Current Problems of Geocryology: Special Russian Conference Permafrost Alert

This Permafrost Alert is a special issue devoted to a Meeting of the Scientific Council on the Cryology of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences held in Moscow, Russian Federation, May 15-16, 2018. The conference name was Current Problems of Geocryology and the papers were published in 2 volumes. There are 84 references in total. For the convenience of the reader of the Alert, English abstracts have been included below. Full text of each of the proceedings in Russian can be found online at:

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Monographic Reference

2018101425 Kotov, P. I., editor. Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 [Proceedings of an extended meeting of the Scientific Council on Earth's Cryology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Current problems of geocryology; with participation of Russian and international scientists, engineers and specialists; Vol. 1]: Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, illus., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation. Individual papers within scope are cited separately.

2018099072 Kotov, P. I., editor. Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 [Proceedings of an extended meeting of the Scientific Council on Earth's Cryology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Current problems of geocryology; with participation of Russian and international scientists, engineers and specialists; Vol. 2]: Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, 326 p., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation. Individual papers are cited separately.


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Volume 1 | Volume 2

Volume 1

2018101426 Kronik, Ya. A. (Natsinal'nyy Issledovatel'skiy Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Stroitel'nyy Universitet, Moscow, Russian Federation). Analiz bezopasnosti gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy v kriolitozone [Safety analysis of hydrotechnical installations in the permafrost]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 19-31 (English sum.), illus. incl. 3 tables, geol. sketch maps, 20 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The report deals with problems on safety of earth dams on permafrost. Statistics dates on emergencies and failure rate of dams are considered during 1776-2012 years in Russia and North countries. The recommendations on increasing of safety and improvement of normative designing cord (CII 39.13330.2012) are proposed.

2018101427 Varlamov, S. P. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Russian Federation); Zheleznyak, M. N.; Konstantinov, P. Ya.; Skachkov, Yu. B. and Skryabin, P. N. Otsenka izmenchivosti geokriologicheskikh usloviy boreal'nykh i arkticheskikh regionov yakutii pri sovremennom poteplenii klimata [Assessment of changes in geocryological conditions in the boreal environment in the Yakutia Arctic region under current climate warming]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 32-39 (English sum.), illus. incl. 2 tables, geol. sketch maps, 10 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

This paper provides an assessment of the thermal response of the boreal and Arctic regions Yakutian permafrost to current climate warming. It is shown that the evolution of the temperature regime of near-surface permafrost and the active-layer depth to changes in climate has variable dynamics depending on geographical location, geomorphological, landscape and microclimatic conditions, as well as on the length of field observations. Reliability of statistical parameters of interannual variability of permafrost temperature breeds depend as well on duration of the observations period.

2018101428 Gavrilov, A. V (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Pavlov, V. A.; Fridenberg, A. I.; Kolyubakin, A. A.; Khilimonyuk, V. Z.; Buldovich, S. N.; Ospennikov, E. N.; Pizhankova, E. I. and Cherbunina, M. Yu. Metodika i postroyeniye paleogeograficheskikh stsenariev pri geokriologicheskom kartirovanii karskogo shel'fa [Methods of geocryological mapping and paleogeographic reconstructions of the Kara Sea continental shelf]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 39-45 (English sum.), illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 14 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The methodology for creating a scenario for the development of the environment of the Kara shelf for the last 125 thousand years is considered. A scenario in the form of a curve of the dynamics of rock temperature was developed with reference to the version of existence of large ice sheets on the shelf in the Late Pleistocene. The fragments of the scenario for the periglacial and glacial parts of the shelf are given. They allow us to visualize a significant difference in the conditions of permafrost formation within these areas and use the results of mathematical modeling in these scenarios for geocryological mapping.

2018101429 Gavrilov, A. V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Pizhankova, Ye. I. Sovremennyy sinkriogenez pribrezhno-morskikh otlozheniy na shel'fe arkticheskikh morey vostochnoy sibiri [Modern glaciation of nearshore sediments on the East Siberian Sea continental shelf, Russian Arctic]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 45-52 (English sum.), illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 19 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The results of studies on the dynamics of the sea depths on the shoals, accumulation and freezing of coastal and alluvial-marine sediments, changes in climate and ice coverage are summarized. It is shown that recent warming and reduction of ice cover activates the syncryogenesis of accumulating coastal-marine sediments. The most significant result of this process is the emergence of islands on banks and shallows, where previously bottom thermal abrasion and deepening of the seabed dominated. The arguments in favor of the participation of stamukhas and cryogenesis in the formation of islands are presented.

2018101430 Galanin, A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Russian Federation); Olenchenko, V. V.; Khristoforov, I. I.; Shaposhnikov, G. I.; Lytkin, M. V. and Pavlova, M. R. Merzlotno-gidrogeologicheskiye usloviya i temperaturnyy rezhim pozdenechetvertichnykh dyunnykh massivov tsentral'noy Yakutii [Permafrost hydrology and ground surface temperature of upper Quaternary aeolian sands in central Yakutia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 52-58 (English sum.), illus. incl. sects., geol. sketch maps, 12 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Based on geophysical sounding (electrical resistivity tomography, ground penetrating radar) and geothermal monitoring in wells, a complex permafrost-geological structure of the Late Pleistocene dune massifs of Central Yakutia was established. They are characterized by zero temperatures at the base of the annual heat rotation layer and a complex system of inter-permafrost taliks, over which the main water discharge occurs.

2018101431 Zheleznyak, M. N. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Russian Federation); Zhnzhin, V. I.; Kirillin, A. R. and Fedorov, A. A. O moshchnosti mnogoletnemerzloy tolshchi yakutskogo podnyatiya sibirskoy platformy [Thickness of the permafrost in the Yakutian Uplift of the Siberian Platform]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 58-64 (English sum.), illus. incl. sects., 1 table, geol. sketch maps, 6 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The report was prepared based on deep hole drilling performed by the Yakutskgeologiya State Hydrometeorological Institute under prospecting for water in the Churapchinskoye Ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and geothermal studies of the staff of the Geothermal Laboratory of the Perm Institute of Permafrost Institute named after PI Melnikov of the SB RAS. For the first time for the region, data are given for the temperature of rocks in the section of the strata along the boreholes with the restored thermal regime to a depth of 650 m. An analysis was made of the thickness of the lower boundary of permafrost and the rock temperature along the section, and the reasons for the difference in the depth of the permafrost zone in relatively remote areas were determined.

2018101432 Zheltenkova, N. V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Koturnikov, A. V.; Gagarin, V. Ye.; Skosar, V. V.; Brushkov, A. V. and Khimenkov, A. N. Vyskogornaya merzlota perevalov zailiyskogo alatau po dannym rezhimnykh nablyudeniy [Observations of the permafrost on highland passes of the Trans-Ili Alatau]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 64-68 (English sum.), illus. incl. sects., 3 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The article presents results of the researches of high-mountain permafrost passes of the Northern Tien-Shan (Zailiysky Alatau). The authors proposed the characteristics of the different types of permafrost that is present in a variety of geomorphological and geological objects. The authors also analyzed the features of development of cryogenic processes in the mountains, described a wide range of permafrost phenomenon, discovered the differences in geological sections of describing areas using geophysical methods, specified the composition of the soils that are included into the high-mountain permafrost zone, analyzed the status of high-mountain permafrost based on the results of thermometric observations.

2018101433 Kokin, O. V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Kirillova, A. V. Promerzaniye i ottaivaniye sezonno-talogo sloya gruntov poberezh'ya pechorskogo morya v rayone pos. Varandey [Freezing-thawing of active layer on the Pechora Sea coast in the Varandey area]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 76-79 (English sum.), illus., 4 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The spatial-temporal features of the freezing and thawing of STS of the seashore sediments and their relationship to storm activity are considered on the example of the Pechora Sea in the area of the Varandey settlement, where at Pesyakov island conducted year-round observations of the temperature regime of sediments in boreholes in the period from July 2012 to August 2014. The most active seasonal variations in ground temperatures are observed up to 4 m on the dune belt and up to 2 m on the terrace behind the dune belt.

