October 2019 Monthly Permafrost Alert (PMA) Program

The U.S. Permafrost Association is pleased to announce the availability of an updated searchable database on permafrost-related publications. The American Geosciences Institute, with support from the National Science Foundation, has "migrated" the previous Cold Regions Bibliography to a new platform. Included are the US Permafrost Association supported Monthly Permafrost Alerts dating back to 2011. The Bibliography is searchable at : www.coldregions.org.

Entries in each category are listed in chronological order starting with the most recent citation.

The individual Monthly Permafrost Alerts are found on the US Permafrost Association website : http://www.uspermafrost.org/monthly-alerts.shtml.

Browse by Reference Type:

Serial | Conference | Report


2019088919 Klene, Anna E. (University of Montana, Department of Geography, Missoula, MN) and Nelson, Frederick E. Urban geocryology; mapping urban-rural contrasts in active-layer thickness, Barrow Peninsula, Northern Alaska: Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 109(5), p. 1394-1414 (Chinese, Spanish sum.), illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch map, 105 ref., September 2019.

DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2018.1549972

2019090987 Kenner, Robert (Swiss Federal Research Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Davos, Switzerland); Noetzli, Jeannette; Hoelzle, Martin; Raetzo, Hugo and Phillips, Marcia. Distinguishing ice-rich and ice-poor permafrost to map ground temperatures and ground ice occurrence in the Swiss Alps: The Cryosphere (Online), 13(7), p. 1925-1941, illus. incl. 3 tables, geol. sketch maps, 64 ref., 2019.

Mountain permafrost is invisible, and mapping it is still a challenge. Available permafrost distribution maps often overestimate the permafrost extent and include large permafrost-free areas in their permafrost zonation. In addition, the representation of the lower belt of permafrost consisting of ice-rich features such as rock glaciers or ice-rich talus slopes can be challenging. These problems are caused by considerable differences in genesis and thermal characteristics between ice-poor permafrost, occurring for example in rock walls, and ice-rich permafrost. While ice-poor permafrost shows a strong correlation of ground temperature with elevation and potential incoming solar radiation, ice-rich ground does not show such a correlation. Instead, the distribution of ice-rich ground is controlled by gravitational processes such as the relocation of ground ice by permafrost creep or by ground ice genesis from avalanche deposits or glacierets covered with talus. We therefore developed a mapping method which distinguishes between ice-poor and ice-rich permafrost and tested it for the entire Swiss Alps. For ice-poor ground we found a linear regression formula based on elevation and potential incoming solar radiation which predicts borehole ground temperatures at multiple depths with an accuracy higher than 0.6°C. The zone of ice-rich permafrost was defined by modelling the deposition zones of alpine mass wasting processes. This dual approach allows the cartographic representation of permafrost-free belts, which are bounded above and below by permafrost. This enables a high quality of permafrost modelling, as is shown by the validation of our map. The dominating influence of the two rather simple connected factors, elevation (as a proxy for mean annual air temperature) and solar radiation, on the distribution of ice-poor permafrost is significant for permafrost modelling in different climate conditions and regions. Indicating temperatures of ice-poor permafrost and distinguishing between ice-poor and ice-rich permafrost on a national permafrost map provides new information for users.

DOI: 10.5194/tc-13-1925-2019

2019090790 Nitzbon, Jan (Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany); Langer, Moritz; Westermann, Sebastian; Martin, Léo; Aas, Kjetil Schanke and Boike, Julia. Pathways of ice-wedge degradation in polygonal tundra under different hydrological conditions: The Cryosphere (Online), 13(4), p. 1089-1123, illus. incl. 9 tables, 56 ref., 2019.

Ice-wedge polygons are common features of lowland tundra in the continuous permafrost zone and prone to rapid degradation through melting of ground ice. There are many interrelated processes involved in ice-wedge thermokarst and it is a major challenge to quantify their influence on the stability of the permafrost underlying the landscape. In this study we used a numerical modelling approach to investigate the degradation of ice wedges with a focus on the influence of hydrological conditions. Our study area was Samoylov Island in the Lena River delta of northern Siberia, for which we had in situ measurements to evaluate the model. The tailored version of the CryoGrid 3 land surface model was capable of simulating the changing microtopography of polygonal tundra and also regarded lateral fluxes of heat, water, and snow. We demonstrated that the approach is capable of simulating ice-wedge degradation and the associated transition from a low-centred to a high-centred polygonal microtopography. The model simulations showed ice-wedge degradation under recent climatic conditions of the study area, irrespective of hydrological conditions. However, we found that wetter conditions lead to an earlier onset of degradation and cause more rapid ground subsidence. We set our findings in correspondence to observed types of ice-wedge polygons in the study area and hypothesized on remaining discrepancies between modelled and observed ice-wedge thermokarst activity. Our quantitative approach provides a valuable complement to previous, more qualitative and conceptual, descriptions of the possible pathways of ice-wedge polygon evolution. We concluded that our study is a blueprint for investigating thermokarst landforms and marks a step forward in understanding the complex interrelationships between various processes shaping ice-rich permafrost landscapes.

DOI: 10.5194/tc-13-1089-2019

2019090784 Piovano, Thea I. (University of Aberdeen, Northern Rivers Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom); Tetzlaff, Doerthe; Carey, Sean K.; Shatilla, Nadine J.; Smith, Aaron and Soulsby, Chris. Spatially distributed tracer-aided runoff modelling and dynamics of storage and water ages in a permafrost-influenced catchment: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 23(6), p. 2507-2523, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch maps, 60 ref., 2019.

