically light pyrite, originally from marine shale (mean d34SSO4=-16 ppm) is the source of groundwater sulfate (d34SSO4=-7.5 to -15.9 ppm). Heavier d34SSO4 values within discharge wetlands (maximum +4 ppm) is evidence that bacteria are reducing SO42- to sulfide, a process that drives the precipitation of high Mg calcite. Our evaluation of literature data on water compositions of 178 wetlands throughout a 103 km2 area surrounding the study site document that oxidation of pyrite and formation of SO42- enriched wetlands has occurred over a large area in North Dakota.


12087281 Jacobson, Andrew D. (Northwestern University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Evanston, IL) and Ryu, Jong Sik. CO2 evasion from the Greenland ice sheet; a new carbon-climate feedback [abstr.]: in Goldschmidt 2011 abstract volume, Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 1096, 2011. WWW. Meeting: Goldschmidt2011, Aug. 8-14, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

Rising greenhouse gas levels may increase global surface temperatures between 1 and 6°C by 2100. Even greater increases are expected for the Arctic, where sea ice reduction, organic matter decomposition in lakes and thawed permafrost, and other positive feedbacks can potentially amplify the global trend. Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) figures prominently in climate change predictions because it will impact albedo, sea level, and possibly, ocean circulation. However, direct carbon cycle feedbacks are poorly constrained. Here, we show that melting of the GIS yields a previously unknown flux of CO2 that will likely increase in a warmer world. Water emerges from the Russell Glacier in West Greenland with CO2 partial pressures (pCO2) 3 - 10X supersaturated with respect to atmospheric equilibrium. This CO2 likely originates from microbial respiration beneath the GIS. During downstream transport, the chemical weathering of glacial till sequesters 70% of the excess CO2 as HCO3 - a carbon sink on human timescales - and the remaining 30% evades to the atmosphere. Scaled to all rivers draining the GIS, the evasion flux of 0.13 Tg C/yr is small by comparison to other atmospheric CO2 inputs; however, we hypothesize that significant increases could occur as retreat of the ice sheet margin and expansion of moulins exposes meltwater to basal ice with pCO2 values up to 340X higher than the current atmospheric value. Worst-case model predictions yield evasion fluxes of 100 - 180 Tg C/yr by 2100 depending whether melting increases linearly or exponentially with time. These CO2 fluxes surpass those reported for Arctic Lakes (20 Tg C/yr) and would increase by 23% those predicted for permafrost thaw (800 - 1100 Tg C/yr). Our findings suggest that Arctic climate change could have a more significant feedback on global climate than currently anticipated.


12083270 Niemann, Helge (University of Basel, Institute for Environmental Geosciences, Basel, Switzerland); Wirth, S. B.; Stadnitskaia, A.; Gilli, A.; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Sinninghe Damsté, J. S.; Schouten, S.; Hoppmans, E. C. and Lehmann, M. F. Validation and application of a novel, terrestrial biomarker-based paleothermometer to Holocene sediments of Lake Cadagno, Switzerland [abstr.]: in Goldschmidt 2011 abstract volume, Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 1540, 2011. WWW. Meeting: Goldschmidt2011, Aug. 8-14, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

Lake Cadagno is a relatively small glacial lake in southern Switzerland (1921 m altitude). We recovered a 10.5 m long composite core from the lake covering the sedimentary sequence of the last 11000 yrs. Our aim was to reconstruct past mean annual air temperature (MAAT) using a novel, lipid-based proxy, the MBT/CBT paleothermometer. The MBT/CBT ratios comprise fossilised methyl-branched and cyclic Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (GDGTs) of presumably soil bacterial origin that are preserved in the sediments. Our results stand in good agreement with instrumental MAAT values for Lake Cadagno (ca. 0°C, Swiss Meteo). Furthermore, temperature variations recorded by the MBT/CBT paleothermometer match published temperature reconstructions for the last two millennia at nearby locations in timing and magnitude. Major climate anomalies recorded by the independent proxies and by the MBT/CBT paleothermometer are, for instance, the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period. Furthermore, we detected a cold period lasting from about 2400 - 2000 yrs BP (-0.7°C), which correlates with the disappearance of the last lake dwellings in the European Alps. We also found a cold period during the Bronze Age (3500 - 4500 yrs BP; -0.5°C). In alpine regions, strong rain falls typically lead to increased erosion and flood activities, which are recorded in the sedimentary sequence (frequency and layer thickness of flood deposits). Similarly, pronounced precipitation can induce leaching of basic elements and thus acidification of soils, which has an impact on the CBT ratios. We found strongly enhanced flood activities concomitant with a decrease in soil pH during time periods of major cold spells, which also agrees with earlier reports on alpine lake level stands. Our results strongly emphasise the usefulness of the MBT/CBT paleothermometer for terrestrial climate reconstructions.


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