2018101434 Kostenkov, N. A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Grebenets, V. I.; Tolmanov, V. A.; Khenning, T.; Yongeyans, L. and Sinitskiy, A. I. Polevye issledovaniya merzlotnykh usloviy na Karginskoy terrase levoberezh'ya nizov'ev Obi [Field studies of the permafrost on the Karginskaya terrace, left bank of the lower Ob River]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 79-84 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 3 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Field studies of landscape-permafrost conditions were carried out on the left bank of Ob river in the region of active economic development in 2016-17 years. It was established the existence of permafrost in the territory of tundra, and in the forests--the deep seasonal freezing. The detailed research of landscape structure, cryogenic processes and a heat insulating role of different surfaces were obtained in the typical tundra. The moss-vegetation cover decrease the heat flux in the soil in 1,5-4 times depending on the vegetation association and the thickness of peat.

2018101435 Laukhin, S. A. (Russian State Prospecting University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Larin, S. I. and Maksimov, F. Ye. Otrazheniye stadiy sartanskogo oledeneniya v razrezakh vnelednikovoy zony Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny [Reflection of Sartanian glaciation stages in non-glaciated zone of the West Siberian Plain]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 85-90 (English sum.), illus. incl. strat. col., geol. sketch maps, 45 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

A review of stages of Sartan Glaciation in extraglacial zone in West Siberian Plain is given. A conclusion that glacial features can be found in central parts of West Siberian Lowland was made. A section of Sartanian strata in the Ishim-Irtysh Interfluve is analyzed.

2018101436 Lisitsyna, O. M. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation). O drevnem kriogennom vozraste otlozheniy Mamontovoy gory [Age of Mammoth Mountain glaciation]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 90-95 (English sum.), 25 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

In many research papers there is evidence that bacteria from sands of the Mammoth Mountain in Central Yakutia are able to survive in 3-3,5 Ma-year-old permafrost. This fact is unique from the geocryological point of view, since so far on the plains of the Northern hemisphere are not described permafrost of this cryogenic age (continuous existence). However, the analysis of materials on paleoclimate and cryogenic indicators does not confirm this statement. The cryogenic age of the Neogene sands from the Mammoth Mountain is probably no more than c. 120,000 years.

2018101437 Osadchaya, G. G. (Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta, Russian Federation); Tumel', N. V. and Pizhankova, Ye. I. Ispol'zovaniye rezul'tatov analiza landshaftnoy struktury kriolitozony dlya obosnovaniya geokriologicheskoy zonal'nosti (na primere bol'shezemel'skoy tundry) [Application of landscape analysis for permafrost zoning (example from Bolshezemelskaya Tundra)]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 105-109 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 11 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The morphological structure of the cryogenic landscapes of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra is analyzed at the level of the groups of stows in accordance with genesis, age, composition of rocks, height of the territory. For various natural subzones, an estimate of the ratio of the areas of frozen and unfrozen rocks was made on the basis of information on the morphology of landscapes. The results obtained make it possible to correlate the natural and geocryological subzones and justify the boundaries of the geocryological subzones.

2018101466 Semenov, V. P. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Russian Federation). Sovremennoye sostoyaniye geotemperaturnogo polya i kriolitozony Vilyuyskoy sineklizy [Current heat flow and state of the permafrost in the the Vilyuy Syneclise]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 109-113 (English sum.), 5 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The characteristics of the geothermal conditions in the Vilyui basin have been adduced. The Vilyui basin is located within the Siberian Platform and contains disequilibrium permafrost. Recently obtained data on permafrost thickness and temperature distribution for geological units of the Vilyui basin have been presented. Four intervals are identified on the temperature curves differing in geothermal gradient and indicating different paleoclimatic conditions in the course of permafrost development.

2018101438 Slagoda, Ye. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Federation); Kurchatova, A. N.; Opokina, O. L.; Preys, Yu. I. and Simonova, G. V. Stroyeniye i vozrast mnogoletnemerzlykh verkhnechetvertichnykh otlozheniy tsentral'nogo Yamala v rayone oz. Sokhonto [Structure and age of the permafrost in upper Quaternary sediments of the central Yamal Peninsula, Lake Sokhonto area]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 113-119 (English sum.), illus. incl. strat. col., geol. sketch maps, 15 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

In 2014-15 the data on structure, composition of age of permafrost deposits of high plains of Central Yamal in the region lake Shonto. Studied the structure III, IV,V-plains and thermokarst, thermoerosion depression, cryogenic formations and the age of the upper part of the permafrost. It is established that within the limits of III and IV-plains the processes of accumulation, freezing and thawing of permafrost deposits occurred at different times. In Sartan cool period on the III-plain accumulated subaerial sediments with polygonal-veined ice, and at IV-plain in thermokarst depressions accumulated lake sediments. At the end of the Sartan on the III-plain began, and at IV-plain ended the process of thermokarst. During the Holocene, on the III-plain continued thermokarst and accumulation lake sediments, and at IV plain was overgrown and froze khasyireis.

2018101439 Smul'skiy, I. I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute or Earth's Cryosphere, Tuymen, Russian Federation). Insolyatsionnye periody evolyutsii kriosfery i morskiye izotopnye stadii [Insolation periodicity in cryosphere evolution and marine isotope stages]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 119-126 (English sum.), illus., 6 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The changes in the obliquity of the Earth's orbit and the Earth's insolation for 1 million years ago are considered according to the new Astronomical theory of Ice ages. During strong cold spans, the heat can be less in the midlatitudes than now at the pole, and during strong warming the heat can be greater in high latitudes than now at the equator. Insolation periods of the evolution of the cryosphere have been introduced. When comparing them with marine isotope stages (MIS), it is established that there is no similarity between them. For example, for an interval of 5 million years, MIS have a trend, a variable structure, and a 4.5-fold decrease in the amplitude of the oscillations.

2018101440 Solomatin, V. I. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation). L'dy kriolitozony; fizika, genetika i geografiya [Ice of the cryosphere; physics, origin and geography]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 126-132 (English sum.), illus., 2 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

There are presented in the report the principles and methodology of doctrine of underground glaciation. It is proved that all genetic and space-time evidences of underground glaciation are determined by ground water crystallization during Permafrost form. There are proved the origin of different ground ice's types. There are formulated the principles of underground glaciation's macrostructure and thesis about sameness of it's space and time evolution.

2018101441 Streletskaya, I. D. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Vasiliev, A. A. and Oblogov, G. Ye. Podzemnye l'dy Arktiki; istochnik informatsii ob izmeneniyakh prirodnoy sredy v kontse pleystotsena-golotsene [Ground ice in the Arctic; a source of information on global change during the late Pleistocene-Holocene]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 132-137 (English sum.), illus., 9 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Variations in the isotopic and chemical composition of ground ice in Quaternary sediments lays a base for reconstruction of palaeo-conditions of sedimentation and Arctic climate changes in the past. In syngenetic polygonal-ice wedges stable isotope concentration is a palaeo-indicator of winter temperatures and the chemical composition of the ice may reflect the position of the coastline in the past. A study of the isotopic composition of tabular ground ice suggests that methane of bacterial origin preserved in air bubbles in tabular ground ice in Western Siberia, negates their glacial origin.

2018101442 Shpolyanskaya, N. A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation). Osobennosti stroyeniya kriolitozony rossiyskoy Arktiki kak pokazatel' pleystotsen-golotsenovoy istorii razvitiya regiona [Permafrost in the Russian Arctic as a paleoenvironmental indicator for the Pleistocene and Holocene]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 137-143 (English sum.), illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 22 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The development of the Russian Arctic in the Pleistocene-Holocene is considered--the existence of cover glaciation and changes in the Arctic basin level. Based on the analysis of the underground ice genesis, a conclusion was drawn: 1) the cover glaciation on the plains was not to the east of the Kanin Peninsula, in the mountains there was a mountain-valley glaciation; 2) the dynamics of the sea level was determined not by glacial eustasy and glacial isostasy, but by tectonic processes in the Arctic Ocean.

2018101443 Galanin, A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutia, Russian Federation); Pavlova, M. R.; Papina, T. S. and Shaposhnikov, G. I. Sostav stabilinykh izotopov (O18 i D) komponentov pitaniya i vodnogo stoka mezhmerzhlotnykh talikov v pozdnechetvertichnykh dyunnykh massivakh tsentral'noy Yakutii [Stable isotopes (18O and D) of waters circulating in taliks within upper Quaternary sand dunes, central Yakutia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 152-159 (English sum.), illus., 7 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

At first time the representative data of O18 and D (350 samples) were collected to understand the stable isotope structure of the phenomenal inter-permafrost taliks feeding and discharge in Late Pleistocene sand dunes of Central Yakutia (Eastern Siberia).