Permafrost strongly controls hydrological processes in cold regions. Our understanding of how changes in seasonal and perennial frozen ground disposition and linked storage dynamics affect runoff generation processes remains limited. Storage dynamics and water redistribution are influenced by the seasonal variability and spatial heterogeneity of frozen ground, snow accumulation and melt. Stable isotopes are potentially useful for quantifying the dynamics of water sources, flow paths and ages, yet few studies have employed isotope data in permafrost-influenced catchments. Here, we applied the conceptual model STARR (the Spatially distributed Tracer-Aided Rainfall-Runoff model), which facilitates fully distributed simulations of hydrological storage dynamics and runoff processes, isotopic composition and water ages. We adapted this model for a subarctic catchment in Yukon Territory, Canada, with a time-variable implementation of field capacity to include the influence of thaw dynamics. A multi-criteria calibration based on stream flow, snow water equivalent and isotopes was applied to 3 years of data. The integration of isotope data in the spatially distributed model provided the basis for quantifying spatio-temporal dynamics of water storage and ages, emphasizing the importance of thaw layer dynamics in mixing and damping the melt signal. By using the model conceptualization of spatially and temporally variable storage, this study demonstrates the ability of tracer-aided modelling to capture thaw layer dynamics that cause mixing and damping of the isotopic melt signal.

DOI: 10.5194/hess-23-2507-2019

2019090982 Shirokova, Liudmila S. (University of Toulouse, Geoscience and Environment Toulouse, Toulouse, France); Chupakov, Artem V.; Zabelina, Svetlana A.; Neverova, Natalia V.; Payandi-Rolland, Dahedrey; Causserand, Carole; Karlsson, Jan and Pokrovsky, Oleg S. Humic surface waters of frozen peat bogs (permafrost zone) are highly resistant to bio- and photodegradation: Biogeosciences, 16(12), p. 2511-2526, illus. incl. 1 table, 99 ref., 2019.

In contrast to the large number of studies on humic waters from permafrost-free regions and oligotrophic waters from permafrost-bearing regions, the bio- and photolability of DOM from the humic surface waters of permafrost-bearing regions has not been thoroughly evaluated. Following standardized protocol, we measured biodegradation (at low, intermediate and high temperatures) and photodegradation (at one intermediate temperature) of DOM in surface waters along the hydrological continuum (depression ® stream ® thermokarst lake ® Pechora River) within a frozen peatland in European Russia. In all systems, within the experimental resolution of 5% to 10%, there was no bio- or photodegradation of DOM over a 1-month incubation period. It is possible that the main cause of the lack of degradation is the dominance of allochthonous refractory (soil, peat) DOM in all waters studied. However, all surface waters were supersaturated with CO2. Thus, this study suggests that, rather than bio- and photodegradation of DOM in the water column, other factors such as peat pore-water DOM processing and respiration of sediments are the main drivers of elevated pCO2 and CO2 emission in humic boreal waters of frozen peat bogs.

DOI: 10.5194/bg-16-2511-2019

2019090991 Tao, Jing (University of Maryland, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, College Park, MD); Koster, Randal D.; Reichle, Rolf H.; Forman, Barton A.; Xue, Yuan; Chen, Richard H. and Moghaddam, Mahta. Permafrost variability over the Northern Hemisphere based on the MERRA-2 reanalysis: The Cryosphere (Online), 13(8), p. 2087-2110, illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch maps, 96 ref., 2019.

This study introduces and evaluates a comprehensive, model-generated dataset of Northern Hemisphere permafrost conditions at 81 km2 resolution. Surface meteorological forcing fields from the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications 2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis were used to drive an improved version of the land component of MERRA-2 in middle-to-high northern latitudes from 1980 to 2017. The resulting simulated permafrost distribution across the Northern Hemisphere mostly captures the observed extent of continuous and discontinuous permafrost but misses the ecosystem-protected permafrost zones in western Siberia. Noticeable discrepancies also appear along the southern edge of the permafrost regions where sporadic and isolated permafrost types dominate. The evaluation of the simulated active layer thickness (ALT) against remote sensing retrievals and in situ measurements demonstrates reasonable skill except in Mongolia. The RMSE (bias) of climatological ALT is 1.22 m (-0.48 m) across all sites and 0.33 m (-0.04 m) without the Mongolia sites. In northern Alaska, both ALT retrievals from airborne remote sensing for 2015 and the corresponding simulated ALT exhibit limited skill versus in situ measurements at the model scale. In addition, the simulated ALT has larger spatial variability than the remotely sensed ALT, although it agrees well with the retrievals when considering measurement uncertainty. Controls on the spatial variability of ALT are examined with idealized numerical experiments focusing on northern Alaska; meteorological forcing and soil types are found to have dominant impacts on the spatial variability of ALT, with vegetation also playing a role through its modulation of snow accumulation. A correlation analysis further reveals that accumulated above-freezing air temperature and maximum snow water equivalent explain most of the year-to-year variability of ALT nearly everywhere over the model-simulated permafrost regions.

DOI: 10.5194/tc-13-2087-2019

2019083918 DiPietro, Lyndsay M. (Baylor University, Department of Geosciences, Waco, TX); Driese, Steven G. and Goebel, Ted. Deposition and pedogenesis of periglacial sediments and buried soils at the Serpentine Hot Springs archaeological site, Seward Peninsula, AK: Catena (Giessen), 170, p. 204-223, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch maps, 81 ref., November 2018.

Soil micromorphology is an excellent tool for relating quantitative laboratory data to soil development in complex pedogenic settings. This study utilizes micromorphology, scanning electron microscopy, bulk soil geochemistry, clay mineralogy, and particle-size analysis to reconstruct the depositional and pedogenic history of the Serpentine Hot Springs fluted point site on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Sediment deposition occurred via colluviation, which dominated during the late glacial period and early- to middle-Holocene, and aeolian processes, which dominated during the Younger Dryas (YD) and late Holocene. Two buried soils are present: one dating to the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) and the other dating just before the Neoglacial period. Pedofeatures fall into four categories: 1) cryogenic features; 2) clay illuviation features; 3) podzolization/redox features; and 4) anthropogenic features. The spatial relationships among these features provides insight into the pedogenic history of the soil. The HTM soil is characterized by clay illuviation, suggesting warm, mildly acidic, well-drained soil conditions. The pre-Neoglacial soil is characterized by incipient placic horizon development and podzolization, indicative of moist, acidic, variably drained conditions. Cryogenic features associated with late Holocene Neoglaciation dominate the modern soil. Despite cryogenic activity and the presence of permafrost, the cultural stratigraphy of the site remains intact.

DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.04.036

2019090569 Glotov, Vladimir E. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch, Laboratory of Oil & Gas Geology and Geo-ecology, Magadan, Russian Federation); Chlachula, Jiri; Glotova, Ludmila P. and Little, Edward. Causes and environmental impact of the gold-tailings dam failure at Karamken, the Russian Far East: Engineering Geology, 245, p. 236-247, illus. incl. 4 tables, geol. sketch map, 69 ref., November 1, 2018.

Karamken was one of the most-productive gold-processing plants of the former Soviet Union located in the Magadan Region of the Russian North Far East. This paper discusses the causes, environmental damage and current geo-ecological conditions at the site facility after the accidental breakage of the storage pond in 2009 following industrial activity termination of this state enterprise (1994). The amassed water-saturated tailings from the mineral processing amounted ~280,000 m3, corresponding to a total mass weight of 340,000 tons. The on-site multi-proxy investigations indicate synergic effects of hydrogeology, meteorology, engineering and human factors to have accounted for this major technical and environmental disaster. Piled sedimentary waste masses mobilized by removal of the dam-protective construction components initiated a water leakage into the main dam body and its eventual failure. Activated thixotropic processes of plagioclase clay-enriched sediments in conjunction with heavy machinery works on top of the 27 m-high frontal levee above destabilized permafrost grounds together with lack of the facility maintenance are the main causes for this industrial accident. The outburst of the accumulated deposits spilled large quantities of toxic elements stored in the pulverized saturated tailings, poisoning ground waters and causing severe damage to the local riverine ecosystem and fishery, as well as destruction of the nearby town with human casualties. The identified spillage risk factors could be used to forecast the stability of other similar facilities in the sub-Arctic areas.

DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.08.012

2019090588 Le, Thi Minh Hue (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway); Depina, Ivan; Guegan, Emilie and Sinitsyn, Anatoly. Thermal regime of permafrost at Varandey Settlement along the Barents Sea coast, north west Arctic Russia: Engineering Geology, 246, p. 69-81, illus. incl. sketch map, 8 tables, sects., 27 ref., November 28, 2018.

Soil temperature variation is one of the governing factors of mechanical properties of frozen soils and has a large effect on the stability of soil masses in regions affected by permafrost. The understanding of the thermal regime is critical for planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining infrastructure needed to sustain communities and/or industries in these regions. Detailed studies on the effects of thermal variations based on field data measured in permafrost are limited due to the high cost and high risk associated with field investigations in these remote areas. This study will contribute to bridge the current knowledge gap through an investigation of the thermal regime in permafrost at Pesyakov Island in the Varandey settlement along the Barents Sea coast, in northwest Arctic Russia. Samples were collected and thermistor string was installed at a series of 6 boreholes along a 500 m transect. The transect crosses a coastal barrier island from the beach margin through a dune belt to the laida zone. Continuous measurement of the ground temperature over a period of two years reveals a strong correlation between the surface conditions (air temperature, vegetation, snowfall) and the variation of soil temperature above the permafrost. Numerical modelling of the transect, calibrated with the measured soil temperature, shows important features of the thermal profile, including the existence of frozen soil lenses within unfrozen soil masses and vice versa.

DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.09.026

2019090589 Nassr, Ali (University of Exeter, Department of Engineering, Exeter, United Kingdom); Esmaeili-Falak, Mahzad; Katebi, Hooshang and Javadi, Akbar. A new approach to modeling the behavior of frozen soils: Engineering Geology, 246, p. 82-90, illus. incl. 2 tables, 38 ref., November 28, 2018.

In this paper a new approach is presented for modeling the behavior of frozen soils. A data-mining technique, Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR), is used for modeling the thermo-mechanical behavior of frozen soils including the effects of confining pressure, strain rate and temperature. EPR enables to create explicit and well-structured equations representing the mechanical and thermal behavior of frozen soil using experimental data. A comprehensive set of triaxial tests were carried out on samples of a frozen soil and the data were used for training and verification of the EPR model. The developed EPR model was also used to simulate the entire stress-strain curve of triaxial tests, the data for which were not used during the training of the EPR model. The results of the EPR model predictions were compared with the actual data and it was shown that the proposed methodology can extract and reproduce the behavior of the frozen soil with a very high accuracy. It was also shown that the EPR model is able to accurately generalize the predictions to unseen cases. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the model developed from raw experimental data is able to extract and effectively represent the underlying mechanics of the behavior of frozen soils. The proposed methodology presents a unified approach to modeling of materials that can also help the user gain a deeper insight into the behavior of the materials. The main advantages of the proposed technique in modeling the complex behavior of frozen soil have been highlighted.

DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.09.018

2019086054 Fucks, Enrique (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Centro de Estudios Integrales de la Dinámica Exógena, La Plata, Argentina); Corbat, Maria Cecilia and Juárez, Oscar. Geomorphological features and processes in the Sierra de Famatina, La Rioja: Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 85, p. 160-167, illus. incl. sketch map, 38 ref., August 2018.