2018101444 Gubar'kov, A. A. (Tyumenskiy Industrial'nyy Universitet, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Yelantsev, Ye. V.; Leybman, M. O.; Mullanurov, D. R.; Khomutov, A. V.; Dvornikov, Yu. A.; Vidkhalm, B. and Bartsch, A. Issledovaniya sezonnogo pucheniya porod na tsentral'nom Yamale [Seasonal frost heaving in the central Yamal Peninsula]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 159-163 (English sum.), illus., 11 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Presented are results of seasonal heaving of the active layer study for the period of 2007-2015 in the Vaskiny Dachi key site in typical tundra zone of the central part of Yamal peninsula. It is determined that for 9 years average amount of seasonal frost heaving on experimental site increased from 36 mm in 2008-2009 to 46-49 mm in 2013-2015, i.e by 30%. It is determined as well that frost heaving depends on pre-winter soil moisture content, and snow cover thickness which, in their turn, depend on the terrain.

2018101445 Kapralova, V. N. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergeyev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Moscow, Russian Federation); Orlov, T. V.; Viktorov, A. S. and Zverev, A. V. Issledovaniye izmeneniy termokarstovykh ozer i otsenka riska dlya razlichnykh inzhenernykh sooruzheniy s ispol'zovaniem metodov matematicheskoy morfologii landshafta i dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya [Changes in thermokarst lakes and assessment of risks for structures and installations with the use of mathematical methods applied for landcape analysis and based on remote sensing data]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 175-179 (English sum.), illus., 10 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

In order to assess the natural risks for engineering structures, it is important to correctly assess the dynamics of the sizes of thermokarst lakes. In the statistical approach, the researcher faces certain problems, since the accumulation of statistics requires considerable time and this time is often comparable to the time of operation of the facility. As a different approach for avoiding this difficulty have been proposed methods of mathematical morphology of landscapes using remote sensing data.

2018101446 Podchasov, O. V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Isayev, V. S. and Komarov, I. A. Problema vybora modeli dlya prognoza protsessov termoabrazii i termodenudatsii beregovoy linii arkticheskikh morey [Choice of a model for prediction of coastal thermal abrasion and denudation in the Arctic Ocean]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 185-189 (English sum.), illus., 12 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

This article reviews the problem of choosing a model for a reliable prediction of the processes of thermal abrasion and thermal degradation of the Arctic coasts of Russia. Three groups of models are analyzed, allowing to predict these processes; advantages and disadvantages of each model in particular and groups of models in general are revealed.

2018101447 Ponomareva, O. Ye. (Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Drozdov, D. S.; Gravis, A. G.; Berdnikov, N. M.; Bochkarev, Yu. N.; Ustinova, Ye. V. and Leshnevskaya, Ye. F. Osobennosti degradatsii merzloty u yuzhnoy granitsy kriolitozony (po rezul'tatam monitoringa v Zapadnoy Sibiri) [Permafrost degradation according to observations at its southern margin in West Siberia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 189-194 (English sum.), illus., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Long-time monitoring in Western Siberia (southern tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga) allowed to reveal general regularities of permafrost degradation and to appoint its features along the south limit of cryolithozone. The features are the fallowing: frozen ground temperatures is about 0°C, temperature growth rate at the depth of its annual fluctuations is low (0,03°C/yr), growth of seasonally thawed layer thickness increases (rate is 1-2 cm/yr), expanding of areas with lowing permafrost table is swift. At these areas frozen ground temperatures are just constant and the depth of there annual fluctuations is decreased from 10 m in 1970 to 3-7 m today. Ground thermal settlement is in progress.

2018101448 Tolmanov, V. A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Grebenets, V. I.; Kurbatov, A. S. and Pavlunin, V. B. Termoeroziya sil'nol'distykh gruntov na territorii Yamburgskogo gazokondensatnogo mestorozhdeniya [Thermoerosion of frozen ground in the Yamburg gas and condensate field]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 195-201 (English sum.), illus., 10 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The most dangerous for the YNGKM objects are the processes of thermoerosion, which develop very intensively and occupies vast spaces. Field results were analyzed. The growth rate of gullies, associated with thermoerosion were established. Regional geographic factors, geocryological conditions (for ex. high degree of erosion in icy sands and sandy loams) and powerful technogenic press, associated with the extraction and transportation of gas and condensate contribute to the activation of thermo-erosion processes.

2018101449 Khomutov, A. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institut of Earth's Cryosphere, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Dvornikov, Yu. A.; Kizyakov, A. I.; Leybman, M. O.; Babkina, Ye. A.; Babkin, Ye. M.; Mullanurov, D. R. and Khayrullin, R. R. Monitoring termodenudatsionnykh form rel'yefa i voronok gazovogo vybrosa na tsentral'nom Yamale [Monitoring of thermal erosion, relief, gas bursts and related craters in central Yamal]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 206-213 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch maps, 8 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Results of ongoing monitoring of active thermal denudation landforms - thermocirques as well as lake depressions in place of gas-emission craters in the central part of Yamal Peninsula are presented.

2018101450 Tsarapov, M. N. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geoecology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Isayev, V. S.; Kal'bergenov, R. G.; Karpenko, F. S.; Nazarov, A. S. and Sobin, R. V. Beregovye protsessy na poberezh'e arkticheskikh morey na primere zapadnogo berega Baydaratskoy guby Karskogo morya [Coastal processes in the Arctic; examplea from the west coast of the Baydaratskaya Bay, Kara Sea]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 213-218 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch maps, 7 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

On the Ural part of the Baydara bay of common processes of thermoerosion, solifluction, frost punching of soil, frost cracking of rocks and development of polygonal veins are common, active formation of developed forms of gully thermo erosion, formation of snowfields. On the adjacent sea coast, thermal abrasion processes are added to the listed processes. On the basis of the analysis of the marine processes, conditions are simulated, parameters are obtained and the change in the properties of soils. Determination of the strength and deformation properties of soils at different temperatures makes it possible to determine the stability of coastal slopes under certain climatic conditions. This makes it possible to predict the place and time of the manifestation of various slope processes in nature, their intensity and consequences.

2018101451 Sheynkman, Vlad S. (Tyumenskiy Industrial'nyy Universitet, Tyumenskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Sedov, S. N. Novye dannye o khode mnogoletnego promerzaniya gornykh porod i yego svyazi s oledeneniem na severe Zapadnoy Sibiri v pleystotsene [New data on permafrost evolution with regard to glaciation in northern West Siberia during the Quaternary]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 223-229 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch maps, 19 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

When the glaciers appear within the permafrost area and advance into it, processes of development of glaciation and cryolithogenesis interact and form in a surrounding environment a complex of particular features that, being preserved in geoforms and sediments, serve as the very informative indicators of the past glacial and permafrost environment. It is very important with respect to solve the problem of the ice cover extension in the North-Western Siberia, and in such an aspect the authors have studied different objects generated by cold in this region. Establishing the character of links between them, and considering natural system-generating complexes at the level of integral interaction of their elements, they have concluded that intensive rock freezing widely occurred in the plain of North-Western Siberia during the Quaternary. However the conditions for ice sheets formation were absent here; only in some mountains framing the plain valley glaciers could develop.

2018101452 Romanovksy, V. (University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK); Nicolsky, D.; Kholodov, A.; Cable, W.; Panda, S. and Marchenko, S. Measuring and modeling changes in permafrost in Alaska in the 20th and 21st centuries: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 230-232, illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 7 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

In this paper we report observed changes in permafrost temperatures during the last 30 years in Alaska. The collected ground temperature data are assimilated to a high-resolution (770´770 m) stand-alone permafrost dynamics GIPL2 model that predicts active permafrost degradation on the North Slope of Alaska by the end of the 21st century and a related ground surface subsidence. At some locations, this subsidence can exceed 5 m and more.

2018101453 Budantseva, Nadin A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Vasil'chuk, Yu. K. Golotsenovaya paleotemperatura anadyrskoy nizmennosti, osnovannaya na izotopakh kisloroda i vodoroda iz singeneticheskikh ledyanykh zhil [Paleotemperatures in the Anadyr Basin during the Holocene; data from oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in ice wedges]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 239-247 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch maps, 13 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The object of study is syngenetic Holocene ice-wedge complex on the coast of Onemen Gulf, 2 km from Anadyr' town. Ice wedges exposed in two fragments of the first marine terrace were studied in detail. Ice wedge from the upper part of terrace was 14C dated to about 8 ka BP whereas ice wedges in the peatland within the terrace were formed from mid- to late Holocene. Based on stable oxygen isotope variations in the ice it has been established that mean winter air temperatures during ice wedge growth varied on average from -19 to -17,5°C, that is 2-2,5°C lower than present ones in the study area.

2018101454 Vasil'chuk, Alla K. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Vasil'chuk, Yu. K.; van der Plicht, J. and Kim, J. C. Kombinirovannyy 14C analiz pyl'tsy i mikrovklyucheniy organiki dlya datirovaniya ledyanykh zhil Yedomy Bizon, nizov'ya reki Kolymy [Combined 14C analysis of pollen and organic microinclusions and age of ice wedges in the Bison Yedoma site, lower Kolyma River basin]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 247-253 (English sum.), illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 20 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The Late Pleistocene Bison yedoma is situated on the right bank of the Kolyma River, in the mouth of the Lakeevskaya Channel, 15 km downstream of the Duvanny Yar. Combined analysis of different organic fractions extracted from ice wedges and interpretation of these data using pollen characteristic of the AMS 14C aged samples of the ice is the main aim of this study.

2018101455 Vasil'chuk, D. Zh. Yu. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Vasil'chuk, Yu. K. Mikroelementy v pozdnepleystotsenovykh ledyanykh zhilakh Batagayki a [Trace elements in late Pleistocene ice wedges of the Batagayka Crater]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 253-259 (English sum.), illus. incl. 2 tables, 5 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The subject of the study is the yedoma, which is found in the Batagai megaslump (67°34'49"N, 134°46'19"E), located 10 km southeast of Batagai settlement, in Verkhoyansky District of the Sakha Republic, Russia. We studied trace elements content in ice wedges in order to examine the change of concentration and distribution of environmentally available trace elements within winter season during the formation of the ice wedge ice. These data bring additional information on ice wedge development and its geochemical conditions.

2018101456 Vasil'chuk, Yu. K. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geography and Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation). Genezis yedomnykh otlozheniy vmeshchayushchikh dresvu, shcheben', graviy i galechniki [Genesis of Yedoma coarse-grained sediments containing pebbles and gravels]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 259-266 (English sum.), illus. incl. sect., 24 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The object of research are syncryogenic yedoma deposits, with ice wedge, saturated with inclusions of coarse debris, gravel and pebbles. Yedoma deposits are better studied in river valleys, on the coasts of the seas and lakes. In the mountain and foothill areas they have been studied much less--they are found in the basins of the Upper Kolyma Upland, in Yakutia, in the river valleys of the Eastern Sayan, the Olenek-Anabar Plateau. Yedoma, including coarse debris, gravel and pebbles, have alluvial, lacustrine, alluvial-lacustrine deluvial, proluvial-deluvial genesis and the participation of aeolian processes in their formation is insignificantly.

2018101457 Konishchev, V. N. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation). Kriogennaya priroda lessov [Cryogenic nature of loess]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 266-268 (English sum.), 3 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The article describes a new approach to the study of loess soil origin. The approach is based on differential analysis of the distribution of the main bedrock-forming minerals - quartz and feldspars. Two criteria afford to determine the role of cryogenic processes, aeolian and water sedimentation in the development of loess: the Cryogenic contrast coefficient (KKK) and the Heavy minerals distribution coefficient.

2018101458 Kut', A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutia, Russian Federation). Mikromorfologiya poverkhnosti kvartsevykh zeren dyunnykh kompleksov tsentral'noy Yakutii [Micromorphology of quartz grain surface in sand dunes of central Yakutia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 269-275 (English sum.), illus. incl. strat. col., geol. sketch maps, 12 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The results of micromorphological surface features studying of quartz grains of dune complex in Central Yakutia have been presented. We considered frequently diagnostic elements and combined it in genetic groups--aeolian, water and original grains. On base of distribution analysis of the surface general texture elements along the profile climate changing and sedimentation situation in Holocene has been described.

2018101459 Larin, S. I. (Tuymen State University, Tuymen, Russian Federation); Alekseyeva, V. A.; Alekseyev, O. A.; Alekseyeva, T. V.; Laukhin, S. A.; Larina, N. S. and Maksimov, F. Ye. Kriogennye struktury i treshchiny usykhaniya na yugo-zapade zapadno-sibirskoy ravniny [Cryogenic structures and desiccation cracks in sediments of southwestern West Siberian Plain]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 276-281 (English sum.), 28 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Examines the number of tiers of cryogens and genesis of relict polygonal structures in the South-western part of Western Siberia during Sartan Cryochrone period.

2018101460 Tikhonravova, Ya. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Earth's Cryosphere, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Slagoda, Ye. A. and Butakov, V. I. Morfologiya i mikrostroyeniye poligonal'no-zhil'nykh l'dov kak otrazheniya izmeneniy usloviy formirovaniya [Morphology and microstructures of ice wedges as paleoenvironmental indicators]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 281-284 (English sum.), illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 9 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Complex ice wedges that include different types of ice into the structure--ice vein, segregated ice, congelation ice were studied. The ice veins show the general mechanism of frost cracking and formation of the ice wedges. Segregation and congelation ice demonstrate an other mechanisms of formation ice. It is gradual ice formation under the relatively high negative temperature of an enclosing sediments.

2018101461 Chizhova, Yu. N. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Vasil'chuk, Yu. K. Variatsii d18O, d2N i dexcV ledyanykh yadrakh bulgunnyakhov, formiruyushchikhsya v usloviyakh otkrytoy i zakrytoy sistem [d18O, d2H and dexc variations of ice cores from open- and closed-system pingos]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 284-290 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 17 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The interpretation of the d2H, d18O and dexc variations in the ice core of the Pestsovoye pingo (Evoyakha River valley, Tazovsky Peninsula, northwestern Siberia) is compared with the isotope characteristics of the pingo ice core in the Canadian Arctic, Alaska and Mongolia. Isotopic characteristic of ice formation in open and closed system pingo are established.

2018101462 Vasiliev, A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen Scientific Center, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Pekant, P. V.; Oblogov, G. Ye. and Korostelev, Yu. V. Novaya GIS-oriyentirovannaya karta subakval'nykh mnogoletnemerzlykh porod Karskogo morya [A new GIS map of the submarine permafrost in the Kara Sea]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 291-295 (English sum.), illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 6 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

In this paper we present new GIS-oriented map of submarine permafrost. The map is based on the recent data of sea drilling and analyses of high resolution seismic profiles. Permafrost table position and space distribution of the frozen sediments are identified. New data of Permafrost thickness and ground temperature is obtained.

2018101463 Drozdov, D. S. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Earth's Cryosphere Institute, Russian Federation); Malkova, G. V. I.; Romanovskiy, V. Ye.; Vasiliev, A. A.; Brushkov, A. V.; Leybman, M. O.; Sadurtdinov, M. R.; Ponomareva, O. Ye.; Pendin, V. V.; Gorobtsov, D. N.; Ustinova, Ye. V.; Korostelev, Yu. V.; Stregetskiy, D. A.; Slagoda, Ye. A.; Skvortsov, A. G.; Gravis, A. G.; Berdnikov, N. M.; Orekhov, P. T.; Laukhin, S. A.; Tsarev, A. M.; Falallaeva, A. A. and Zheleznyak, M. N. Tsifrovye karty kriolitozony i otsenka sovremennykh izmeneniy v kriolitozone [Digital maps of the permafrost zone and current changes in the cryosphere]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 295-301 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch maps, 9 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Comprehensively studied areas inside permafrost territory of Russia are specific "key sites", which permit extrapolation and interpolation of the information with a help of geosystematic approach. Corresponding cartographic model is called to supply the information on background and current natural and technogenic conditions for any site of the territory with required precision and reliability as well as to serve as a basis for forecast of changes in permafrost zone. The monitoring observations provide iterative correction of permafrost cartographic models.