The Sierra de Famatina is considered the highest elevation outside the Argentine Andes Cordillera, being the General Belgrano hill, 6097 masl, the main height. This altitudinal situation favored the development of glaciers during the cold events of the cyclical Quaternary climatic fluctuations, giving shape to a territory with very complex morphologies. The aim of this contribution is to describe the current and past geomorphological processes in the vicinity of the highest sector of the Sierra de Famatina through different forms of the landscape, which put together allow the recognition of the geomorphological evolution of the region. At present, extreme weather lead to periglacial conditions above 4000 m and glacial above 6000 m, generating ice and snow patches almost without movements in flat to flat-concave sections of the watersheds, and rock glaciers, gelifluction lobes and earth hummocks in cirques, troughs and walls of valleys. Depending on the features of glacial accumulation, three cold events can be recognized, the youngest one (MIS2) with limited distribution, is restricted to the heads of troughs and cirques, from whose deposits the rock glaciers develop. The second one, observed near Puesto Tres Piedras, is represented by moraine-shaped glacier deposits above 3000 m height, and would belong to the Middle-Late Pleistocene. The oldest glacier deposits, early-middle Pleistocene, are in higher topographies. Below 3000 m, valleys are rocky and steep-sided, with permanent courses due not only to low rainfall, but mainly to the melting of the permafrost, forming important reservoirs of water.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2018.05.008

2019088289 Arzhanov, M. M. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow, Russian Federation); Malakhova, V. V. and Mokhov, I. I. Simulation of the conditions for the formation and dissociation of methane hydrate over the last 130,000 years: Doklady Earth Sciences, 480(2), p. 826-830, illus. incl. 1 table, 15 ref., June 2018.

DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X18060211

2019088051 Knight, Jasper (University of the Witwatersrand, School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, Johannesburg, South Africa) and Harrison, Stephan. Transience in cascading paraglacial systems: Land Degradation & Development, 29(6), p. 1991-2001, illus. incl. 1 table, 93 ref., June 2018. Part of a special issue entitled Paraglacial processes.

Two main ways in which the progress of deglaciation in mountains can be identified and monitored are through (a) meltwater loss over time as glaciers and permafrost melt and (b) enhanced sediment yield over time as loose sediments are released downslope. Conceptually, both these outcomes of glacier retreat can be considered through their relationship to models of paraglacial landscape evolution, which describe how volume fluxes of meltwater and sediments change over time in mountains that are becoming deglacierized, and the different landforms that exist during different stages of landscape evolution. This paper critically reconsiders paraglacial landscape evolution models with respect to the separate timings and magnitudes of meltwater and sediment fluxes, drawing from examples from past and present deglacierizing mountains worldwide. This analysis shows that constructions of paraglacial systems simply as sediment cascades cannot be uncritically supported and that paraglacial systems can be best considered as reflecting transient stages of evolution in which meltwater and sediment fluxes vary over time and space. These transient properties of paraglacial systems have important implications for the ways in which the dynamics of these systems are conceptualized and modelled, with respect to the paraglacial evolution of mountain landscapes and mountain geohazards, especially under conditions of global warming and glacier recession. Abstract Copyright (2018), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2994

2019083820 Dong Huaimin (China University of Petroleum, School of Geosciences, Qingdao, China); Sun Jianmeng; Lin Zhenzhou; Fang Hui; Li Yafen; Cui Likai and Yan Weichao. 3D pore-type digital rock modeling of natural gas hydrate for permafrost and numerical simulation of electrical properties: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15(1), p. 275-285, illus., 32 ref., February 2018.

Natural gas hydrate is being considered as an alternative energy source for sustainable development and has become a focus of research throughout the world. In this paper, based on CT scanning images of hydrate reservoir rocks, combined with the microscopic distribution of hydrate, a diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) model was used to construct 3D hydrate digital rocks of different distribution types, and the finite-element method was used to simulate their electrical characteristics in order to study the influence of different hydrate distribution types, hydrate saturation and formation of water salinity on electrical properties. The results show that the hydrate digital rocks constructed using the DLA model can be used to characterize the microscopic distribution of different types of hydrates. Under the same conditions, the resistivity of the adhesive hydrate digital rock is higher than the cemented and scattered type digital rocks, and the resistivity of the scattered hydrate digital rock is the smallest among the three types. Besides, the difference in the resistivity of the different types of hydrate digital rocks increases with an increase in hydrate saturation, especially when the saturation is larger than 55%, and the rate of increase of each of the hydrate types is quite different. Similarly, the resistivity of the three hydrate types decreases with an increase in the formation of water salinity. The single distribution hydrate digital rock constructed, combined with the law of microscopic distribution and influence of saturation on the electrical properties, can effectively improve the accuracy of logging identification of hydrate reservoirs and is of great significance for the estimation of hydrate reserves. Copyright (Copyright) 2018 Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute

DOI: 10.1088/1742-2140/aa8a8e

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The abstracts in English for the following citations can be found at: https://www.uspermafrost.org/reports/Pushchino_Program&Abstracts_2019.pdf