2018101464 Ospennikov, Ye. N. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Pavlov, V. A.; Fridenberg, A. I.; Khilimonyuk, V. Z.; Gavrilov, A. V.; Buldovich, S. N.; Kolyubakin, A. A.; Koronovskiy, N. V.; Bryantseva, G. V.; Pizhankova, Ye. I.; Kosevich, N. I.; Alyautdinov, A. R.; Roslyakov, A. G.; Cherbunina, M. Yu. and Ogienko, M. V. Printsipy i rezu l'taty tipizatsii prirodnoy sredy arkticheskogo shel'fa pri geokriologicheskom kartirovanii [Principles and results of Arctic continental shelf environmental zoning based on mapping of the permafrost]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 307-314 (English sum.), illus., 14 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The basic approaches for the typification of aqualandscapes of the Arctic shelf of the Kara and Laptev seas to study the geocryological conditions and geocryological mapping are described. The principles of classification based on the typological approach and subdivision of aqualandscapes according to the characteristics determining the upper boundary conditions for the formation of permafrost, the structure of the rock section and the lower boundary conditions are found. A special role of the history of the paleogeographic development of aqualandscapes in the

2018101465 Tumel', N. V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Zotova, L. I. and Koroleva, N. A. Melkomasshtabnoye kartografirovaniye sezonnogo promerzaniya i protaivaniya na territorii rossiyskoy federatsii [Small-scale mapping of seasonal ground freezing and thawing in Russia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 1 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 314-319 (English sum.), illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 8 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The map of seasonal freezing and thawing of the whole territory of Russian Federation (scale 1:20,000,000) is analyzed. The map is made on a landscape basis. The regional specifics of the processes formation and development of seasonal freezing and thawing are reflected in the legend, which consists of three sections. The first is for cryolithozone in the continuous permafrost region with a depth of seasonal thawing. The second section of the legend refers to regions with discontinuous permafrost, which shows seasonal thawing on frozen rocks and seasonal freezing on thawed. The third section of the legend is seasonal freezing outside the permafrost zone.

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Volume 2

2018099073 Abrosimov, A. I. (Proyektstroystabilizator, Moscow, Russian Federation); Zaletayev, S. V.; Beznos, N. Yu.; Snyatkov, A. A. and Abrosimov, A. A. Ustraneniye deformatsii nasypi zheleznoy dorogi v kriolitozone s pomoshch'yu naklonnykh termostabilizatorov grunta [Prevention of railway embankment deformation in the permafrost with the use of inclined ground temperature stabilizers]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 5-9 (English sum.), illus., 3 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

A system for the thermal stabilization of the roadbed on two sections of the Sverdlovsk Railway located in the permafrost zone was designed and installed. The soil coolers were installed on both sides of the mound perpendicularly to the floor path at an angle of 11 degrees to the horizon. The thermal state of the ground was recorded by the temperature measuring systems of extended objects operating in an automatic mode. For five years the cooling systems have been working without any comments, the deposits of the embankment have ceased, the permissible speed of trains has been increased from 20 to 60 km/h, the maintenance of the embankment has been reduced to selective tampering of sleepers.

2018099074 Abrosimov, A. I. (Proyektstroystabilizator, Moscow, Russian Federation); Teplyakov, A. V.; Zaletayev, s. V.; Beznos, N. Yu. and Abrosimov, A. A. Uvelicheniye nesushchey sposobnosti svay putem ustanovki v provetrivayemoye podpol'e okhladiteley grunta [Increase of pile bearing capacity by installation of ground coolers in a ventilated subfloor]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 9, illus., 3 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

2018099075 Verkhoturov, A. G. (Zabaykal'skiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet, Chita, Russian Federation). Prichiny deformatsiy zdaniy na territorii g. Chity i meropriyatiya po ikh preduprezhdeniyu [Causes of building deformation in the Chita City and related preventive measures]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 15-19 (English sum.), illus., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The article discusses the main causes of deformation of buildings in Chita and the impact of degradation of permafrost on this process. The use of the first principle of construction in areas with high-ice soils, as shown by the experience of construction and operation of buildings in Chita from the 70s of the XXth, in most cases, was erroneous. It was found that the increase in the temperature of the bases as a result of leaks from water-bearing networks led to degradation of the MMP and as a consequence to deformations of buildings. One of the ways to solve this problem is the preliminary thawing of frozen soils.

2018099076 Gagarin, L. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institut Merzlotovedeniya im. P. I. Mel'nikova, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Prognozirovaniye termosuffozionnogo provaloobrazovaniya vdol' FAD A-360 "Lena" v tsentral'noy Yakutii [Prediction of land subsidence caused by thermal suffosion along the A-360 Federal Highway "Lena" in central Yakutia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 19-24 (English sum.), sects., sketch map, 11 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Based on electrical sounding by electro tomography was determined a high dynamic of geocryological and hydrogeological conditions within the Ulakhan-Tarin ground water spring, Central Yakutia. Five places of thermal suffosional soil loosening and probable surface subsidence were identified along the Lena Highway.

2018099077 Grebenets, V. I. (Moscow State University, Geography Department, Moscow, Russian Federation); Streletskiy, D. A.; Shiklomanov, N. I.; Gubanov, A. S. and Tolmanov, V. A. Prirodno-tekhnogennye geokriologicheskiye kompleksy na urbanizirovannykh territoriyakh kriolitozony [Influence of urbanization and industry on the permafrost]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 31-38 (English sum.), illus. incl. sketch maps, 8 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The influence of technogenesis on the formation of specific natural-technogenic geocryological complexes formed on economically developed territories is considered. The selection of such complexes is carried out for Norilsk, Yamburg and Igarka, depending on the type of technogenical pressure, its intensity, influence on various natural permafrost conditions. It has been established that degradation tendencies prevail within the complexes in frozen basements.

2018099078 Konovalov, A. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen Research Center, Tyumen, Russian Federation). Dolgovechnost' i dlitel'naya prochnost' merzlogo grunta [Stability and long-term strength of frozen ground]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 53-59 (English sum.), illus. incl. 3 tables, 12 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Derived a single equation for describing the strength and deformation of frozen soil to the limit and to the limit state as a function of temperature and time. Examples of the calculation, which showed a good convergence of calculated and actual data.

2018099079 Litovko, A. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institut of Permafrost, Yakutia, Russian Federation) and Shesternev, D. M. Issledovaniya, prognoz i upravleniye geokriologicheskimi usloviyami dlya obespecheniya effektivnoy ekspluatatsii uchastka "Ledovyy Komplekc" AYaM [Analysis, prediction and management of the permafrost for the purpose of efficient exploitation of the Amur-Yakutia Railroad]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 59-64 (English sum.), illus. incl. sketch map, 4 tables, sect., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

In recent decades, the project of Transcontinental Bering Strait Railway has become one of the most discussed strategic programs designed to create a global network of railways. The idea is to connect Europe, Asia, and North America. The logic of this project corresponds to the plans formulated by the Government of the Russian Federation to develop Siberia and Russian Far East. Basic design principles of constructions foundations in the difficult geocryologic conditions are presented in the report. It is scientific and technical maintenance of engineering-geological researches, design and building; individual approach to objects; high-quality carrying out engineering-geological researches; the forecast of influence of constructions on permafrost soils using as foundation; geotechnical justification of the designing decisions. Taking into account the principles, the stability and the long-term operational reliability of constructions is provided and the economic effect is gained.

2018099080 Magomedgadzhiyeva, M. A. (Krasnoyarskgazprom Neftegazproyekt, Moscow, Russian Federation). Ob optimizatsii proyektirovaniya osnovaniy ob"yektov obustroystva neftegazovogo kompleksa v usloviyakh rasprostraneniya mnogoletnemerzlykh gruntov [Optimal planning of infrastructure for objects of oil and gas production in the permafrost zone]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 4-69 (English sum.), illus., 2 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Basic design principles of constructions foundations in the difficult geocryologic conditions are presented in the report. Is is scientific and technical maintenance of engineering-geological research, design and building; individual approach to objects; high quality carryihng out engineering-geological research; the forecast of influence of constructions on permafrost soils using as foundations; geotechnical justification of the designing decisions. Taking into account the principles, the stability and the long term operational reliability of constructions is provided and the econimic effect is gained.