2019086198 Aleksyutina, Daria (Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Ogorodov, S.; Shabanova, N. and Maznev, S. Modeling of thermal abrasion coastal dynamics at the Kara Sea [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 41-42, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086235 Ananicheva, Maria (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Belozerov, E. V. and Pakin, G. Yu. Small forms of glaciation; Chukotka and the Verkhneangarsky Range; why do they survive? [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 92-94, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086199 Andreeva, Varvara (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Maksimov, G. T.; Spektor, V.; Kholodov, A. and Davydov, S. Cryostratigraphy of the upper horizon of permafrost at the post-fire sites in vicinity of the Town of Chersky [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 43-44, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086200 Babkina, Elena A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Leibman, M.; Dvornikov, Yu. A.; Fakashuk, N.; Khairullin, Rustam R. and Khomutov, Artem V. Activation of cryogenic processes in central Yamal as a result of climate change and thermal state of permafrost [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 44-45, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086295 Badmaev, Nima (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation) and Bazarov, A. Temperature field and the "mirror image" of the thawing and freezing processes of the cryoarid catenae soils in central Buryatia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 180-181, illus., 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086216 Baranskaya, Alisa (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Belova, N.; Romanenko, F. and Maslakov, Aleksey. Quaternary sediments and massive ice beds of the Gulf of Lavrentiya, Chukotka [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 67-68, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086201 Boyko, Alexey A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geocryology, Moscow, Russian Federation). Alpine permafrost geothermal zonation in the Udokan Ridge (Zabaykalsky Krai) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 46, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086191 Buldovich, Sergey (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geocryology Department, Moscow, Russian Federation); Khilimonyuk, V. Z.; Bychkov, A.; Vorobyev, S.; Ospennikov, E.; Chuvilin, E.; Gorshkov, E.; Kotov, P. I.; Motenko, R.; Amanzhurov, R.; Gunar, A. and Cherbunina, M. The cryogenic origin of the Yamal phenomenon [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 32-34, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086186 Dolgikh, Andrey (Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Soil Geography and Evolution, Moscow, Russian Federation); Shorkunov, I.; Mergelov, N. and Goryachkin, Sergey S. Soil diversity of the Bunger Hills (Wilkes Land, East Antarctica) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 22-23, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086229 Dolgopolova, Elena (Russian Academy of Sciences, Water Problem Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation); Maslikova, O. Ya.; Gritsuk, I. I. and Ionov, D. N. Laboratory investigations of flow and bank interactions of the river in cryosphere [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 83-84, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086274 Donetskov, Aleksandr A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Zotova, L. Cryogenic landscapes stability to the exogenous processes activation (on the example of the Medvezhye gas field, West Siberia) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 151-153, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086222 Fedorov, Aleksandr A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Basharin, N. I.; Konstantinov, P. Y. and Efremov, P. V. Degradation of ice-wedges in central Yakutia under the modern climate warming [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 74-75, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086262 Fedorov, Aleksandr A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Torgovkin, Y.; Vasilyev, N.; Shestakova, A.; Konstantinov, P.; Samsonova, V.; Kalinicheva, S. and Basharin, N. I. Digital thematic mapping of the current state of permafrost landscapes in Yakutia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 133-134, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086228 Frolov, Denis (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation). The influence of winter seasonal temperature conditions, snowfalls and snow cover thickness accumulation variations on ground freezing depth [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 81-82, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086238 Galanin, Alexey (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Qingbai, W. and Ze, Z. Permafrost-aeolian processes in cold and arid regions of eastern Siberia and Tibetan Plateau [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 98-99, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086239 Gavrilov, Anatoly V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation); Fridenberg, A. I.; Goncharova, A. M.; Khilimonyuk, V. Z.; Pizhankova, E. I. and Buldovich, S. N. Stages of study of the Kara Sea shelf cryolithozone [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 99-101, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086297 Golovleva, Iuliia (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Krasilnikov, Pavel. Pedodiversity of the cryolithozone in the Siberian middle taiga [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 183-184, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086301 Goncharova, Olga O. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Soil Science Department, Moscow, Russian Federation); Matyshak, Georgy G.; Tarkhov, M.; Timofeeva, M.; Sefilian, A. and Petrov, D. Carbon redistribution in soils of hydromorphic ecosystems in the permafrost zone (north-western Siberia, Russia) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 187-188, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086293 Goryachkin, Sergey S. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Badmaev, Nima and Desyatkin, R. Problems of permafrost-affected soils classification and their places in different taxonomic systems [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 178-179, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086275 Grebenets, Valery I. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geography Department, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Sokratov, S. A. Evaluation of the negative impact of permafrost processes on the transport systems of eastern Siberia and the Far East [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 153-154, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086270 Grebenets, Valery I. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Cryolitology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Tolmanov, V. A. and Yurov, F. D. Infrastructure deformations in the Arctic under the influence of cryogenic processes [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 143-144, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086272 Gribovskii, Gleb G. (R&D Simmakers, Minsk, Belarus); Gordiychuk, V. and Ramanouski, Yu. Verification of climatic and geological data in natural conditions using computer simulation of the permafrost ground thermal regime [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 148-149, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086282 Gribovskii, Gleb G. (R&D Simmakers, Minsk, Belarus); Makoyed, A. and Ramanouski, Yu. Error analysis of the numerical solution of soil freezing problem depending on mesh size [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 162-163, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086232 Gubareva, Tatiana T. (Institute of Water Problems, Moscow, Russian Federation); Gartsman, B. and Vasilenko, N. Possibilities for estimating the runoff components of rivers in cryolithozone by tracer methods [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 87-89, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086203 Gubarkov, Anatoly (Tyumen Industrial University, Russian Federation); Ponomareva, Olga E.; Drozdov, D. S.; Gravis, A. G.; Moskovchenko, D. V. and Samsonova, V. V. West Siberian geocryological transect; a new site in the northern taiga [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 49-50, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086299 Gubin, Stanislav (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Puschchino, Russian Federation). The soil-forming environmental characteristics of the north-east Arctic coastal areas of Russia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 185-186, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086269 Iurov, F. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Marchenko, N. Application of laser scanning for evaluation of deformations of linear objects in the cryolithozone [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 142-143, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086290 Kapralova, Veronika N. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Moscow, Russian Federation); Victorov, A. S. and Orlov, Timofey V. Comparison of lakes within the lake-thermokarst and erosion-thermokarst plains with the help of mathematical morphology of landscape [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 174-175, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086261 Kaverin, Dmitry (Russian Academy of Sciences, Komi Institute of Biology, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation); Khomutov, Artem V.; Sadurtdinov, Marat R.; Sudakova, Maria S. and Pastukhov, A. Application of high-frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR) to studies of permafrost-affected peat plateaus [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 132-133, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086276 Khairullin, Rustam R. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Dvornikov, Yu. A.; Leibman, M. and Khomutov, Artem V. Gas-emission crater prediction map; first results [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 154-155, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086219 Khomutov, Artem (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Leibman, M.; Kizyakov, A.; Babkina, Elena A.; Dvornikov, Yu. A. and Khairullin, Rustam R. Monitoring of thermocirques, their activation and growth controls, central Yamal, Russia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 70-71, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086204 Kizyakov, Aleksandr (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Günther, F.; Zimin, M. V. and Sonyushkin, A. V. Coastal dynamics of the Kolguev Island [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 52-53, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086277 Komova, N. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Maslakov, Aleksey. Modeling of seasonal freezing depth in western Moscow region [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 155-156, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086220 Konstantinov, Pavel (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation) and Fedorov, Aleksandr A. The long-term temperature dynamics of the permafrost in the areas of cuttings of larch forests (central Yakutia, Russia) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 72, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086205 Koroleva, Ekaterina (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Slagoda, Elena A. and Tikhonravova, Ya. V. Frost boils of the Pur-Taz interfluve [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 53-54, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086278 Krotkov, V. E. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Kizyakov, A. I. Cryolithological map on the Barentsburg neighborhood (Land of Nordenskiold, Svalbard) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 156-157, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086279 Kukarina, Ekaterina (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation). Morphometry of water bodies on Kurungnakh Island (Lena Delta) on the basis of aerial imagery [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 158, illus., 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086298 Lapina, L. E. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Water Problems, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Zyryanov, V. N. Pumping-effect in soils of permafrost [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 184-185, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086241 Larin, Sergey I. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Cryosphere Earth Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Laukhin, S. A.; Alekseeva, V. A. and Larina, N. S. Spatial diversity of the relict cryogenic relief forms of the periglacial region of western Siberia (Russia) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 103-104, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086233 Lebedeva, Lyudmila (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Shamov, V.; Tarbeeva, A. and Efremov, V. River runoff generation at the small research watershed in continuous permafrost environment in central Yakutia, Russia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 90-91, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086242 Lebedeva, Lyudmila L. (Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Tarbeeva, A.; Efremov, V. and Ogonerov, Vasily V. Permafrost under the river and forest; how local hydro(geo)logy influences ground temperature [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 104, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086188 Leibman, Maria (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Kizyakov, A. I.; Dvornikov, Yu. A.; Khairullin, Rustam R.; Khomutov, Artem V.; Babkina, Elena A. and Streletskaya, I. D. Gas-emission craters puzzle; 4 years of investigations [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 26-27, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086206 Levochkina, Olga (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Tumskoy, V. Present evolution of Ivashkina Lagoon (Laptev Sea) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 54-55, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086226 Lugovoy, N. N. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Romanenko, F. A. Permafrost islands on the Tersky coast of the White Sea [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 79-80, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086280 Lukyanov, Sergey (Moscow State University, Department of Cryolitology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation). Cryogenesis features of the Kolyma southern highlands [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 160-161, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086281 Lupachev, Alexey (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Pushchino, Russian Federation). The approaches to the analysis of the polychemical pollution of cryogenic soils and upper permafrost [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 161-162, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086260 Makarycheva, Elizaveta (Centre for Monitoring and Geoinformation Systems of Pipeline Transportation Facilities, Transneft R&D, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kuznetsov, T. I. and Ibragimov, E. R. Geotechnical monitoring of pipeline systems in permafrost conditions [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 130-132, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086207 Maleeva, Anna (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Tumskoy, V. E.; Shilenkov, V. V. and Zadorozhnaya, N. A. Cryogenic structure of deposits on the 70-75 m terrace of Aldan River (Mamontova Gora outcrop) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 56-57, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086196 Malkova, Galina (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Sadurtdinov, Marat R.; Skvortsov, A. G.; Sudakova, Maria S. and Tsarev, A. M. Distribution and dynamics of permafrost in the floodplain of the Pechora River; results of complex geocryological and geophysical monitoring [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 39-40, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086190 Marakhtanov, Vadim (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation). A physico-mathematical model of the injection mounds of swelling (bulgunnyakh, pingo) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 29-30, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086208 Melnikov, Vladimir (Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth Cryosphere Institute Tyumen Scientific Centre, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Gennadinik, V. Variety of characteristic times of cryogenic phenomena [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 57-58, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086254 Milanovskiy, Svet S. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russian Federation); Velikin, S. and Petrunin, A. Geophysical monitoring of permafrost in Yakutia; observation and modelling [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 123-124, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086283 Mironenko, K. (N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation); Kuznetsova, I. and Sobolev, N. Influence of cryogenesis in soils on desorption of lead [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 163-164, illus. incl. 1 table, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086231 Nesterova, Natalia (Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) and Makarieva, O. M. Hydrological modelling of the maximum runoff characteristics at small rivers in the permafrost zone [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 85-86, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086252 Nesterova, Nina N. (Tyumen State University, X-bio Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation). Analysis of the global ESA GlobPermafrost map for Scandinavia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 121-122, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086189 Nikitin, Kirill (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Badu, Y. Preliminary results of a study the frost mound in the north of western Siberia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 27-28, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086265 Nuteveket, Marina (Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Anadyr, Russian Federation); Tregubov, Oleg O. and Uyagansky, K. Problems of reinterpretation of past years in engineering geology (on the example of the Anadyr City) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 137-138, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086243 Ogonerov, Vasily V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Pavlova, N. and Danzanova, M. Permafrost and hydrogeological conditions at the inwashed reclaimed lands of the Yakutsk City [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 105-106, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086255 Olenchenko, Vladimir V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation); Grigorevskaya, A. and Tsibizov, Leonid. The application of electrical resistivity tomography in the study of the underlake talik [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 124-125, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086221 Orlov, Timofey V.; Victorov, A. S.; Kapralova, Veronika N. and Trapeznikova, O. N. Mathematical modeling of the morphological pattern development for thermokarst plains with fluvial erosion [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 73-74, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086218 Ostroumov, Vladimir (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Pushchino, Russian Federation) and Vasiliev, A. Modeling of the dynamics of subaqueous permafrost at variable rate of thermal abrasion [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 69-70, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086209 Petrov, Boris (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Streletskaya, Irina. Statistical analysis of the climatic factors influence on the active layer depth in Russian cryolithozone [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 58-59, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086308 Pismeniuk, Anfisa A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Streletskaya, I. and Gusev, E. Quaternary deposits of the Gydan Peninsula coast of western Siberia and their cryogenic structure [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 207-208, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086210 Ponomareva, Olga E. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Gravis, A. G.; Berdnikov, N. M.; Bochkarev, Yu. N. and Ustinova, E. V. Changes in the parameters of the active layer under the influence of climate warming near the southern boundary of the cryolithozone (on the example of western Siberia) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 59-61, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086253 Pugach, V. N. (JSC Research and Industrial Enterprise Etalon, Omsk, Russian Federation) and Eremin, I. I. Experience of usage and new developments of temperature monitoring systems for permafrost soils produced by Etalon Research and Production Enterprise JSC [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 122-123, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086187 Rachlewicz, Grzegorz (Liverpool University, Department of Health and Environmental Science, Liverpool, United Kingdom); Stzelecki, M. C.; Kasprzak, M.; Kostrzewski, A. and Migon, P. Does permafrost control evolution of deglaciated coastal landscapes of subantarctic islands? Answers from King George Island, South Shetlands (Antarctica) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 23-24, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086271 Ramanouski, Yury (R&D Simmakers, Minsk, Belarus). Numerical simulation of heat transfer with ice-water-steam phase change in the permafrost foundation of an elevated flare stack [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 147-148, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086267 Rivkin, Felix F. (OJSC Ymal LNG, Russian Federation); Kolesnikov, V. and Telyatnikov, D. Geotechnical monitoring UTGKM; tasks and problems and perspectives [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 139-141, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086284 Rogov, V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Grebenets, Valery I. and Iurov, F. Cryogenic weathering (destruction) of construction material in the Arctic cities [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 164-166, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086285 Ryzhov, Yu. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Earth's Crust, Irkutsk, Russian Federation) and Moroz, P. Cryogenic processes development and soil formation during Sartan Cryochrone (MIS 2) in Transbaikal river valleys (eastern Siberia, Russia) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 167-168, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086259 Sadurtdinov, Marat R. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Earth Cryosphere Institute Tyumen Scientific Centre, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Skvortsov, A. G.; Sudakova, Maria S.; Tsarev, A. M. and Malkova, G. V. Possibilities of wave methods of geophysics for permafrost monitoring on the example of CALM sites (European North) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 129-130, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086183 Sadurtdinov, Marat R. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen Scientific Centre, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Skvortsov, A. G.; Sudakova, Maria S.; Tsarev, A. M. and Malkova, G. V. Seismic and ground penetrating radar application in permafrost zone [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 18, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086286 Sapronov, D. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Sciences, Pushchino, Russian Federation) and Zanina, O. Comparative analysis of the respiratory response of Cryosols and the soils of the temperate zone for short-term freezing-thawing of the surface soil layer [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 169-170, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086244 Sekisov, Nikita N. (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation); Rachkova, A.; Makarieva, O. M. and Nesterova, N. Research watershed of the Mushketova River at the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago; field observations and modelling [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 108, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086273 Semenov, Valery (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Features of the temperature field and the zone of permafrost of the oil and gas regions of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 150-151, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086211 Sergeev, Dmitry (Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Moscow, Russian Federation); Khimenkov, A. N. and Stanilovskaya, J. V. Methodologic aspects of studying gas emission craters in permafrost [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 61-62, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086296 Shamrikova, Elena E. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Institute of Biology, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation); Deneva, S.; Kubik, O. and Panyukov, A. Carbon and nitrogen distribution patterns in the soils of the Barents Sea coastal area [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 182-183, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086212 Sheinkman, Vladimir (Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Sedov, S. N. Pseudomorphs after polygonal-ice wedges and loess-like but floodplain alluvial deposits at the top of river terraces as new confirmation that northwestern Siberia during the Pleistocene was a frozen non-glaciated area [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 62-63, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086224 Sheinkman, Vladimir (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russian Federation) and Simonov, O. A. Frozen deposits as a material for luminescence dating and a perspective to date them by means of a new TL technology [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 76-77, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086264 Shimanov, Artem A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Stanilovskaya, J. V. and Komarov, I. A. Phase composition and chemical properties of saline soils on the Arctic coast of Russia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 136-137, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086193 Sinitskiy, Anton (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, Arctic Research Center, Salekhard, Russian Federation); Kamnev, Y.; Zanoz, B. and Gromadskiy, A. The study of the transformation of the permafrost zone in a changing climate (projects of the Arctic Research Center of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 35-36, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086245 Slagoda, Elena A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Tikhonravova, Ya. V.; Kuznetsova, A. O. and Koroleva, E. S. Cryoturbations, pseudomorphs, postcryogenic textures and involutions in the frozen sediments of the Pur-Taz interfluve [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 109-110, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086192 Smulsky, Joseph J. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Earth's Cryosphere, Tumen, Russian Federation). Insolation periods of climate change as a means of solving cryospheric puzzles [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 34-35, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086287 Sosnovsky, A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Osokin, N. The effect of snow hardness on soil freezing [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 170-171, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086268 Streletskaya, Irina I. (Moscow State University, Department of Cryolitology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kizyakov, A.; Vasiliev, A.; Oblogov, G. and Nekrasov, D. Hazardous cryogenic processes on Yamal Peninsula, Marre-Sale and Bovanenkovo study areas [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 141-142, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086258 Sudakova, Maria S. (Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Vladov, M. L. Acoustic properties of water-saturated sand during freezing and thawing; results of ultrasonic laboratory measurements [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 128-129, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086213 Sysolyatin, Robert (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Rozhina, M.; Serikov, S. and Zheleznyak, M. Reaction by climate changing in north Asia mountain region (Verkhoyanian Mounts, Suntar-Khayat Ridge) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 63-64, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086194 Sysolyatin, Robert (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation) and Zheleznyak, M. Geocryological research in the Mesozoic basins of Aldan Shield [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 36-38, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086230 Tananaev, Nikita (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Kotov, P. I. and Gagarin, L. A. Modelling thermal regime of an intrapermafrost talik in central Yakutia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 84-85, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086246 Tananaev, Nikita (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation). Assessing hydrological connectivity in permafrost catchments using natural tracers [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 110-112, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086247 Tarbeeva, Anna (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Lebedeva, L. S.; Makarieva, O. M. and Shamov, V. V. Investigation of water tracks hydrology in the north-west of Yakutia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 112-113, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086214 Tikhonravova, Yana (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen, Russian Federation) and Slagoda, Elena A. Heterogeneous ice wedges at study areas on north-east sector West Siberia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 65-66, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086288 Tolmanov, Vasily V. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Moscow, Russian Federation). About the organization of a unified program for monitoring cryogenic processes [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 171-172, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086215 Torgovkin, Nikolay (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Maksimov, G. T.; Makarov, V. N. and Pavlova, N. A. Hydrochemical features of the northern coast of the Kotelniy Island [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 66-67, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086223 Torgovkin, Nikolay N. V. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation); Spektor, V. V.; Boytzova, L. Y. and Shepeleva, O. V. Geochemical features of Quaternary perennially frozen sediments in central Yakutia at example 100 m borehole [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 75-76, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086249 Tregubov, Oleg O. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Magadan, Russian Federation); Gartsman, B.; Glotov, V.; Lebedeva, L.; Nuteveket, M.; Tarbeeva, A.; Ushakov, M.; Uyagansky, K. and Shepelev, V. Seasonal ice of the active layer and stability of ecosystems of the cryolithozone in the conditions of climate fluctuations; the direction of research [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 114-115, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086184 Tumskoy, Vladimir (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology, Moscow, Russian Federation). Problems of understanding the ice complex [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 20-21, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086195 Vasiliev, Aleksandr (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tyumen, Russian Federation); Drozdov, D. S.; Gravis, A. G.; Malkova, G. V.; Oblogov, G.; Ponomareva, Olga E. and Streletskaya, I. Permafrost degradation in the western sector of Russian Arctic under climate change [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 38-39, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086266 Vasilieva, Anzhela (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk, Russian Federation) and Shesternev, D. M. Influence of urbanization on permafrost; a case study of Yakutsk [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 138-139, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086292 Veremeeva, Aleksandra (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Pushchino, Russian Federation); Günther, F.; Kizyakov, A. and Grosse, G. Analyzing tundra vegetation characteristics for enhancing terrestrial LiDAR surveys of permafrost thaw subsidence on yedoma uplands [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 176-178, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086257 Victorov, A. S. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Moscow, Russian Federation); Kapralova, Veronika N. and Orlov, Timofey V. Advanced stochastic modelling of thermokarst hazard for linear objects in uniform geological conditions [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 127-128, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086251 Volkova, Natalia N. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Streletskaya, I. and Belyaev, V. New data on the existence of paleopermafrost in the Yaroslavl region [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 119-120, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086197 Zadorozhnaia, Natalia (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geocryology, Moscow, Russian Federation); Tumskoy, V.; Maleeva, A. and Shilenkov, V. Ice complex in the Debin and Susuman River valleys (Cherskiy Range) [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 40-41, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086304 Zanina, Oksana (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Sciences, Pushchino, Russian Federation); Chernova, O.; Shidlovskiy, F.; Kirillova, I.; Zharov, A. and Kotov, A. To a question about the habitat of representatives of mammoth fauna in late Pleistocene on north-east Russia [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 202-203, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086300 Zazovskaya, Elya (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation); Mergelov, N.; Shishkov, V.; Dolgikh, A.; Turchinskaya, S.; Karelin, D. and Goryachkin, Sergey S. Cryoconites; as a source of carbon for soils and soil-like bodies of high latitudes [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 186-187, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