2018099081 Makarycheva, Ye. M. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Ye. Sergeyev Institute of Geoecology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Merzlyakov, v. P.; Mironov, O. K. and Besperstova, N. A. Analiz rasprostraneniya termokarstovykh yavleniy vdol' protyazhennogo lineynogo sooruzheniya s pomoshch'yu veroyatnostno-statisticheskogo metoda [Analysis of thermokarst distribution along oil pipelines with the use of statistical methods]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 69-76 (English sum.), illus. incl. 2 tables, 2 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

As a result of the computational experiment, the dependence of the distribution of thermokarst phenomena on natural conditions in the zone of the oil pipeline impact was revealed. The oil pipeline passes through various climatic, tectonic, landscape and permafrost zones. The use of independent criteria for the mapping of the territory makes it possible to build a model on the basis of the probability-statistical method.

2018099082 Mel'nikov, V. P. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, Institute of the Cryosphere, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Shekhtman, Ye. V.; Dashinimayev, E. B.; Ivanov, K. S.; Sigachev, N. P. and Klochkov, Ya. V. Innovatsionnoye konstruktivnoye resheniye dlya ustroystva drenazhnykh sooruzheniy v rayonakh vechnoy merzloty [Innovative design for drainage installations in the permafrost]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 76-80 (English sum.), illus. incl. sects., 5 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The problems of operation of drainage structures in the areas of permafrost distribution are given. Cryogenic processes leading to deformations and fractures of typical drainage structures have been determined. Innovative constructive solutions for the construction of drainage structures have been developed. Positive functions of constructive solutions are determined in the annual cycles of changing permafrost and hydrogeological conditions.

2018099083 Osokin, A. B. (Gazprom Dobycha Nadym, Nadym, Russian Federation); Nikolaychuk, E. N. and Pakhunov, A. V. Geotekhnicheskiye resheniya dlya obustroystva neftegazokondensatnykh mestorozhdeniy v osobo slozhnykh geokriologicheskikh usloviyakh p-ova Yamal [Geotechnologies applied for oil and condensate field development under particularly complex geocryological conditions of the Yamal Peninsula]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 88-94 (English sum.), illus. incl. sect., sketch map, 5 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The bulk of the production capacity Gazprom are located in the Northern of the West Siberia, in conditions of distribution permafrost soils. Development of new field on the peninsula of Yamal is carried out in the territories, representing more complex geocryological conditions, which in turn requires certain geotechnical solutions, aimed at ensuring operational reliability gas facilities.

2018099084 Pugach, V. N. (Etalon Company, Omsk, Russian Federation); Boytsov, S. V. and Mikhal'chenko, D. I. Opyt primeneniya sistem monitoringa temperatury i teplovykh potokov vechnomerzlykh gruntov [Practice of temperature and heat flux monitoring in the permafrost]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 94-100 (English sum.), illus., 3 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The article discusses the application examples of monitoring systems of temperature on functioning oil and gas condensate field. Also described are experimental sites where these systems are used to study the effectiveness of thermal stabilization methods of soils.

2018099085 Syromyatnikov, Igor I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Kunitskiy, V. V. and Lytkin, V. M. Temperaturnyy rezhim namyvnykh gruntov na territorii g. Yakutska [Thermal regime of hydraulically filled soils in the Yakutsk City]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 100-105 (English sum.), illus. incl. 3 tables, 4 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Peculiarities of engineer-geological conditions at a massif of silted grounds on permafrost are considered. Monitoring results of the temperature regime on silted grounds are presented. The perspective to extent the urbanized territory of Yakutsk creating silted massifs by help of hydro-mechanical methods is estimated.

2018099086 Chzhan, R. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Innovatsionnye predlozheniya ispol'zovaniya kriopegov v stroitel'stve kak kriogennogo resursa kriolitozony [Innovative proposals for cryopeg use during construction in the permafrost]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 111-118 (English sum.), illus., 11 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Construction of engineering structures in permafrost regions is associated with a number of economic, environmental and engineering problems. A critically important problem is maintaining the stability of individual structures as well as a complex of natural-technical systems. As an option, the solution of these problems is possible on the basis of using the resource approach in construction. The resource approach in nature management of the cryolithozone has formulated the concept of a cryogenic resource--a unique natural resource of permafrost This article proposes an innovative technology for increasing the load-bearing capacity of foundation oils and structures by using natural cryogenic resources of the Earth, cryopegs in particular.

2018099087 Shepit'ko, T. V. (Russian University of Transport, Moscow, Russian Federation); Lutskiy, S. Ya. and Cherkasov, A. M. Organizatsionno-tekhnologicheskiy reglament stroitel'stva geotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy na merzlote [Technological requirements to structure construction in the permafrost]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 118-123 (English sum.), 11 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The structural and technological solutions of geotechnical structures in the areas of permafrost are considered. A composite technology for the prevention of degradation of permafrost in the construction period is proposed. The experience of the development of technological regulations and monitoring of the state soils during construction is outlined.

2018099088 Shesternev, D. M. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Stroitel'stvo na namyvnykh gruntakh v Yakutii [Construction on hydraulic fills in Yakutia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 123-127 (English sum.), 9 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

This paper reviews the experience with construction on hydraulic fills in permafrost regions and examines the main considerations in selecting a construction principle. Based on the case study of a development project in Yakutsk, the impact of hydraulically filled soils on geocryological conditions is examined and the prospects for the use of hydraulic fills as foundation materials are discussed. A comprehensive monitoring program is suggested to diagnose the thermal and mechanical interaction of foundations with supporting soils.

2018099089 Yurov, F. D. (Moscow State University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Grebenets, V. I. Dinamika temperaturnogo polya gruntov na Vankorskom mestorozhdeniyy [Dynamics of frozen ground thermal regime in the Vankor oil field]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 128-133 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 11 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The physiographic and permafrost-geological conditions of one of the largest oil and gas fields Vankorsky were considered (examined). The main emphasis was made on the analysis of temperature fields in the base of industrial sites. It was established that the application of thermal stabilization systems gives a noticeable effect. Taking into consideration the climatic trends and technogenesis, a forecast was developed for the temperature change of permafrost soils.

2018099090 Dzhurik, V. I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, Institute of the Earth's Crust, Irkutsk, Russian Federation); Bryzhak, Ye. V.; Serebrennikov, S. P. and Eskin, A. Yu. Sravnitel'neyy analiz godovykh variatsiy spektral'nogo sostava kolebaniy pri zemletryaseniyakh v razlichnykh seysmoklimaticheskikh zonakh Vostochnoy Sibiri [Comparative analysis of annual variations in spectral characteristics of ground motions in regions of Eastern Siberia with various seismicity and climate]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 134-140 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 14 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The results of studies of annual variations of the spectral composition of ground motions in earthquakes in different seismoclimatic zones are given in the example of the Baikal region located within Eastern Siberia. The dynamic parameters of seismic signals are considered and the ranges of their oscillations associated with the influence of seasonal factors (thawing and freezing) are established. The obtained data are necessary for solving the problems of fundamental and applied seismology, zoning of seismic hazard and calculation of seismic effects for predicted large earthquakes in the region.

2018099091 Yefremov, V. N. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Stepen' promerzaniya massiva mnogolethemerzlykh dispersnykh gruntov i yego effektivnoye soprotivleniye [Freezing rate of the permafrost and its apparent resistivity]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 140-145 (English sum.), illus., 4 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The features of seasonal periodic changes of apparent resistivity of the permafrost soil mass are examined based on the results of field measurements of the surface impedance in the 100-1000 kHz frequency range. The conformity of characteristic changes of soil temperature and apparent resistivity to the certain periods of time is given. Apparent resistivity of the permafrost soil mass is shown to conform to the degree of soil freezing.

2018099092 Zheltenkova, N. V. (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Koturnikov, A. V.; Gagarin, V. Ye.; Skosar', V. V.; Brushkov, A. V.; Spiryakova, K. A.; Agapkin, I. A. and Khimenkov, A. N. Primeneniye metodov elektromagnitnogo zondirovaniya dlya preduprezhdeniya opasnykh geokriologicheskikh protsessov [Application of electromagnetic methods for prediction of geological hazards related to the permafrost]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 145-149 (English sum.), illus., 5 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The article presents assessment of possibility of using electromagnetic sounding methods for studying geocryological conditions and preventing dangerous geocryological processes in the highlands of the Northern Tien Shan. The authors proposed the characteristics of geocryological conditions, discovered the differences in geological sections of describing areas using geophysical methods. The article presents possibility of using near-field transient electromagnetic sounding method (NTES) for the prevention of glacial mudflows.