2019086291 Zotova, L. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Dedjusova, S. The geoecological situations assessment and mapping on regional and local level in the Russia permafrost zone [abstr.]: in International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere; program, abstracts (Alekseev, Andrey, chairperson), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Federation, Okabiolab, Russian Federation, p. 175-176, 2019. Meeting: International conference; Solving the puzzles from cryosphere, April 15-18, 2019, Pushchino, Russian Federation.

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2019086391 Morse, Peter D. (Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada); Wolfe, S. A.; McWade, T. L. and Kokelj, S. V. Permafrost degradation, subarctic Canadian Shield: Scientific Presentation - Geological Survey of Canada, Rep. No. 101, 1 sheet, illus., 4 ref., 2019. Poster.

Recent ground temperature and observational data for lithalsas in the subarctic Canadian Shield (permafrost mounds of ice-rich, fine-grained sediments) are examined in the context of an inventory of thermokarst ponding between 1945 and 2005. Results show that many lithalsas are thermally and physically degrading, and widespread thermokarst primarily relates to lithalsa distribution. Future thermokarst development in this region of extensive discontinuous permafrost will continue to be associated with lithalsas that often lack a protective surface organic layer.

DOI: 10.4095/314643

2019086388 O'Neill, Hugh Brendan (Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada); Wolfe, S. A. and Duchesne, C. Modelling ground ice in permafrost using a paleogeographic approach: Scientific Presentation - Geological Survey of Canada, Rep. No. 95, 1 sheet, illus., 9 ref., 2019. Poster.

New models depict ground ice in permafrost in Canada. The models use a new approach to calculate ground ice abundance in a geographic information system. Datasets of surficial geology, deglaciation, paleovegetation, glacial lake and marine limits, and modern permafrost distribution represent past environmental changes. Abundant massive ice is modelled in the western Arctic, preserved since deglaciation in continuous permafrost. Segregated ice is distributed in fine-grained soils, occurring in highest abundance in glacial lake and marine sediments. The modelled abundance of wedge ice reflects the exposure time of terrain to cold air temperatures following deglaciation, and is highest in the western Arctic. The model outputs reproduce observed regional ground ice conditions and are generally comparable with previous mapping. However, the new models are more detailed and better reflect observed ground ice conditions.

DOI: 10.4095/314593

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