2018099093 Olenchenko, V. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) and Goreyavcheva, A. A. Geoelektricheskaya model' smeny tipov rasprostraneniya mnogolethemerzloy tolshchi pri vysotnoy poyasnosti; polevoy eksperiment [Geoelectrical model of altitudinal permafrost zoning; field studies]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 149-154 (English sum.), illus. incl. sects., 6 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Mountain permafrost is a unique object, where at a relatively short distance there is a change in the types of its distribution and temperature change. We used this fact in a field experiment with the aim of obtaining a uniform resistivity model of vertical geocryological zonality. On one of the ridges of the Altai Mountains all measurements were performed by the method of electrical resistivity tomography. It is established that two-dimensional geoelectric model of the slope inherit the mode of the changes in the structure of the permafrost--bottom-up increases the thickness and continuity of the reference high-resistivity horizon and increases the resistivity of permafrost.

2018099094 Olenchenko, V. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation); Overduin, P.; Faguet, A. N.; Angelopoulos, M. and Plotnikov, A. Ye. Stroyeniye subakval'noy mnogoletnemerzloy tolshchi v lagune Uomullakh-Kyuel' (More Laptevykh) po geofizicheskim dannym [Structure of permafrost in the Omullah-Kyuel Lagoon (Laptev Sea) according to geophysical data]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 154-157 (English sum.), sects., sketch map, 7 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Erosion of the coastline turned the drained thermokarst lake into lagoon. Salty water intensifies the process of underwater permafrost degradation. We have conducted electromagnetic time-domain measurements and electrical resistivity tomography survey to determine the depth and structure of the talik under the lagoon. A borehole has been drilled as well. We have established that the depth of thawed sediments in the center of the lagoon is 23 m, to a depth of 33 m, a layer of water-ice phase transitions is assumed. We combined the data from terrestrial and marine electrical resistivity tomography measurements and reconstructed the cross-section, which shows stages of submarine permafrost evolution as the sea advances.

2018099095 Sadurtdinov, M. R. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Skvortsov, A. G.; Sudakova, M. S.; Tsarev, A. M. and Malkova, G. V. Volnovye metody geofiziki dlya izucheniya osobennostey i svoystv merzlykh porod i aktivnogo sloya [Seismic methods and GPR applied for studies of frozen ground and permafrost active layer]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 158-162 (English sum.), illus. incl. sect., 5 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

In this paper possibilities of geophysical methods for near surface features of permafrost studies are described. One of the main geophysical method for permafrost investigations is seismic using both P- and S-waves. To distinguish thin layers and fine features of geological cross-section GPR is used. Geophysical methods allow not only to determine geological boundaries configuration (active layer depth, permafrost table, etc.) but also to obtain data on their physical properties.

2018099096 Skvortsov, A. G. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Sadurtdinov, M. R.; Tsarev, A. M.; Dubrovin, V. A.; Kurchatova, A. N. and Malkova, G. V. Ispol'zovaniye seysmicheskikh metodov dlya izucheniya stroyeniya tolshchi mnogoletnemerzlykh porod [Seismic methods applied for analysis of permafrost structure]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 162-169 (English sum.), 13 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The results of the use of seismic methods to study the permafrost rock structure are considered. The data obtained using the reflected transverse waves in different seismogeological and climatic conditions are presented. The information about research technique and the specific features of its use for permafrost studies is provided.

2018099097 Skosar', V. V. (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Koshurnikov, A. V.; Gunar, A. Yu. and Zheltenkova, N. V. Elektromagnitnye zondirovaniya na shel'fe [Electromagnetic sounding of the continental shelf]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 169-174 (English sum.), illus. incl. sketch map, 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The article presents the data of field electrical exploration using the method of sounding by formation of the field in a near zone (TEM) in Skuratov licensed area. According to the results of geophysical studies, curves of apparent resistance, geoelectric structure models, slice maps for the specific electrical resistance of soils are presented, and zones with the most favorable conditions for drilling rig installation are identified.

2018099098 Skosar', V. V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Koturnikov, A. V.; Gunar, A. Yu. and Zheltenkova, N. V. Geokriologicheskiye issledovaniya v Khatangskom zalive morya Laptevykh [Geocryological studies in the Khatanga Gulf, Laptev Sea]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 174-179 (English sum.), illus. incl. sketch map, 3 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The article describes the geocryological conditions of the Khatanga Bay water area of the Laptev Sea. The results of drilling wells in the water area, laboratory works, thermometry and data obtained by the geophysical method of electrical prospecting (sounding by formation of the field in a near zone (TEM)) are presented.

2018099099 Tsibizov, L. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation); Fage, A. N.; Olenchenko, V. v.; Kartoziya, A. A.; Lashchinskiy, N. N.; Grigorevskaya, A. V.; Sosnovtsev, K. V. and Esin, Ye. I. Kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskiye issledovaniya kriolitozony v del'te r. Lena s primeneniem dannykh aerofotos"yemki vysokogo razresheniya [Comprehensive geological and geophysical studies of the permafrost in the Lena Delta with the use of high-resolution aerial photography]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 179-184 (English sum.), illus. incl. sketch map, sects., 11 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

On the case of selected objects in Lena river delta the efficiency of geophysical techniques jointly with a high-resolution aerial imagery for permafrost research is shown. With the use of electrical resistivity tomography, ground penetrating radar, magnetometry and analysis of aerial imagery data including digital elevation model permafrost structure features were studied in the areas of thermoerosional and thermokarst processes propagation on Kurungnakh Island.

2018099100 Afanas'eva, T. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation) and Permyakov, P. P. Opredeleniye teplovogo potoka pri modelirovanii teplovogo rezhima merzlykh gruntov [Analysis of heat flux in the permafrost and modeling of its thermal regime]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 185-190 (English sum.), illus. incl. sect., 2 tables, sketch map, 9 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Surface disturbances cause changes to permafrost conditions, which may impair the stability of engineering structures. This study presents a new algorithm for computing the heat flux at the surface of frozen ground subject to freezing and thawing, where the accuracy of thermal numerical modeling is achieved by improving the boundary conditions. The algorithm has been used to determine the ground heat fluxes at test sites with undisturbed natural and bare surfaces.

2018099101 Vakhrin, I. S. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation) and Shesternev, D. M. Vliyaniye kriogennykh tekstur i l'distosti na koeffitsient ottaivayaniya suglinistykh gruntov [Effects of cryogenic structures and amount of ground ice on loam thawing coefficient]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 190-193 (English sum.), illus. incl. 3 tables, 6 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

This paper addresses the effect of cryostructure and ice content on the thawing coefficient (Ath of clay silts. It presents the physical properties of clay silt samples collected in the upper Kirim Creek in the Lena-Amga lowland east of the Lena River. The test procedure used to determine the thawing coefficient is described. The results of the tests on clay silts with different cryostructures and ice contents are given. Linear relationships between the thawing coefficient and ice content with different cryostructures (layered and reticulate) established for the studied soils are presented.

2018099102 Motenko, R. G. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Grechishcheva, E. S. and Zubkova, A. V. Eksperimental'naya otsenka vliyaniya soderzhaniya organicheskogo veshchestva na fazovyy sostav vody v merzlykh zasolennykh peschanykh gruntakh severa zapadnoy sibiri [Experimental study of organic matter influence on water-ice phase relations in frozen saline sands in northern West Siberia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 204-210 (English sum.), illus., 10 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The generalization was conducted for experimental data of unfrozen water in sandy frozen soils is presented. The research was conducted for soils with various particle size distribution. The role of the chemical-mineral composition is evaluated. The dependences of the properties on salinity and organic matter content are studied.

2018099103 Ostroumov, V. Ye. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Puschchino, Russian Federation). Izmeneniya sostava osadka v sezonnotalom sloye pri formirovanii singeneticheskoy mnogoletnemerzloy tolshchi [Change of sediment composition in active layer during syngenetic permafrost formation]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 210-215 (English sum.), illus., 7 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The report presents a mathematical model, which describes the early diagenesis stage of the formation of syngenetic permafrost sediment. The model contents of modules for description of both instable intensity of sediment flux (1) and velocity of the sediment transformation (ii) inside the active layer under the impact of the soil formation factors. Variations of magnetic suscessibility of the Edoma suite sediment (Kolyma Lowland) was examined. The model describes adequately measured sediment properties in the syngenetic permafrost.

2018099104 Semenov, V. P. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Teplofizicheskiye svoystva osnovnykh tipov porod Vilyuyskoy sineklizy [Thermophysical properties of main rock types in the Vilyuy Syneclise]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 216-222 (English sum.), illus. incl. 5 tables, 3 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The results of study on the thermal properties and physical parameters of sedimentary rocks from the Vilyui Basin. In 2016, 282 rock samples were investigated. It has been determined that the thermophysical properties of rocks have a wide range of their values. The limit and average values of thermal conductivity and rock skeleton volume weight have been assessed.

2018099105 Syromyatnikov, Igor I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Kunitskiy, V. V. and Lytkin, V. M. Temperaturnyy rezhim namyvnykh gruntov na territorii g. Yakutska [Thermal regime of hydraulic fills in the Yakutsk City]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 222-228 (English sum.), illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map, 4 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Peculiarities of engineer-geological conditions at a massif of silted grounds on permafrost are considered. Monitoring results of the temperature regime on silted grounds are presented. The perspective to extent the urbanized territory of Yakutsk creating silted massifs by help of hydro-mechanical methods is estimated.

2018099106 Sheyikman, Vladimir S. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen Science Center, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Simonov, O. A. and Lytkin, I. A. Tl-datirovaniye osadochnykh merzlykh porod s uchetom teplofizicheskikh svoystv obraztsa [Thermoluminiscence dating of frozen ground taking into account its thermal properties]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 233-239 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, strat. col., 4 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Carrying out TL-dating of frozen sediments, a reliable model of thermoluminescence process is required. In this paper we present a numerical simulation of thermoluminescence of a round grain of quartz used as mineral-timer considering its polycrystalline structure and heating rates during TL emission. It is shown that the physical size of the sample, its thermophysical parameters and heating rates are significantly determine the TL emission curve shape. Finally, it is shown an importance considering this parameters in the works around dating methods of frozen sediments using thermoluminescence.

2018099107 Kal'bergenov, R. G. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Ye. Sergeyev Institute of Geoecology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Isayev, V. S.; Karpenko, I. S.; Sobin, R. V. and Nazarov, A. S. Kolichestvennaya otsenka gazovydeleniya pri ottaivanii merzlykh gruntov v polevykh usloviyakh [Quantitative analysis of gas emission during frozen ground thawing in field conditions]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 252-257 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, strat. col., 8 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The gas constituent, together with the solid and liquid phases, is one of the components of the frozen soil structure, which has been relatively poorly studied to date. At the same time, according to numerous reports from survey organizations (for example, the Lengiprotrans report for 1987), active gas emissions are recorded during drilling, sometimes leading to the ejection of the drilling tool and the appearance of a gas torch. In this regard, since the mid-1990s an "ecological" direction has been formed to study the emission of hydrocarbon gases from frozen rocks. Separate chapters are devoted to this direction in the works of Yakushev V. S., Rivkin F. M., Perlova Ye. V. It is noted that during thawing of frozen soils in summer from the surface and slopes of the coastal zones of the seas, lakes and rivers, a large supply of biogenic gases in atmosphere. There are attempts to determine the content of nutrient gases in the upper horizons (up to 10 meters) of permafrost sequences and predictive estimates of their potential emissions with an increase in the depth of seasonal thawing associated with global warming.

2018099108 Manakov, A. Yu. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, Nikolayev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation); Smirnov, V. G.; Ismagilov, Z. R. and Dyrdin, V. V. Obrazovaniye gidrata uglekislogo gaza iz sorbirovannoy prirodnymi uglyami vody [Formation of carbon dioxide hydrate at coal-adsorbed water interface]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 257-263 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 12 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

It was shown that the carbon dioxide hydrate is able to form from water adsorbed by natural coals with varying degrees of metamorphism. The characteristic features of the physicochemical behavior of such systems are revealed. A model is proposed that makes it possible to explain observed features of hydrate formation/decomposition in coals.

2018099109 Oblogov, G. Ye. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, Institute of the Cryosphere, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Vasil'ev, A. A.; Streletskaya, I. D. and Zadorozhnaia, N. A. Novyye dannye po soderzhaniyu metana v mnogoletnemerzlykh i sezonnotalykh porodakh geokriologicheskogo statsionara Marre-Sale (zapadnyy Yamal) [New data on methane concentrations in the permafrost and its active layer at the Marre-Sale geocryological station (western Yamal)]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 263-269 (English sum.), sect., 1 table, sketch map, 14 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

New unique data on the content and genesis of methane in ground ice, frozen Quaternary sediments and seasonally thawed layer at the Marre-Sale area (Western Yamal) was presented. The content of methane in various geological and genetic types of frozen Quaternary deposits was quantitatively determined. Has been established that the greatest content of methane is characteristic of Late Pleistocene clays of marine genesis (up to 6.7 ml/kg). A large content of methane (up to 10 ml/kg) is noted in the massive ice of the research area. Data on the determination of methane content in seasonally thawed layer for various types of landscapes are also presented. The layout of the map-scheme "Spatial distribution of methane content in the seasonal thawing layer in the Marre-Sale area" is constructed.

2018099110 Yakushev, V. S. (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russian Federation). Eksperimental'noye izucheniye metastabil'nykh gidratov metana v merzlykh glinakh [Experimental study of metastable methane hydrates in frozen clays]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 281-292 (English sum.), illus., 10 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Experimental research on frozen dispersed deposits saturation by gas hydrates have shown, that different in granular and mineralogical compositions sediments have different conditions for hydrate accumulation and different thermodynamic conditions of hydrate decomposition. Clays represent the worst media for hydrate accumulation and existence. Nevertheless there are many observations of hydrate presence in clay-containing sediments, especially offshore. Experimental modelling of metastable hydrates decomposition in sediment sample recovered from "Yamal crater" has shown, that metastable hydrates can generate huge volumes of gas in frozen, salted clays even if negligible (tenth and hundredth of a degree) temperature rise.

2018099111 Likhacheva, E. A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Nekrasova, L. A. and Chesnokova, I. V. Issledovaniya ekologo-geomorfologicheskikh situatsii na severe zapadnoy Sibiri [Ecological and geomorphological studies in northern West Siberia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 292-296 (English sum.), illus. incl. 1 table, 8 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The natural-anthropogenic processes of relief formation that are developed under intensive economic development of the north of Western Siberia are considered. The change in geocryological and geomorphological conditions leads to activation of these processes. Systematization of exogenous relief-forming processes in the cryolithozone is given. The degree of activation depends on the genesis of the relief, the lithological composition, humidity and ice content of the sediments composing it. Among such processes are frost cracking of soil, thermokarst, solifluction, erosion, thermoerosion, abrasion, thermoabrasion, etc.

2018099112 Tarbeyeva, A. M. (Moscow State University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Arp, C. D. Issledovaniya chetkovidnykh rusel malykh rek na Alyaske i v Sibiri [Studies of bead-like river channels in Alaska and Siberia]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 305-311 (English sum.), illus. incl. table, sketch maps, 20 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

In 2017 scientists from Russia and the United States conducted joint research which allowed detailing ideas about formative mechanisms of beaded channels of small rivers, that consist of lake-like pools connected by narrow runs and are widespread in permafrost regions. Despite the significant role of thermokarst in their formation, the size of the pools depends on the discharge, but does not depend on the size of the ice-wedge polygons. The location of pools in beaded meandering channel is mainly determined by the channel process. It has been established that beaded streams were quite stable over the past 60 years.

2018099113 Torgovkin, N. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, P. Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation) and Makarov, V. N. Geokhimicheskiye osobennosti gruntov urbanizirovannoy territorii kriolitozony; na primere g. Yakutska [Geochemical characteristics of urban soils in the permafrost; Yakutsk City, as an example]: in Sbornik dokladov rashirennogo zasedaniya nauchnogo soveta po kriologii zemli RAN; aktual'nyye problemy geokriologii c uchastiyem rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh uchenykh inzhenerov and spetsialistov; tom 2 (Kotov, P. I., editor), Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 311-315 (English sum.), illus., 4 ref., 2018. Meeting: Rasshirennoye zasedaniye nauchnogo soveta po kriologii Zemli RAN, May 15-16, 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Annotation. The paper presents results of research about distribution of chemical composition of soils of the seasonal thawing layer and the near surface permafrost in the conditions of technogenic development of the cryolithozone. Technogenic influence according to geochemical data observed at depths of up to 10 m and more, with pronounced anomalies at the boundary of seasonal thawing and the transition from technogenic soils to natural ones.

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